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The word kob is in the Wiktionary

24 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • kob n. An African antelope closely related to the lechwe and the waterbuck, Kobus kob.
  • kob n. Any of several large game fish of the family Sciaenidae, especially the kabeljou (dusky kob or great…
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Albanian
    • kob n. Misfortune, scourge.
    • kob n. Death.
    • kob n. Deception, treachery.
  • Danish
  • Erzya
  • Hungarian
    • köb n. Cube (the third power of a number).
  • Komi-zyrian
    • ков n. Helminth.
    • ков v. Imperative singular of ковны, connegative singular of ковны.
    • кӧв n. Cord, rope.
  • Old polish
  • Russian
    • ков n. Genitive of ко́вы.
  • Serbo-croatian
  • Volapük
— In French —
  • kob n.m. Antilope africaine des marais ou des savanes dont les mâles…
— In Italian —
  • kob s. (Zoologia) bovide.
49 English words from 22 English definitions

African and antelope Any Bargain Buying closely Comb connegative Cord Cube Death Deception Destiny dusky especially family Fate fish game game␣fish Genitive great Helminth Imperative kabeljou kob large lechwe Misfortune Month Moon number of␣a Omen Pigpen power Purchase related rope scourge several singular the third to␣the treachery waterbuck Where

4 English words from 2 foreign definitions

des dont les marais

1 foreign word from 22 English definitions


6 foreign words from 2 foreign definitions

africaine Antilope bovide mâles savanes Zoologia

59 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

koba Kobe Kōbe kobo kobs Koby koban kobas Kober Koble Kobon kobos Kobuk Kobys kobyz kobza Kobza kobald kobalt Kobane kobang kobans kobene Kobers Kobets Kobles kobold kobong Kobori Kobryn kobzar kobzas Kobzas kobalds kobangs Kobarid kobeite Kobeite Koblenz kobolds kobongs kobzari kobzars Kobe␣beef kobeites Kobeites Koblents kobresia Kobuleti kobyzist +9 words

30 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

jakobid Sokoban Hakobyan jakobids Koko-Bera Nykøbing pink␣oboe tankobon Hakobyans Jakobstad pink␣oboes tankobons leukoblast mock␣object Ringkøbing back␣o'␣Bourke Jakobsonian Kursk␣Oblast leukoblasts mock␣objects sakobuvirus speiskobalt Bielsko-Biała leukoblastic sakobuviruses Skobeloff␣green macroleukoblast macroleukoblasts Osječko-baranjska Bjelovarsko-bilogorska

One prefix (New word found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)


2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

bok Bok

4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

bok Bok KBO OKB

41 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Biko Blok boak Boak bock Bock boka boke Boki boko Boko bòkò Boks boku Boky bolk bonk Bonk book Book bork Bork bosk bouk bowk buko CKBO KBOs Kibo knob koba Kobe Kōbe kobo kobs Koby Kolb Koob Kubo kybo OKBs

25 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

bk BK bk. bo Bo BO B.O. kb kB KB ko Ko KO ob Ob OB ob- ob. Ob. ok Ok OK Ok. OK. O.␣K.

83 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AOB a.o.b. bob Bob BOB cob COB dob DoB DOB d.o.b. D.O.B. EOB fob FOB F.O.B. F.␣O.␣B. gob hob Hob IOB job Job kab KAB KCB Kcb. keb Keb KGB Kib KiB KJB KKB koa Koc KO'd KOF koi KOI Kok Kol KOL KOM Koo kop Kop kor Kor KOR Kos KOs KOS Kos. KO's Koy KUB KYB lob Lob LOB mob Mob MOB nob Nob OoB OOB POB Pob. rob Rob ROB sob SOB TOB VOB Wob yob YoB YOB Y.O.B. Y.␣O.␣B.

12 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

kb kB KB ko Ko KO ob Ob OB ob- ob. Ob.

3 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

knob Kolb Koob

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