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The word sort is in the Wiktionary

74 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • sort n. A general type.
  • sort n. Manner; form of being or acting.
  • sort n. (Obsolete) Condition above the vulgar; rank.
  • sort n. (Informal) A person evaluated in a certain way (Bad, good, strange, etc.).
  • sort n. (Dated) Group, company.
  • sort n. (Britain, informal) A good-looking woman.
  • sort n. An act of sorting.
  • sort n. (Computing) An algorithm for sorting a list of items into a particular sequence.
  • sort n. (Typography) A piece of metal type used to print one letter, character, or symbol in a particular size and style.
  • sort n. (Mathematics) A type.
  • sort n. (Obsolete) Chance; lot; destiny.
  • sort n. (Obsolete) A full set of anything, such as a pair of shoes, or a suit of clothes.
  • sort v. (Transitive) To separate items into different categories according to certain criteria that determine their sorts.
  • sort v. (Transitive) To arrange into some sequence, usually numerically, alphabetically or chronologically.
  • sort v. (Transitive) To conjoin; to put together in distribution; to class.
  • sort v. (Transitive, obsolete) To conform; to adapt; to accommodate.
  • sort v. (Transitive, obsolete) To choose from a number; to select; to cull.
  • sort v. (Intransitive) To join or associate with others, especially with others of the same kind or species; to agree.
  • sort v. (Intransitive) To suit; to fit; to be in accord; to harmonize.
  • sort v. (Britain, colloquial, transitive) To fix (a problem) or handle (a task).
  • sort v. (Britain, colloquial, transitive) To attack physically.
  • sort v. (Transitive) To geld.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Catalan
  • Danish
    • sort adj. Black (absorbing most light).
    • sort adj. Under the table; done in secret so as to avoid taxation.
    • sort adv. Under the table; secretly, so as to avoid taxation.
    • sort n. Quality.
    • sort n. Brand.
    • sort n. (Botany) cultivar.
  • Danish - Swedish
  • Estonian
    • sort n. Kind, sort, brand.
  • Friulian
  • Hungarian
    • sort n. Shorts (pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees).
    • sort n. Accusative singular of sor.
    • sört n. Accusative singular of sör.
  • Irish
    • sórt n. Sort; kind, variety.
  • Norman
    • sort n. (Jersey) fate.
  • Norwegian bokmål
    • sort adj. Black (colour).
    • sort adj. Illegal; in avoidance of taxes.
  • Norwegian bokmål - Norwegian nynorsk
    • sort n. A sort, kind or type.
  • Old norse
    • sórt v. Second-person singular active past indicative of sverja.
  • Plautdietsch
    • sort n. Sort, kind, type, ilk, variety.
  • Polish
    • sort n. (Colloquial) sort (type).
  • Romanian
    • sort n. Sort, kind, variety.
    • șort n. Shorts, short trousers, short pants.
    • șorț n. Apron.
  • Turkish
  • Venetian
    • sòrt n. Kind, type, sort.
    • sòrt n. Fate, destiny, chance.
— English words, defined in French —
  • sort n. Sorte, type, espèce, genre.
  • sort v. Ordonner, classer, trier.
  • sort v. (Informatique) Trier.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • sort s. Clase, tipo, género.
  • sort s. Manera, modo.
  • sort v. Ordenar.
  • sort v. Clasificar.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • sort s. Tipo.
  • sort v. Ordenar, classificar.
  • sort v. Separar.
  • sort v. (Interface gráfica) ordenar.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • sort s. Classe, categoria.
  • sort s. Natura, carattere.
  • sort s. (Familiare) (familiare) persona, individuo, tipo.
  • sort s. (Antico) maniera, modo.
  • sort s. (Informatica) ordinamento.
— In French —
  • sort n.m. La destinée considérée comme cause des divers événements de la vie.
  • sort n.m. Effet de la destinée ou de la rencontre fortuite des événements…
  • sort n.m. (En particulier) Condition ou état d’une personne sous…
  • sort n.m. Condition des choses, ce qu’il leur advient.
  • sort n.m. Manière de décider quelque chose par le hasard.
  • sort n.m. (Superstition) Ensemble de paroles, de regards, de caractères…
  • sort v. Troisième personne du singulier de l’indicatif présent de sortir.
  • Sort n.prop. (Géographie) Commune d’Espagne, située dans la province…
174 English words from 50 English definitions

above absorbing accommodate accord according according␣to Accusative act acting active adapt agree algorithm alphabetically and anything Apron arrange associate as␣to attack avoid avoidance Bad being Black Botany brand Britain categories certain chance character choose chronologically class clothes colloquial colour company Computing Condition conform conjoin criteria cull cultivar Dated Deaf destiny determine different distribution done done␣in especially etc evaluated fate fit fix for form Fortune from full geld general good good␣looking Group handle harmonize ilk Illegal indicative informal in␣secret into Intransitive items Jersey join kind knees letter light list looking lot lower Luck Manner Mathematics metal most not number numerically obsolete one others pair pair␣of␣shoes pants particular past person physically piece primarily print problem put put␣together Quality rank same Second Second␣person Second-person␣singular secret secretly select separate sequence set shoes short short␣pants Shorts short␣trousers singular size so␣as so␣as␣to some sor sort sorting sorts species strange style such such␣as suit summer symbol table task taxation taxes than that the their the␣same together transitive trousers type Typography Under Under␣the␣table used used␣to usually variety vulgar way with woman worn

26 English words from 24 foreign definitions

categoria cause chose choses classer Commune Condition dans des divers Effet Ensemble genre Interface par paroles persona province regards rencontre Sorte sous Superstition trier type vie

52 foreign words from 24 foreign definitions

advient Antico caractères carattere Clase Clasificar Classe classificar comme considérée décider de␣la de␣la␣vie destinée En␣particulier Espagne espèce état événements familiare fortuite género Géographie gráfica hasard indicatif individuo Informatica Informatique Interface␣gráfica leur Manera maniera Manière modo Natura ordenar ordinamento Ordonner particulier personne présent quelque quelque␣chose Separar singulier située sortir tipo Troisième Troisième␣personne une

81 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

sorta sorte Sorto sorts sortag sortal sorted sorter sortes sortie Sortie sort-of sort␣of Sortos sortsa sort've sortags sortals sortase sorters sorteth sortied sorties Sorties sorting Sortino sortita sortkey sort␣out sortable sortably sortance sortases sort␣code sortilin sortings Sortinos sortkeys sortment sorts␣out sortying sortables sortagged sortation Sortavala sort␣codes sorted␣out sortieing sortilege sortilegi +31 words

210 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Osorto assorts besorts of␣sorts Osortos resorts re-sorts unsorts allsorts assorted assorter besorted consorte consorts missorts presorts resorted re-sorted resorter subsorts unsorted assorters assortest assorteth assorting besorting consorted consorter consortes consortia copy␣sorts good␣sorts heapsorts ill-sorted missorted nonsortal nonsorted presorted reassorts resorters resortest resorteth resort␣fee resorting re-sorting subsorted subsorter unsorting alphasorts assortedly +160 words

72 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

assort besort in␣sort resort re-sort unsort allsort consort Consort missort presort subsort Timsort bogosort copy␣sort cubesort good␣sort heapsort reassort serosort alphasort cycle␣sort ecoresort gnome␣sort mergesort merge-sort merge␣sort quicksort radix␣sort shellsort Shellsort ski-resort ski␣resort bubble␣sort bucketsort bucket␣sort immunosort last␣resort megaresort smoothsort library␣sort picture␣sort counting␣sort health␣resort middling␣sort queen-consort queen␣consort summer␣resort broken␣consort insertion␣sort +22 words

4 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ort ORT sor Sor

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


9 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

orts ORTs rost rots ROTS RTOs RTOS tors TROs

128 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

artos Astor astro Astro astro- Borst borts Borts Brost Corts COTRs crost ctors Dorst dorts Dorts Drost dtors estro estro- Forst forts frost Frost frots Gorst grots horst Horst hotrs hotṛs Istro- jorts Korts KoRTs KORTs morts Morts oarts Oorts Ortas Oster ostro ports Ports Prost -prost -prost- Prots ratos +78 words

41 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ors Ors ORs ORS ort ORT ost OST OTR ots OTs OTS Ros ROS rot ROT RSO RTO rts RTs RTS sor Sor sot SRO SRT sto str STR str. tor Tor TOR TOs TOS TRO TRs TRS Tso TSO TSR

53 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aort- bort Bort Cort -cort cort- -cort- dort Dort fort Fort for't Kort KoRT KORT mort Mort Oort port Port PORT Port. rort sart SERT sirt skrt soft -soft soot sora Sora SORA sorb Sorb sord sore sORF Sorg sori sorn SORN sorr sors Sors sory sout SPRT sqrt syrt tort -tort wort

6 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ort ORT sor Sor sot SRT

7 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

short Short skort snort sport SPORT Stort

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