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The word ego is in the Wiktionary

51 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • ego n. The self, especially with a sense of self-importance.
  • ego n. (Psychology, Freudian) The most central part of the mind, which mediates with one’s surroundings.
  • ego- pref. Self.
  • ego- pref. Goats.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Catalan
    • ego n. Ego (the self).
  • Czech - Finnish - Ido - Latvian - Serbo-croatian
  • Czech - Finnish - Turkish
    • ego n. (Psychoanalysis) ego.
  • Galician
    • -ego suff. Forms adjectives from nouns and verbs, often indicating a relation, belonging, or origin.
    • -ego suff. Forms nouns from nouns.
  • Hungarian
    • égő part. Present participle of ég.
    • égő adj. Burning.
    • égő adj. Flame red (having a brilliant red color reminiscent of flame).
    • égő adj. (Of emotions) burning, consuming, intense, inflaming, exciting, powerful.
    • égő adj. (Slang) awkward.
    • égő n. Light bulb.
    • égő n. Gas burner.
  • Indonesian
    • ego n. (Psychology) ego.
  • Latvian
    • ego n. Eglantine.
  • Polish
    • ego n. (Psychoanalysis) ego (the most central part of the mind which mediates with one’s surroundings).
    • -ego suff. Forms personal, animate, and inanimate masculine genitive singular adjectives.
    • -ego suff. Forms neuter genitive singular adjectives.
    • -ego suff. Forms personal and animate masculine accusative singular adjectives.
  • Turkish
    • ego n. Ego (the self, especially with a sense of self-importance).
— English words, defined in French —
  • ego n. (Psychologie) Moi.
  • ego n. Orgueil.
  • Ego n. Ego, dans une structure familiale.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • ego s. Ego.
  • ego s. Filosofía y Psicología. Ego, yo.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • ego s. Ego.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • ego s. (Psicologia) ego, io.
— In German —
  • Ego S. Wissenschaftlich: das Ich.
  • Ego S. Umgangssprachlich, häufig negativ belegt: das Bild, das eine…
— In Dutch —
  • ego n. Gevoel van eigenwaarde.
— In Latin —
  • ego pron. (Pronomen primae personae.).
— In French —
  • ego n.m. (Psychologie) Représentation et conscience que l’on a de…
  • ego n.m. (Spécialement) (Spiritualité) Partie de soi qui se sent…
  • ego n.m. Orgueil, vanité.
  • Ego n.m. Soi-même, la personne du point de vue dans une structure familiale.
  • Ego n.fam. Nom de famille.
  • égo n.m. Moi, représentation et conscience que l’on a de soi-même.
— In Spanish —
  • ego s. Filosofía y Psicología. Conciencia de la persona humana…
  • ego s. Psicología (psicoanálisis). En el modelo estructural de Freud…
  • ego s. Valoración positiva que un sujeto hace de sí mismo.
  • Ego s. Apellido.
  • -ego suf. Forma adjetivos, y algunos sustantivos, indicando "que…
— In Portuguese —
  • ego- pref. Prefixo que exprime a ideia de eu.
  • ego- pref. Prefixo que exprime a ideia de cabra.
— In Italian —
  • ego s. (Psicologia) (medicina) (psichiatria) (psicanalisi) consapevolezza di sé.
  • ego s. L’Io di una persona.
  • ego s. (Per estensione), (colloquale) esagerata importanza data a sé stessi.
  • ego pron. (Letterario, Poetico, Aforismi) Pronome in prima persona singolare, io.
64 English words from 23 English definitions

accusative adjectives and animate awkward belonging brilliant bulb burner burning central color consuming Eglantine ego emotions especially exciting flame Forms Freudian from Gas Gas␣burner genitive Goats having importance inanimate indicating inflaming intense Light Light␣bulb masculine mediates mind most neuter nouns often one origin part participle personal powerful Present Present␣participle Psychoanalysis Psychology red relation reminiscent self self-importance sense singular Slang surroundings the verbs which with

21 English words from 28 foreign definitions

conscience dans das data ego Freud hace Ich Moi Nom Orgueil Per persona personae point prima que sent soi structure van

67 foreign words from 28 foreign definitions

adjetivos Aforismi algunos Apellido belegt Bild cabra Conciencia consapevolezza de␣la de␣soi-même eigenwaarde eine esagerata estensione estructural exprime familiale famille Filosofía Forma Gevoel häufig humana ideia importanza indicando in␣prima␣persona Letterario l’on medicina même mismo modelo negativ Nom␣de␣famille Partie Per␣estensione personne Poetico point␣de␣vue positiva Prefixo prima␣persona Pronome Pronomen psicanalisi psichiatria psicoanálisis Psicología Psychologie qui représentation singolare soi-même Spécialement Spiritualité stessi sujeto sustantivos Umgangssprachlich una une Valoración vanité vue Wissenschaftlich

142 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

egos EGOT egoic e-gold Egolf eGoli Egoli egoboo egodic egofag egoism egoïsm egoist egoity Egolfs egonet egocast egocide egofags egofest egohood egoical egoisms egoists egoitis egoless egolike egology egomism egonets egoscan Egoscue ego-self Egoslav egosurf ego-surf egotise egotism egotist egotize ego-trip ego␣trip e-govern egoboost egocasts egocidal egocides egofests egoistic egoïstic +92 words

1177 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

begob begod begot degod degor Degos jegog Le␣God legos Legos LEGOs pegol pegos PEGOT regos Regos regot segol segos Segos Segou Ségou tegos vegos begods begoes beg␣off begohm begold begone begore begowk begown boegoe chegoe Cregos diegos Diegos Gregor gregos Gregos he-goat legong megohm moegoe negoce Oregon peg␣out segols Segolt +1127 words

77 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

bego lego Lego LEGO mego pego rego Rego sego Sego tego vego Crego diego Diego Enego grego Grego Onego Owego prego toego Trego Abrego cobego forego Galego Griego nonego Orrego Oswego Otsego Pliego Priego umbego asinego Borrego Gallego Hercego- Herzego- in␣one␣go Mondego Norvego- on␣the␣go pure␣ego tschego Abednego all␣the␣go alter-ego alter␣ego +27 words

8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

EOG geo GEO geo- Geo. goe Goe GOE

79 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

agoe bego Boge doge Doge ECoG ECOG Egbo egos EGOT ENGO EOGs ergo ergo- Gebo geno Geno geno- geog geom. geon Geor. geos GEOs Gero gero- Goce goed goel Goel Goen goer go␣ER goes Goes GOEs goey goge goje gole gome gone gore Gore gose Gose gote gove Gove Hoge +29 words

31 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

eg EG E&G e.g. e.␣g. Eo EO eo- E&O E␣O ge gE Ge GE go Go GO g'ô -go- G.O. oe OE œ Œ OE. og Og OG 'og O&G O.G.

42 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ago AGO CGO eco ECO eco- Edo EDO EFO Ega EGA egd EGD egg Egg EGG EGM EGR EGs EGW Egy. EKO elo Elo emo Emo eno- Epo EPO ESO EtO ETO exo- Ezo GGO IGO Ngo NGO ogo PGO TGO ygo

16 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

eg EG E&G e.g. e.␣g. Eo EO eo- E&O E␣O go Go GO g'ô -go- G.O.

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Egbo ENGO ergo ergo-

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