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The word the is in the Wiktionary

94 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • the art. Definite grammatical article that implies necessarily that an entity it hints at is presupposed; something…
  • the art. Used before a noun modified by a restrictive relative clause, indicating that the noun refers to a single…
  • the art. Used before an object considered to be unique, or of which there is only one at a time.
  • the art. Used before a superlative or an ordinal number modifying a noun, to indicate that the noun refers to a single item.
  • the art. Added to a superlative or an ordinal number to make it into a substantive.
  • the art. Introducing a singular term to be taken generically: preceding a name of something standing for a whole class.
  • the art. Used before an adjective, indicating all things (especially persons) described by that adjective.
  • the art. Used to indicate a certain example of (a noun) which is usually of most concern or most common or familiar.
  • the art. Used before a body part (especially of someone previously mentioned), as an alternative to a possessive pronoun.
  • the art. When stressed, indicates that it describes an object which is considered to be best or exclusively worthy…
  • the adv. With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.
  • the adv. With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be…
  • the prep. For each; per.
  • the- pref. (Religion) god or deity.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Crimean gothic
  • Danish
    • the n. Alternative spelling of te (“tea”).
  • Eastern arrernte
    • the pron. I (first person singular pronoun).
  • Hadza
    • the pron. You (thou).
  • Interlingua
  • Irish
    • the adj. Lenited form of te.
    • thé v. Lenited form of té.
    • -the suff. Slender form of -tha: alternative form of -ta (plural).
    • -the suff. Slender form of -tha: alternative form of -ta (past participle).
    • -the suff. Slender form of -tha: alternative form of -ta (genitive).
  • Middle english
    • the art. Alternative form of þe (“the”).
    • the pron. Alternative form of þe (“thee”).
    • the pron. Alternative form of þei (“they”).
    • the v. Alternative form of theen.
    • -the suff. (Rarely productive) Forms abstract nouns denoting a state or attribute, usually from adjectives but…
    • -the suff. Forms ordinal numerals, except for first, seconde, thridde; -th.
  • Murrinh-patha
  • Old high german - Old saxon
    • the part. That, who, which.
  • Old irish
    • thé adj. Lenited form of té.
  • Old saxon
    • the det. That, that one.
  • Phalura
  • Scots
  • Serbo-croatian
    • the conj. (Internet slang) Alternative spelling of da.
  • South slavey
  • Swedish
    • the n. Alternative spelling of te (tea).
  • Unami
  • Vietnamese
    • the n. A kind of silk gauze.
    • the adj. Having a strong and fragrant smell.
    • thè v. To stick tongue out.
    • thê n. (Only in compounds) wife.
    • thê adj. (Only in compounds) pitiful, sad.
    • thế n. Position; posture.
    • thế n. Condition; situation.
    • thế n. Power; authority.
    • thế adv. Thus; so; like that.
    • thế adv. Final particle used in an interrogative sentence.
    • thế v. To replace; to substitute.
    • thế n. (Only in compounds) era; time; generation.
    • thề v. To swear; to vow; to pledge.
    • thề n. (Only in fixed compounds) profanity.
    • thể n. Clipping of thể loại (“genre”).
    • thể n. (Physics, of matter) state.
    • thể n. (Grammar) a voice.
    • thể v. (Only in compounds) can; may; to be able to.
    • thẻ n. (Historical) stick used in the traditional game of pitch-pot.
    • thẻ n. Tag; (divining) stick; (fortune-telling, summoning) tablet.
    • thẻ n. Card; badge.
  • Welsh
    • the n. Aspirate mutation of te.
  • Yola
    • the art. Alternative form of a (“the”).
— English words, defined in German —
  • the Adv. Desto, um so.
  • the Adv. The … the: je …, desto.
  • the Adv. All the: um so.
  • the Art. Bestimmter Artikel, unabhängig von Numerus, Genus (Geschlecht) und Kasus (Fall).
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • the lid. De.
  • the lid. Het.
— English words, defined in Latin —
  • the art. (Articulus definitus).
  • the adv. (Adhibetur ante nomina comparativa).
— English word, defined in French —
  • the art. Le, la, les.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • the art. El, la, los, las.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • the art. O (artigo definido masculino singular).
  • the art. A (artigo definido feminino singular).
  • the art. Os.
  • the art. As.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • the art. Il, lo, la, i, gli, le.
— In French —
  • the art. (Anglicisme) (Populaire) Le … par excellence, le … idéal…
  • thé n.m. Boisson chaude préparée à partir d’une infusion de feuilles…
  • thé n.m. (Rare) Infusion préparée à partir d’une autre plante. Ce…
  • thé n.m. Repas, ou réception, à un moment de la journée où l’on…
  • thé n.m. (Botanique) Théier.
  • thé n.m. Feuilles séchées de cette plante, destinées à préparer une infusion.
  • thé n.m. (Botanique) Nom vernaculaire ou vulgaire donné à certaines…
  • thé n.m. (Argot) Cannabis, herbe.
  • thé n.m. (Par ellipse) (Désuet) Salon de thé.
  • thé adj.m. D’une couleur jaune rosé. #FF866A.
— In Italian —
  • the s. Definizione mancante; se vuoi, [the aggiungila] tu.
  • the s. (Familiare) definizione mancante; se vuoi, [the aggiungila] tu.
  • thè s. Variante di tè.
220 English words from 66 English definitions

able abstract abstract␣nouns Added adjective adjectives all alternative and article Aspirate Aspirate␣mutation at␣a␣time attribute authority badge be␣able␣to before Belt best body body␣part but can Card certain class clause Clipping cold common comparative comparatives compounds concern Condition considered correlation Definite deity denoting described describes divining each Ear entity era especially establishes example except except␣for exclusively familiar Final first first␣person fixed for for␣it form Forms fortune fortune␣telling fragrant from game gauze generation generically genitive genre god Grammar grammatical Having hints Historical implies indicate indicates indicating Internet interrogative into Introducing item kind kind␣of Lenited like like␣that loa make make␣it matter may mentioned modified modifying more more␣like most mutation name necessarily noun nouns number numerals object of␣a often one one␣at␣a␣time only ordinal ordinal␣number other out part participle particle past past␣participle per person persons phrase Physics pitch pitch-pot pitiful pledge plural Position possessive possessive␣pronoun posture pot Power preceding presupposed previously productive profanity pronoun Rarely refers relative relative␣clause Religion replace restrictive result sad said seconde sentence silk single singular situation slang Slender smell someone something spelling standing standing␣for Star state stick stressed strong substantive substitute such summoning superlative swear tablet Tag taken tea telling term tha that that␣one the thee there there␣is they things This thou Thus time tongue traditional unique used Used␣to usually verb verb␣phrase voice vow When which who whole wife with worthy You

26 English words from 28 foreign definitions

All ante Argot Articulus Cannabis couleur desto ellipse excellence Fall Genus Het infusion las les moment Nom nomina par par␣excellence Rare rosé Salon singular the und

54 foreign words from 28 foreign definitions

Anglicisme artigo artigo␣definido Artikel autre Bestimmter Bestimmter␣Artikel Boisson Botanique certaines cette chaude comparativa definido definizione de␣la destinées Désuet donné Familiare feminino feuilles Geschlecht gli herbe idéal jaune journée Kasus los mancante masculino Nom␣vernaculaire Numerus partir plante Populaire préparée préparer réception Repas Salon␣de␣thé séchées thé Théier unabhängig une une␣autre un␣moment Variante vernaculaire von vulgaire vuoi

2393 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Thea thee Thee the'e the␣'G' them then Then theo Theo theo- Theo. thet thew Thew they theah Thean thebe Thebe theca Theda Thede theed THEED theef Theel theer thees theft thegn Theia theic theif Theil theim thein Thein their thema theme thems them's Thens Theos theow Thera there theri- therm -therm therm- +2341 words

18529 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

athel ather- Athey ethea ethel Ethel ether Ether ithed ithes other Uther Uthes ythes aether Aether æther afther Akther althea Althea Anthea anthem anther Anthes arthen athels Athena Athene Athens athero- Atheys authed bathed bather bathes Bethea bethel Bethel bethes Bethes bother Bothes but␣hey cathed Cath␣ed Cather Cathey cither cothes +18479 words

225 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

ethe ithe Uthe ythe Anthe bathe Bathé bethe Bethe bothe Bothe cothe hathe hithe hythe Hythe kithe Kothe kythe lathe lethe Lethe lithe lothe lythe Lythe mythe Nathe on␣the pathe rathe Rathe rethe rithe rothe Rothe ruthe sithe sothe sythe tithe to␣the tythe withe wythe Wythe alethe blithe Blithe blythe Blythe +174 words

11 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

eth Eth ETH -eth eth- Eth. het HET teh Teh TEH

85 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

beth Beth chet Chet deth eath echt Esth Esth. etch ethe ethn- etho- eths euth haet hate heat HEAT hect- heft Heit Helt hent hept- Hert hest heta heth Heth hets HETs Hett Hetz hext Hite hote Huet hyte ithe khet meth meth- Meth. MHET Neth Neth. Peth PEth phet +35 words

27 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

eh eH EH -eh E.H. et Et ET -et he He HE he- H&E H.E. ht HT h/t ht. te TE th Th TH -th th' Th.

61 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

che CHE FHE LHe LHE NHE PHE she She SHE s/he she- (s)he tce TCE tee Tee TEE TFE TGE tha THC T.H.C. T.␣H.␣C. Th.D. THF THG Thi thi- THM tho thô tho' Tho. Thr THR TH's THT Thu THU THV thx thy Thy tie TLE TME toe Toe TOE TPE tse Tse TSE tue Tue TUE tye Tye t'ye zhe

14 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

he He HE he- H&E H.E. te TE th Th TH -th th' Th.

7 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

te-he thee Thee the'e thre thre- thye

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