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The word fox is in the Wiktionary

63 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • fox n. A red fox, small carnivore (Vulpes vulpes), related to dogs and wolves, with red or silver fur and a bushy tail.
  • fox n. Any of numerous species of small wild canids resembling the red fox. In the taxonomy they form the tribe…
  • fox n. The fur of a fox.
  • fox n. A fox terrier.
  • fox n. The gemmeous dragonet, a fish, Callionymus lyra, so called from its yellow color.
  • fox n. (Slang, figurative) A cunning person.
  • fox n. (Slang, figurative) A physically attractive man or woman.
  • fox n. (Slang, figurative) A person with reddish brown hair, usually a woman.
  • fox n. (Nautical) A small strand of rope made by twisting several rope-yarns together. Used for seizings, mats…
  • fox n. (Mechanics) A wedge driven into the split end of a bolt to tighten it.
  • fox n. A hidden radio transmitter, finding which is the goal of radiosport.
  • fox n. (Cartomancy) The fourteenth Lenormand card.
  • fox n. (Obsolete) A sword; so called from the stamp of a fox on the blade, or perhaps of a wolf taken for a fox.
  • fox n. (Military, aviation) Air-to-air weapon launched.
  • fox v. (Transitive) To trick, fool or outwit (someone) by cunning or ingenuity.
  • fox v. (Transitive) To confuse or baffle (someone).
  • fox v. (Intransitive) To act slyly or craftily.
  • fox v. (Intransitive) To discolour paper. Fox marks are spots on paper caused by humidity. (See foxing.)
  • fox v. (Transitive) To make sour, as beer, by causing it to ferment.
  • fox v. (Intransitive) To turn sour; said of beer, etc., when it sours in fermenting.
  • fox v. (Transitive) To intoxicate; to stupefy with drink.
  • fox v. (Transitive) To repair (boots) with new front upper leather, or to piece the upper fronts of.
  • Fox prop.n. A surname transferred from the common noun derived from the name of the animal.
  • Fox prop.n. A male given name.
  • Fox prop.n. (US, broadcasting, uncountable) Fox Broadcasting Company, a large television network from the USA.
  • Fox prop.n. A number of places in the United States…
  • Fox prop.n. A locality in the Limestone Coast region of South Australia.
  • Fox n. (Soccer) Someone connected with Leicester City Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc.
  • Fox n. (Dated) A member of the Outagamie or Meskwaki, a Native American people.
— International convention —
  • fox sym. (International standards) ISO 639-5 language code for Formosan languages.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Middle english
    • fox n. A fox or its fur.
    • fox n. A liar or schemer.
  • Old english
  • Old french
    • fox adj. Nominative and oblique masculine singular of fol.
  • Old norse
    • fǫx n. Nominative/accusative plural indefinite of fax.
  • Romanian
    • fox n. Fox terrier.
— English word, defined in German —
  • fox S. Der Fuchs.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • fox n. (Dierkunde) vos.
— English words, defined in Latin —
  • fox n.subs. √ vulpes (-is, fem.).
  • fox n.subs. Lyra (-ae, fem.) || † Species piscis, Callionymus lyra → dragonet.
  • fox n.subs. † vulpes marina (-is -ae, fem.) || Species squali, praecipue Alopias vulpinus → thintail thresher.
  • fox n.subs. (Colloquialiter) homo astutus.
  • fox n.subs. (Colloquialiter) homo blandus.
  • fox n.subs. † gladius → sword.
  • fox n.subs. (Nautice) Duo fila lanea torta coniuncte ac pice oblita.
  • fox n.subs. Fox — Tribus Amerindorum quae etiam Mesquakie vocatur.
  • fox v. Tricare.
— English words, defined in French —
  • fox n. (Mammifères) Renard.
  • fox n. (Héraldique) Renard.
  • fox v. (Transitif) Tromper, duper.
  • fox v. (Intransitif) Ruser.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • fox s. Zoología. (Vulpes vulpes) Zorro.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • fox s. Raposa.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • fox s. (Zoologia) volpe.
  • fox s. (Araldica) volpe.
— In Dutch —
  • fox n. (Informeel) hond behorend tot een ras dat oorspronkelijk…
  • fox n. (Dans) (informeel) eenvoudige ballroomdans op muziek in vierkwartsmaat.
  • fox n. (Straattaal) (verouderd) goud.
— In French —
  • fox n.m. Race de chien, abréviation de fox-terrier.
  • fox n.m. (Œnologie) Goût exagéré de cassis qu’ont certains raisins…
  • Fox n.fam. Nom de famille.
  • Fox prén. Prénom.
— In Portuguese —
  • fox s. (Cinologia) cachorro cuja proveniência da raça é inglesa.
210 English words from 36 English definitions

accusative act air Air-to-air American and animal A␣number␣of Any are attractive Australia aviation baffle beer blade bolt boots broadcasting brown bushy called canids card carnivore Cartomancy caused causing City Club coach Coast code color common common␣noun Company confuse connected craftily cunning Dated derived discolour dogs dragonet drink driven end end␣of etc fan fax ferment fermenting figurative finding fish fol. fool Football for form Formosan fourteenth fox foxing fox␣terrier from front fronts fur gemmeous given given␣name goal hair hidden humidity indefinite ingenuity International into intoxicate Intransitive ISO its language language␣code languages large launched leather Leicester Lenormand liar Limestone locality lyra made make male man marks masculine mats Mechanics member Meskwaki Military name Native Native␣American Nautical network new Nominative noun number numerous oblique Obsolete of␣a on␣paper on␣the Outagamie outwit paper people perhaps person physically piece places player plural radio radiosport red reddish red␣fox region related repair resembling rope rope␣yarns said schemer See seizings several silver singular Slang slyly small Soccer someone sour sours South South␣Australia species split split␣end spots stamp standards States strand stupefy surname sword tail taken taken␣for taxonomy television television␣network terrier the they tighten together transferred Transitive transmitter tribe trick turn twisting uncountable United United␣States upper USA Used usually weapon wedge when which wild with wolf wolves woman yarns yellow

34 English words from 27 foreign definitions

cassis Dans dat Der dragonet Duo duper een fem fila fox fox␣terrier Fuchs gladius goud homo lyra marina Mesquakie Nom pice Race raisins Raposa ras Renard Species sword terrier thresher torta tot Tribus Zorro

2 foreign words from 36 English definitions

fol vulpes

38 foreign words from 27 foreign definitions

abréviation Araldica behorend cachorro certains chien Cinologia cuja Dierkunde etiam exagéré famille fox-terrier Goût Héraldique hond informeel inglesa Intransitif Mammifères muziek Nom␣de␣famille Œnologie ont oorspronkelijk piscis Prénom raça Ruser squali Straattaal Transitif Tromper verouderd volpe vos vulpes Zoología

167 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

foxe Foxe Foxx foxy Foxy foxed foxen foxer foxes Foxes foxie foxly Foxbat fox-bat foxcub fox-cub fox␣cub Foxean foxers foxery foxess fox␣eye foxier foxies foxily foxing foxish Foxite foxnut Foxton Foxxes fox-bats fox␣bolt Foxboro foxcore fox␣cubs Foxdale fox␣evil fox␣eyes foxface foxfire fox-fire fox␣fire foxfish Foxford foxhole fox␣hole foxhood foxhunt fox␣hunt +117 words

112 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

afoxe unfoxy unfoxed dogfoxes dog-foxes kitfoxes kit␣foxes outfoxed outfoxer outfoxes red␣foxes sea␣foxes sly␣foxes blue␣foxes cefoxitin etifoxine firefoxes gray␣foxes ifoxetine nafoxadol outfoxers outfoxing Palafoxes pale␣foxes snow␣foxes Stelfoxes sulfoxide sulfoxone unfoxlike werefoxes afoxolaner brant-foxes cefoxazole cefoxitine coast␣foxes nafoxidine polar␣foxes rafoxanide silver-foxy silver␣foxy sulfoxides swift␣foxes white␣foxes arctic␣foxes Arctic␣foxes Bengal␣foxes corsac␣foxes desert␣foxes Dr.␣Fox␣effect fennec␣foxes +62 words

58 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

off␣ox dogfox dog-fox FOLFOX kitfox kit␣fox outfox red␣fox sea␣fox sly␣fox antifox blue␣fox cape␣fox firefox Firefox gray␣fox Palafox pale␣fox snow␣fox Stelfox werefox brant-fox coast␣fox polar␣fox smell␣fox swift␣fox white␣fox arctic␣fox Arctic␣fox Bengal␣fox corsac␣fox desert␣fox Desert␣Fox fennec␣fox flying␣fox island␣fox silver␣fox sly␣as␣a␣fox Darwin's␣fox Spanish␣fox Tibetan␣fox bat-eared␣fox crazy␣as␣a␣fox Rüppell's␣fox Blanford's␣fox dumb␣like␣a␣fox stone-cold␣fox crab-eating␣fox crazy␣like␣a␣fox island␣gray␣fox +8 words

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Oxf Oxf.

13 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

F-box flox Flox FLOX Foix folx foxe Foxe Foxx foxy Foxy OFEX XOFF

22 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

fo Fo FO fo' fo. F/O F.O. F.␣O. fx Fx FX F/X of OF Of- OF. ox Ox ox- XF xo XO

85 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AOX box Box cox Cox COX dox fax fix Fix FIX -fix FMX Foa FOA fob FOB F.O.B. F.␣O.␣B. FOC fod FOD foe FoE FOE fog FOG foh FOH FOI Fok FOK FOL fol. FOM fon Fon foo Foo foo' fop FOP for FOR for- fos FOs -fos fos- F/Os -fos- FOT fou FOV FoW FOW foy Foy FtX FTX GOx GOX hox HOX lox LOx LOX MOX nox Nox NOx pox rox sox Sox SOX Soʻx tox tox- -tox- vox VOx VOX wox

15 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

fo Fo FO fo' fo. F/O F.O. F.␣O. fx Fx FX F/X ox Ox ox-

7 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

F-box flox Flox FLOX Foix folx Foxx

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