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The word of is in the Wiktionary

84 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • of prep. Expressing distance or motion.
  • of prep. Expressing separation.
  • of prep. Expressing origin.
  • of prep. Expressing agency.
  • of prep. Expressing composition, substance.
  • of prep. Introducing subject matter.
  • of prep. Having partitive effect.
  • of prep. Expressing possession.
  • of prep. Forming the "objective genitive".
  • of prep. Expressing qualities or characteristics.
  • of prep. Expressing a point in time.
  • of v. (Usually in modal perfect constructions) Eye dialect spelling of have or ’ve, chiefly in depictions…
  • of sym. (Stenoscript) Abbreviation of off, often.
  • OF prop.n. Initialism of Old French.
  • OF prop.n. Initialism of Old Frisian.
  • OF prop.n. (Internet) Abbreviation of OnlyFans.
  • OF prop.n. (Roman Catholicism) Initialism of Ordinary Form.
  • OF n. (Baseball) Abbreviation of outfield.
  • OF n. (Baseball) Abbreviation of outfielder.
  • Of- pref. (Britain) a regulatory body for a specified industry.
  • OF. prop.n. (Initialism) Alternative form of OF.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Afrikaans
    • of conj. Whether; if.
  • Afrikaans - West frisian
    • of conj. Or.
  • Danish
    • øf interj. The cry of a pig; oink.
    • øf v. Imperative of øffe.
  • German low german
    • of adv. Away; from.
    • of adj. Off (not "on").
    • of conj. Synonym of àder.
  • German low german - Middle english
    • of adv. Off.
  • German low german - Old english
    • of prep. From.
  • Icelandic
    • of adv. Too (to an excessive degree).
    • of prep. Over, above.
    • of- pref. Too much, excessively, hyper-.
  • Icelandic - Old norse
    • of prep. About.
  • Japanese
    • of part. (Informal) Used to express that one is an exemplar.
  • Luxembourgish
    • of adv. (Chiefly in compounds) off; down.
    • of- pref. Off, away from.
  • Middle dutch
    • of adv. Alternative form of af.
  • Middle dutch - Old dutch
    • of conj. If, whether.
  • Middle english
    • of prep. Of.
    • of conj. Until.
    • of conj. Although, though.
    • of- pref. Away from; off.
  • Old english
    • of prep. Out of.
    • of prep. Off.
    • of prep. By (indicating the creator of a work).
    • of- pref. Off, away, from, out of, away from.
    • of- pref. Down.
    • of- pref. Excessively, negatively.
    • of- pref. For, for the purpose of.
  • Old norse
    • of prep. (Archaic, poetic) over, above.
    • of part. (Archaic, poetic) Indicates association or togetherness; co-.
    • of part. (Archaic, poetic) Indicates completeness or wholeness. In verbs, also indicates perfectivity (a finished action).
  • Old saxon
    • of prep. Above.
    • of prep. Away from.
  • Papiamentu
  • Romanian
    • of interj. Ugh, tsk, sigh.
  • Turkish
    • of interj. Oof (often expressing that some task requires great effort).
    • of interj. Ouch (used both for literally and emotionally painful situations).
    • of interj. Ugh (expressing disgust or strong dismay).
    • Of prop.n. A town and district of Trabzon, Turkey.
    • öf interj. Interjection expressing tiredness or disgust.
  • Volapük
    • of pron. She (third-person feminine).
  • Welsh
    • of n. Soft mutation of gof.
  • West frisian
  • Yola
    • of prep. Alternative form of af (“of”).
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • of voorz. Van.
— English words, defined in Latin —
  • of preap. Ex, de, ab.
  • of praep. Indicat relationes genetivas et possessivas. |.
  • of praep. De, ex.
— English words, defined in French —
  • of prép. De. Indique une origine, une substance, une possession, etc.
  • of prép. De. Indique une séparation avec certains verbes.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • of prep. De, a, para.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • of prep. De.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • of prep. Di.
— In German —
  • of- Präf. Vorangestelltes Wortbildungselement in Fremdwörtern aus…
— In Dutch —
  • of voeg. Nevenschikkend: gebruikt om keuze aan te geven.
  • of voeg. Onderschikkend: inleiding van een bijzin om onzekerheid aan te geven.
  • of voeg. Oftewel (verklarend).
  • of voeg. Ongeveer.
— In French —
  • OF n.f. Grenade offensive.
  • OF n.m. (Pédologie) Horizon constitué de débris végétaux fragmentés…
150 English words from 68 English definitions

Abbreviation About above action agency also Alternative Although and Archaic association away Baseball body both Britain Catholicism characteristics chiefly completeness composition compounds constructions creator cry degree depictions der dialect disgust dismay distance district down effect effort emotionally excessive excessively exemplar express expressing Eye Eye␣dialect feminine finished for form Forming French Frisian from genitive great have Having hyper- Imperative indicates indicating industry Informal Initialism Interjection Internet in␣time Introducing literally matter modal motion much mutation negatively not objective of␣a off often oink Old Old␣French Old␣Frisian one Oof Ordinary Ordinary␣Form origin Ouch out outfield outfielder out␣of over painful partitive perfect perfectivity person pig poetic point point␣in␣time possession purpose qualities regulatory requires Roman Roman␣Catholicism separation She sigh situations Soft Soft␣mutation some specified spelling Stenoscript strong subject subject␣matter substance Synonym task that that␣one the third third␣person though time tiredness togetherness Too Too␣much town Trabzon tsk Turkey Ugh Until used Used␣to Usually verbs whether wholeness work

10 English words from 16 foreign definitions

débris een etc Grenade Horizon offensive para possession substance van

1 foreign word from 68 English definitions


26 foreign words from 16 foreign definitions

aan aus avec bijzin certains constitué fragmentés Fremdwörtern gebruikt geven Indique inleiding keuze Oftewel Onderschikkend Ongeveer onzekerheid origine Pédologie séparation une végétaux verbes verklarend Vorangestelltes Wortbildungselement

911 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

OFA of␣a ofc OFC off -off off- off. Off. OFM OFN ofo Ofo OFs oft OFT OFW OFAC ofan of␣an OFAs ofay oFBD oFBS OFCs OFDM of'en ofer Ofer OFer o-fer OFEX offa offn offs offy OFLC ofos OFSP OFWH OFWs oFZD oFZS o-face O␣face of␣age Ofala of␣all ofays Ofcom OFCOM +860 words

14763 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

bofa BOFD bofe BofE boff BOFH BOFs BOFT C␣of␣A CofE C␣of␣E C.␣of␣E. COFs DofE doff DoFs Eoff EOFs EOFY F␣off goff Goff GOFs hoff Hoff hofs HOFs koff Koff koft Kofu Kōfu lofe loff lofi lo-fi lofs loft Loft LOFT moff mofo MOFs ooff oofs ooft oofy Poff POFs Roff +14713 words

1082 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

BOF COF dof DoF DOF d.o.f. D.o.F. D.O.F. d.␣o.␣f. D.␣o.␣F. D.␣O.␣F. EOF GoF GOF hof Hof HOF IOF KOF lof MoF MOF NOF oof POF qof SOF TOF V.O.F. WOF as␣of Azof BCOF boof coof doof do␣of foof FOOF GLOF goof hoof I'd␣of IPOF loof moof Olof PFOF poof prof Prof. +1031 words

8 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

fo Fo FO fo' fo. F/O F.O. F.␣O.

129 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

BOF CFO COF dof DoF DOF d.o.f. D.o.F. D.O.F. d.␣o.␣f. D.␣o.␣F. D.␣O.␣F. EFO EOF fao FAO FBO F/B/O F.B.O. F.␣B.␣O. FCO FFO Flo flo' Foa FOA fob FOB F.O.B. F.␣O.␣B. FOC fod FOD foe FoE FOE fog FOG foh FOH FOI Fok FOK FOL fol. FOM fon Fon foo Foo foo' +78 words

166 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

af AF bf BF BF% B.F. cf CF cf. c.f. df DF d.f. d.␣f. ef EF ff FF ff. gf GF hf HF if IF KF lf LF mf MF M-F NF N.␣F. OA ob Ob OB ob- ob. Ob. oc Oc OC Oc. O.C. O.␣C. od Od OD O&D O/D O.D. oe OE œ Œ OE. og Og OG 'og O&G O.G. oh Oh OH oi Oi OI -oi oi! OJ ok Ok OK Ok. OK. O.␣K. ol OL -ol ol' Ol. om OM O&M O.M. on ON -on on- ON. oo OO oo- O&O O/O oö- op OP op. Op. (+64 words)

18 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

oaf ODF OEF off -off off- off. Off. OIF olf ONF. oof orf Orf ORF OTF Oxf Oxf.

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