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The word lady is in the Wiktionary

65 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • lady n. (Historical) The mistress of a household.
  • lady n. A woman of breeding or higher class, a woman of authority.
  • lady n. The feminine of lord.
  • lady n. A title for someone married to a lord or gentleman.
  • lady n. A title that can be used instead of the formal terms of marchioness, countess, viscountess, or baroness.
  • lady n. (Polite or used by children) A woman: an adult female human.
  • lady n. (In the plural) A polite reference or form of address to women.
  • lady n. (Slang) Used to address a female.
  • lady n. (Ladies or ladies) Toilets intended for use by women.
  • lady n. (Informal) A wife or girlfriend; a sweetheart.
  • lady n. A woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was paid; a woman to whom one is devoted or bound.
  • lady n. (Slang) A queen (the playing card).
  • lady n. (Attributive, with a professional title) Who is a woman.
  • lady n. (Wicca) Alternative form of Lady.
  • lady n. (Archaic) gastric mill, the triturating apparatus in the stomach of a lobster, consisting of calcareous…
  • lady n. (UK, slang) A five-pound note. (Rhyming slang, Lady Godiva for fiver.)
  • lady n. (Slang, chiefly in the plural) A woman’s breast.
  • lady n. (Chess, slang, rare) A queen.
  • lady v. To address as “lady”.
  • Lady n. An aristocratic title for a woman; the wife of a lord and/or a woman who holds the position in her own…
  • Lady n. (Wicca) A high priestess.
  • Lady prop.n. The title for the (primary) female deity in female-centered religions.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Middle english
    • lady n. A woman with authority or leadership…
    • lady n. The wife of a noble or monarch.
    • lady n. A polite way to address a noble or honoured woman.
    • lady n. (By extension) Any woman.
    • lady n. A female deity (or the Virgin Mary).
  • Polish
    • lady n. Lady (aristocratic title for a woman).
    • lady n. Lady (wife of a lord).
    • lady n. Lady (woman of breeding and authority).
    • lady n. Genitive singular of lada, nominative/accusative/vocative plural of lada.
    • lądy n. Nominative/accusative/vocative plural of ląd.
    • łady n. Genitive singular of łada, nominative/accusative/vocative plural of łada.
  • Romanian
— English words, defined in German —
  • lady S. Höfliche Bezeichnung weiblicher Person(en).
  • lady S. Informelle oder brüske Anrede einer einzelnen Frau ohne ihren Namen.
  • lady S. Versal: formelle Anrede einer Angehörigen des britischen Adels oder des House of Commons, gefolgt von ihrem Namen.
  • lady S. Versal, Christentum: die Mutter seines Gründers.
  • lady S. Plural auch: Damentoilette.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • lady n. Dame.
— English words, defined in French —
  • lady n. Dame, demoiselle.
  • lady n. Lady. Titre féminin de noblesse ; féminin de lord ou titre accordé par courtoisie aux épouses ou filles…
  • lady n. (Au pluriel) Mesdames. Note : Le singulier est madam.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • lady s. Dama.
  • lady s. Señora.
  • lady adj. Dicho de un hombre que se comporta sin valor, sin responsabilidad.
  • Lady s. Título aristocrático para esposas de lores, pares y otros nobles ingleses.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • lady s. Dama.
  • lady s. Garota, mulher.
  • lady s. Senhora.
  • lady s. Esposa.
  • lady s. (Termo afetivo⚠) amada.
  • lady s. (Histórico⚠) dona-de-casa.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • lady s. Gentildonna, padrona, signora, dama.
  • lady s. Moglie.
  • Lady agg. Titolo nobiliare per donne o mogli e figlie di nobili.
  • Lady agg. Signora.
— In German —
  • Lady S. Englischer Adelstitel, Ehefrau eines Lords oder weibliches…
  • Lady S. Frau, insbesondere für gepflegte, gutaussehende oder gebildete Frau.
— In Dutch —
  • lady n. Beleefde aanduiding voor een vrouw.
  • lady n. (Engelse) edelvrouw.
— In French —
  • lady n.f. (Noblesse) Titre qui appartient en Angleterre à l’épouses…
  • Lady prén.f. Prénom féminin.
— In Spanish —
  • Lady s. Nombre propio de mujer.
— In Italian —
  • lady s. Definizione mancante; se vuoi, [lady aggiungila] tu.
124 English words from 34 English definitions

accusative address adult Alternative and and/or Any apparatus Archaic aristocratic Attributive authority baroness bound breast breeding By␣extension calcareous can card centered Chess chiefly children class consisting consisting␣of countess deity devoted extension female feminine five fiver for form formal form␣of␣address for␣someone gastric gastric␣mill Genitive gentleman girlfriend Godiva her high higher high␣priestess Historical holds homage honoured household human Informal instead instead␣of intended knight ladies lady Lady␣Godiva leadership lobster lord marchioness married Mary mill mistress monarch noble nominative note of␣a one own paid particular playing playing␣card plural polite position pound priestess primary professional queen rare reference religions Rhyming Rhyming␣slang singular slang someone stomach sweetheart terms that the title Toilets triturating use used Used␣to Virgin Virgin␣Mary viscountess vocative was way way␣to who whom Wicca wife with woman women

40 English words from 31 foreign definitions

aux casa Commons dama Dame demoiselle des die een est Frau hombre House House␣of␣Commons lady lord Lords lores madam Mesdames Mutter nobles noblesse Note par para pares per Person Plural que seines Señora signora sin Termo titre valor Versal vrouw

82 foreign words from 31 foreign definitions

aanduiding accordé Adels Adelstitel afetivo amada Angehörigen Angleterre Anrede appartient aristocrático auch Beleefde Bezeichnung britischen brüske Christentum comporta courtoisie Damentoilette Definizione Dicho dona dona␣de␣casa donne edelvrouw Ehefrau einer eines einzelnen Engelse Englischer épouses Esposa esposas féminin figlie filles formelle für Garota gebildete gefolgt Gentildonna gepflegte Gründers gutaussehende Histórico Höfliche ihrem ihren Informelle ingleses insbesondere mancante mogli Moglie mujer mulher Namen nobili nobiliare Nombre Nombre␣propio oder ohne otros padrona pluriel Prénom propio qui responsabilidad Senhora singulier Titolo Título von voor vuoi weiblicher weibliches

178 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

ladye ladyes ladyfy ladyly ladyboy lady␣boy ladybro ladybug lady-bug ladycow Ladyday Lady-day Lady␣Day lady-fly ladyish ladyism ladykin ladymag Ladybank ladybird lady-bird ladybits ladyboys lady␣boys ladybros ladybugs lady-bugs Ladyburn ladycows lady␣crab Ladydays Lady-days Lady␣Days ladyfern lady␣fern ladyfied ladyfies ladyfish ladyfolk ladyhood ladyisms ladykind ladykins ladyless ladylike ladyling ladylove lady␣luck Lady␣Luck ladymags +128 words

27 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Gladys Gwladys beladying Loveladys salad␣year salad␣years unladylike eyed␣ladybug landladyish landladyhood landladyship unladylikely young-ladyish young-ladyism unladylikeness my␣lady's␣washbowl northern␣lady␣fern Our␣Lady␣of␣Sorrows pink␣lady's␣slipper northern␣lady␣ferns pink␣lady's␣slippers yellow␣lady's␣slipper yellow␣lady's␣slippers Kentucky␣lady's␣slipper Southern␣lady's␣slipper Kentucky␣lady's␣slippers Southern␣lady's␣slippers

83 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

blady glady m'lady belady malady milady my␣Lady salady baglady bag␣lady barlady byrlady cat␣lady gay␣lady May-lady merlady old␣lady Our␣Lady tea␣lady Tiplady warlady bosslady charlady forelady Gray␣Lady Grey␣Lady iron␣lady Iron␣Lady landlady Lovelady mail␣lady newslady overlady Pink␣Lady Poor␣Lady postlady post␣lady shoplady slumlady snowlady black␣lady Black␣Lady chairlady first␣lady First␣Lady lunchlady lunch␣lady marmalady naked␣lady pizza␣lady +33 words

2 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

lad LAD

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

dal Dal DAL

6 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Daly DALY Dyal layd Lyda yald

62 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

adlay Adley Alday alkyd badly baldy blady Dabyl dadly dadyl daily Daily Dalby Daley dally Dally Dalry Dalyn Dalys DALYs Daryl Dayal Dayle dayly dealy Dealy delay Delay Doyal Dulay d'y'all Dyals Dybal Dylan Dyula glady laddy ladsy ladye Landy lardy Lawdy layed leady Leday Lyday Lydda lydia Lydia Lynda +12 words

18 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ADL Aly dal Dal DAL day Day DLA d'ya -dyl lad LAD lay Lay LDA Ly-α yad y'ad

26 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Bady cady Cady Dady Eady fady jady kady Kady lacy Lacy Lada Ladd lade Lade lads laky Lamy Lary lavy Lavy lazy Ludy Rady wady Wady

4 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

lad LAD lay Lay

6 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

laddy ladsy Landy lardy Lawdy leady

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