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The word bris is in the Wiktionary

25 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English word —
  • bris n. (Judaism) Ritual male circumcision.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Icelandic
    • bris n. (Anatomy) pancreas.
  • Irish
    • bris v. (Transitive, intransitive) to break, fracture.
    • bris v. Sack, fire, dismiss.
    • bris v. (Banking) cash, (of money, bills) change.
    • bris v. (Of dam) burst.
    • bris v. (Of government) overthrow.
    • bris n. Loss.
  • Lithuanian
    • bris v. Third-person singular future of bristi.
    • bris v. Third-person plural future of bristi.
  • Norwegian bokmål - Norwegian nynorsk
    • bris n. (Weather) a breeze.
  • Old irish
    • bris v. Second-person singular imperative of brisid.
    • bris v. Third-person singular preterite conjunct of brisid, first-person singular present subjunctive conjunct of brisid.
  • Scottish gaelic
  • Serbo-croatian
    • bris n. (Medicine) swab, smear.
  • Swedish
  • Tok pisin
  • Welsh
    • bris n. Soft mutation of pris.
— In French —
  • bris n.m. (Justice) Rupture faite, le plus souvent avec violence…
  • bris n.m. (Sens figuré) Interruption.
  • bris n.m. (Marine) Pièces d’un navire, d’une embarcation qui s’est…
  • bris n.m. (Héraldique) Bande de fer fixant une porte sur ses gonds.
  • bris n.m. Pluriel de bri.
57 English words from 20 English definitions

Anatomy Banking bills Breach break breeze Bridge burst cash change circumcision conjunct dam dismiss fire first first␣person first-person␣singular fracture future government imperative intransitive Judaism Loss male male␣circumcision Medicine money mutation overthrow pancreas person plural present present␣subjunctive preterite pris Ritual Sack Second Second␣person Second-person␣singular singular smash smear Soft Soft␣mutation subjunctive swab Third Third␣person Third-person␣plural Third-person␣singular Transitive Weather Wharf

11 English words from 5 foreign definitions

embarcation est fer Interruption Justice Marine plus Rupture Sens ses violence

19 foreign words from 5 foreign definitions

avec Bande bri de␣fer faite figuré fixant gonds Héraldique navire Pièces Pluriel plus␣souvent porte qui Sens␣figuré souvent sur une

160 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

brise brisk briss Brist Brisac Brisco brises Briski brisks brisky Brison Brissy Brisach Brisack brisant Brisbin Brisbon Briscoe Briscos Briseis Briseno brisked brisken brisker brisket Briskey Briskis briskly brisk␣up brismak Brisons brisque brisses Brissie Brisson Bristed Brister bristle Bristle bristly bristol Bristol Bristou Bristow brisure brisance Brisbane Brisbins Brisbons Briscoes +110 words

111 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

fibrise fibrist Hebrish labrish subrisk Zobrist abristle fibrised fibrises fibrisol fibrists hubrises nebrises sombrish subrisks umbrisol vibrissa Zobrists algebrist Dekabrist fibrising fibrisols hubristic Octobrist rebristle rubrisher tenebrism tenebrist umbrisols vibrissae vibrissal Zabriskie algebrists Decembrish Decembrism Decembrist Dekabrists fibriscess labrisomid Novembrish Octobrists pâte␣brisée rebristled rebristles rubrishers tenebrists unbristled vibrissant Zabriskies ambrisentan +61 words

21 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

abris Ibris cabris debris bris hubris hybris nebris Bribris gimbris ginbris khabris ex-libris ex␣libris guembris guimbris biodebris Schembris space␣debris palynodebris cellular␣debris

6 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Bri BRI RIs RIS R.I.S. R.␣I.␣S.

5 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

IRB sir Sir SIR Sir.

6 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Birs IRBs RBIs ribs RIBs SBIR

56 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

abris Bairs baris biers birbs birds Bires BIRGs birks Birks birls biros Biros birrs Birrs birse Birse birsy birts Biser Boris Brias BRICs BRICS bries brigs brils brims Brims brins Brins brise brisk briss Brist brits Brits Buris CBIRS cribs dribs I-bars Ibris irbis IRBMs Irbys kirbs rabis RHIBs Ribas +6 words

38 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Bir BIR bis bis- Bri BRI BRs BRS Brs. BSI IBR IBs IBS IRB IRs IRS ISR Isr. RBI RBs RBS rib RIB RIs RIS R.I.S. R.␣I.␣S. RSI SBI sib SIB sir Sir SIR Sir. SRB Sri SRI

62 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aris bais BBIs BCIs BLIS BMIs bois Bois BOIs bras BRAS BRBs Bria BRIC brie Brie brig Brig Brig. bril brim Brim brin Brin brio brit Brit Brit- Brit. Brix Brks. BRNs bros Bros bro's bros. Bros. brus Brus Buis cris Cris Eris Fris iris Iris IRIs iris- kris Kris KRIs MRIs Mris. NRIs Oris pris tris Tris TRIs TRIS tris- URIs

11 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

bis bis- Bri BRI BRs BRS Brs. RIs RIS R.I.S. R.␣I.␣S.

16 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

baris Boris Brias BRICs BRICS bries brigs brils brims Brims brins Brins briss brits Brits Buris

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