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The word bus is in the Wiktionary

94 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • bus n. (Automotive) A motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads.
  • bus n. An electrical conductor or interface serving as a common connection for two or more circuits or components.
  • bus n. Part of a MIRV missile, having on-board motors used to deliver the warhead to a target.
  • bus n. (Medical industry, slang) An ambulance.
  • bus v. (Transitive, automotive, transport) To transport via a motor bus.
  • bus v. (Transitive, automotive, transport, chiefly US) To transport students to school, often to a more distant…
  • bus v. (Intransitive, automotive, transport) To travel by bus.
  • bus v. (Transitive, US, food service) To clear meal remains from.
  • bus v. (Intransitive, US, food service) To work at clearing the remains of meals from tables or counters; to…
  • 'bus n. Archaic form of bus.
  • bus. n. Abbreviation of business.
  • Bus. n. (Law) Abbreviation of business.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Afar
  • Afrikaans
    • bus n. (Automotive) bus.
  • Catalan
    • bus n. Diver.
    • bus n. (Archaic) A large sailing ship used in the 12th and 13th centuries, broad of beam and with two or three masts.
    • bus n. (Archaic) flattery.
    • bus n. Bus (electrical connector).
  • Catalan - Tagalog
    • bus n. Bus (vehicle).
  • Cimbrian
    • bus n. (Luserna) bus (vehicle).
  • Czech
    • bus n. Bus (motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads).
  • Danish
    • bus n. Bus, coach.
    • bus’ n. Indefinite genitive singular of bus.
  • Hungarian
    • bús adj. Sad, sorrowful.
  • Indonesian
    • bus n. Bus: a motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads.
    • bus n. Wind.
  • Irish
    • bus n. (Computing) bus.
  • Irish - Scottish gaelic - West flemish
  • Latvian
    • būs v. (He, she, it) will be; 3rd person singular future indicative form of būt.
    • būs v. (They) will be; 3rd person plural future indicative form of būt.
  • Lithuanian
    • bus v. Third-person singular future of būti.
    • bus v. Third-person plural future of būti.
    • bus v. Third-person singular future of busti.
    • bus v. Third-person plural future of busti.
  • Lombard - Romagnol
  • Luxembourgish
  • Maltese
    • bus v. Second-person singular imperative of bies.
  • Middle irish
    • bus n. (Rare, poetic) lip.
  • Norman
    • bus v. First-person singular preterite of baithe.
  • Polish
    • bus n. (Colloquial) bus.
    • Buś prop.n. A masculine surname.
    • Buś prop.n. A feminine surname.
  • Scottish gaelic
    • bus n. Mouth.
    • bus n. Pout (facial expression).
  • Serbo-croatian
    • buš v. (Kajkavian) second-person singular future of biti.
  • Somali
  • Swedish
    • bus n. (Fairly innocent) mischief (by children), pranking.
    • bus n. (Chiefly in the definite "buset") criminals (on the lower rungs of the social ladder).
  • Tagalog
    • bus n. Bus (electrical conductor).
  • Tatar
    • buş adj. Free, empty.
  • Tok pisin
    • bus n. Bush (remote rural areas).
  • West flemish
— English words, defined in German —
  • bus S. Bus, Omnibus, Autobus.
  • bus S. Hardware: busbar, Sammelleitung, Peripherie-Anschlussleitung, Verteilerschiene, Datenleitung.
  • bus V. Etwas mit einem Bus transportieren.
  • bus V. Mit einem Bus fahren.
  • bus V. US-amerikanisch: als Aushilfskraft in einem Restaurant arbeiten.
  • bus V. Umgangssprachlich, US-amerikanisch: Geschirr abräumen.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • bus n. (Verkeer) bus.
— English words, defined in French —
  • bus n. (Transport) Autobus (de la ville), bus (Familier).
  • bus n. (Transport) Autocar (routier), car (Familier).
  • bus n. (Informatique) Bus (connecteur électrique d’un ordinateur).
  • bus n. (Astronautique) Plateforme bus.
  • bus v. Transporter par bus (ou par car).
  • bus v. Emporter les plateaux ou assiettes après que la nourriture ait été mangée.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • bus s. Autobús, camión de pasajeros.
  • bus v. Transportar o llevar en autobús.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • bus s. Ônibus.
  • bus s. (Informática) barramento.
— In German —
  • Bus S. Verkehrsmittel: als Verkehrsmittel im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr…
  • Bus S. Als Verkehrsmittel im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr eingesetztes…
  • Bus S. Über eine Oberleitung angetriebenes, als elektrisches Verkehrsmittel…
  • Bus S. BUS.
  • Bus S. EDV: technisches Leitungssystem mit zugehörigen Steuerungskomponenten.
  • Bus S. Umgangssprachlich, besonders österreichisch veraltend: männliche…
— In Dutch —
  • bus n. (Verkeer) vervoermiddel op de weg voor een aanzienlijk aantal…
  • bus n. Een blikken bewaardoos met deksel (blik, blikje).
  • bus n. Collectebus.
  • bus n. Postbus, brievenbus.
  • bus n. (Informatica) een standaardmethode voor het verbinden van…
— In French —
  • bus n.m. (Transport) Véhicule de transport en commun routier pouvant…
  • bus n.m. (Architecture des ordinateurs) Ensemble de lignes de transmission…
  • bus n.m. (Électronique) Dispositif non bouclé reliant plusieurs…
  • bus v. Participe passé masculin pluriel de boire.
  • bus v. Première personne du singulier du passé simple de boire.
  • bus v. Deuxième personne du singulier du passé simple de boire.
  • bus adj. Masculin pluriel de bu.
  • Bus n.prop. (Géographie) Commune française, située dans le département…
— In Spanish —
  • bus s. Transporte. Vehículo automotor para pasajeros de gran capacidad…
  • bus s. Vehículo para pasajeros de gran capacidad que une diferentes poblaciones.
  • bus s. Informática. Cable que transmite información (bits) entre…
— In Portuguese —
  • bus s. (Estrangeirismo, anglicismo) ônibus.
— In Italian —
  • bus s. (Meccanica) (tecnologia) (ingegneria) grosso automezzo per…
  • bus s. (Elettronica) (informatica) canale attraverso cui le componenti…
146 English words from 52 English definitions

Abbreviation along ambulance and Archaic areas automotive beam board broad bus Bush business centuries chiefly children circuits clear clearing coach Colloquial common components Computing conductor connection connector counters criminals definite deliver distant Diver Dust electrical empty expression facial facial␣expression Fairly feminine First First␣person First-person␣singular flattery food food␣service for Forest form Free from future genitive having having␣on Hole imperative Indefinite indicative industry innocent interface Intransitive Kajkavian ladder large Law lip lower Luserna masculine masts meal meals Medical MIRV mischief missile more motor motors motor␣vehicle Mouth numbers of␣a often on␣board on␣the Part people person plural poetic Pout pranking preterite Rare remains remote roads rungs rural Sad sailing sailing␣ship school second second␣person second-person␣singular service serving she ship singular slang social social␣ladder sorrowful students surname tables target the They Third Third␣person Third-person␣plural Third-person␣singular three Transitive transport transporting travel two used used␣to Vagina vehicle via warhead will Wind with work work␣at

48 English words from 42 foreign definitions

ait als après Architecture assiettes Autobus Autocar automotor bits blik bouclé bus busbar Cable car Commune dans département des Dispositif EDV een Ensemble entre gran Hardware het les masculin met non Omnibus par para passé per plateaux Postbus Première que reliant Restaurant routier simple transmission transport Transporter van

2 foreign words from 52 English definitions

bies busti

105 foreign words from 42 foreign definitions

aantal aanzienlijk abräumen amerikanisch angetriebenes anglicismo après␣que arbeiten Astronautique attraverso autobús automezzo barramento besonders blikje blikken boire brievenbus camión canale capacidad Collectebus commun componenti connecteur cui deksel de␣la Deuxième Deuxième␣personne diferentes du␣passé eine einem eingesetztes électrique Électronique elektrisches Elettronica Emporter en␣commun Estrangeirismo été Etwas fahren Familier française Géographie Geschirr grosso información informatica Informatique ingegneria lignes llevar mangée männliche Meccanica mit nourriture Oberleitung öffentlichen ônibus ordinateur ordinateurs österreichisch Participe Participe␣passé pasajeros passé␣simple Peripherie Personennahverkehr personne Plateforme Plateforme␣bus pluriel plusieurs poblaciones pouvant Première␣personne singulier située technisches tecnologia transmite Transportar Transporte transport␣en␣commun transportieren Über Umgangssprachlich une US-amerikanisch Véhicule Vehículo veraltend verbinden Verkeer Verkehrsmittel vervoermiddel ville voor weg zugehörigen

804 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Busa bush Bush busk Busk Buso buss Buss bust busy busaa Busan Busas Busay busby Busby Busch Busco bused buses 'buses Busey busha Busha Bushi bushy busie Buske busks Busks busky Busse bussu bussy busta busto Busto busts busty Busald busbar bus␣bar Busbee busboy busbys buscon Buseth Buseys busful bushas Bushas +753 words

1173 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

abus'd abuse abused abusee abuser abuses abusio abusua ambush arbust bebusy e-buses embush embusy go␣bush go␣bust I'm␣busy Jebusi mbusas or␣bust rebush robust unbusy Wabush abusage abusees abusers abusest abuseth abusing abusion abusive abustle abusuas ale-bush ambusht babusya coabuse combust Cutbush e-busses emu␣bush Fawbush Forbush Furbush get␣busy gibuses got␣busy hagbush harbush +1123 words

207 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

ABUs DBUs e-bus IBUs MBUs OBUs TBUs Albus babus Babus Cebus Cobus debus embus fubus gibus GUBUs habus hubus Jebus Labus lobus ombus Pybus rebus rubus SCBUs tabus yabus zebus AANBUS Agabus airbus Airbus dimbus Erebus Forbus globus hagbus harbus iambus jambus Jeebus JewBus limbus Limbus morbus nimbus Probus sorbus +157 words

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

sub sub- sub.

7 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

SBU sub sub- sub. UBs UBS USB

91 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ABUs Basu Baus Beus BGSU Bisu Bous brus Brus BTUs Buas bubs Bubs buds Buds BUDs Bues bugs Bugs Buis Buks bums Bums buns Buns burs Burs Busa bush Bush busk Busk Buso buss Buss bust busy buts but's buys Buys cubs Cubs CUBs DBUs D-sub dubs Dubs e-bus fubs +41 words

33 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

bs Bs BS b's B's B&S BS. B+'s B.S. B−'s B.␣S. b******s bu Bu BU B/U sb SB s/b sb. Su SU UB us Us US U$ u's u/s U's U/S U.S. U.␣S.

140 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Aus AUs AU$ a.u.s A.U.'s bas Bas BAs BAS B.A.s B.A.'s B.A.S. B.␣A.␣S. bbs BBs BBS Bs B&Bs B␣&␣Bs BCs BCS bds BDs BDS bes Bes BEs BES bfs BFs BFS bgs BHs BHS bis bis- BJs bks Bks bks. BLs BLS B.L.S. BMs BMS BNS bos BOS Bos. bps Bps BPs BPS BQs BQS Bq's BRs BRS Brs. BSs BSS BTs BTS Bua bub Bub BUC bud Bud BUD Bue BUF bug Bug Buh Bui BUI buj Buk bum bun Bun BUN bur Bur bur- but But but- buy buz BWs BWS bys b'ys cus CUs DUs EUS FUs (+40 words)

26 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

bs Bs BS b's B's B&S BS. B+'s B.S. B−'s B.␣S. b******s bu Bu BU B/U us Us US U$ u's u/s U's U/S U.S. U.␣S.

29 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Baus Beus Bous brus Brus BTUs Buas bubs Bubs buds Buds BUDs Bues bugs Bugs Buis Buks bums Bums buns Buns burs Burs buss Buss buts but's buys Buys

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