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The word tight is in the Wiktionary

46 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • tight adj. Firmly held together; compact; not loose or open.
  • tight adj. (Of a space, design or arrangement) Narrow, such that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it.
  • tight adj. Well-rehearsed and accurate in execution.
  • tight adj. (Slang) Intoxicated; drunk or acting like being drunk.
  • tight adj. (Slang) Extraordinarily great or special.
  • tight adj. (Slang, British (regional)) Mean; unfair; unkind.
  • tight adj. (Of time) Limited or restricted.
  • tight adj. (Obsolete) Not ragged; whole; neat; tidy.
  • tight adj. (Obsolete) Handy; adroit; brisk.
  • tight adj. (Poker) Of a player, who plays very few hands. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
  • tight adj. (Poker) Using a strategy which involves playing very few hands. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
  • tight adj. (Informal, of persons) Intimate, close, close-knit.
  • tight adj. (US, slang, motor racing) A car with understeer, primarily used to describe NASCAR stock cars.
  • tight adj. (United States (regional), slang) Angry or irritated.
  • tight adv. Firmly, so as not to come loose easily.
  • tight adv. Soundly.
  • tight v. (Obsolete) To tighten.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Danish
    • tight adj. Tight (of cloths, finances, schedules).
    • tight adj. (Music) tight (keeping time and with musical understanding).
— English words, defined in German —
  • tight Adj. Eng, fest (im Sinne von festsitzen, nicht bewegen können).
  • tight Adj. Nicht passen (zu eng sein, zum Beispiel Schuhe).
  • tight Adj. Eng (im Sinne von streng, zum Beispiel strenge Kontrollen).
  • tight Adj. Dicht sein, nicht lecken (zum Beispiel ein Schiff).
  • tight Adj. Undurchdringlich, dicht (zum Beispiel für Wasser).
  • tight Adj. Eng arrangiert, eng beieinander (zum Beispiel in einer Menge oder zeitlich).
  • tight Adj. Eng (im Sinn von einem knappem Ausgang (im Rennen)).
  • tight Adj. Fest angezogen, stramm gezogen (zum Beispiel ein Seil).
  • tight Adj. Umgangssprachlich: betrunken.
  • tight Adj. Umgangssprachlich: geizig.
  • tight Adj. Jugendsprachlich: dufte, spitze.
  • tight Adj. Poker: eine vorsichtige Spielweise habend, nur die sicheren Hände spielend.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • tight bijv. Nauw.
— English words, defined in French —
  • tight adj. Serré, moulant (vêtements).
  • tight adj. Serré (nœud).
  • tight adj. Étroit.
  • tight adj. Tendu (corde).
  • tight adj. (Argot) proche (ami).
  • tight adj. (Argot) radin.
  • tight adv. Bien (sleep).
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • tight adj. Hermético.
  • tight adj. Ajustado, apretado.
  • tight adj. Estricto, severo.
  • tight adj. Firme, rígido.
  • tight adv. Firmemente, ajustadamente.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • tight agg. Stretto.
— In French —
  • tight adj. (Québec) (Anglicisme) Précis.
109 English words from 19 English definitions

accurate acting add adroit and Angry arrangement being brisk British Can car cars close close-knit cloths come compact describe design difficult drunk easily example execution Extraordinarily few finances Firmly for great hands Handy held held␣together Informal Intimate Intoxicated involves irritated keeping knit like Limited loose Mean motor motor␣racing Music musical Narrow NASCAR neat not Obsolete Of␣a open pass pass␣through persons player playing plays Poker primarily racing ragged regional rehearsed restricted schedules sense slang so␣as someone something Soundly space special States stock stock␣cars strategy such such␣that that this through tidy tight tighten time to␣come together understanding understeer unfair United United␣States unkind used used␣to Using very Well which who whole with

16 English words from 27 foreign definitions

Argot Bien die eng fest nur passen Poker Précis Québec sein Sinne sleep Stretto Tendu Wasser

66 foreign words from 27 foreign definitions

ajustadamente Ajustado ami angezogen Anglicisme apretado arrangiert Ausgang beieinander Beispiel betrunken bewegen corde dicht dufte ein eine einem einer Estricto Étroit festsitzen Firme Firmemente für geizig gezogen habend Hände Hermético Jugendsprachlich knappem können Kontrollen lecken Menge moulant Nauw nicht nœud oder proche radin Rennen rígido Schiff Schuhe Seil Serré severo sicheren Sinn spielend Spielweise spitze stramm streng strenge Umgangssprachlich Undurchdringlich vêtements von vorsichtige zeitlich zum zum␣Beispiel

112 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

tights tighted tighten tighter tightly tightum tightass tight␣end tightens tighters tightest tighties tighting tightish tightley tight␣oil tightwad Tightwad tightbeam tight␣ends tightened tightener tighten␣up tight␣five tighthead tight-head tight␣head tightknit tight-knit tightlier tight␣lips tight␣loop tightness tightrope tight-rope tight␣rope tight␣ship tightsome tight␣spot tightwads tightwire tight-arsed tight-assed tightasses tightbeams tighteners tightenest tighteneth tightening tightens␣up +62 words

46 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

uptights betighted hogtights hog-tights hog␣tights retighten untighten uptighter uptightly airtightly bodytights retightens untightens uptightest belt-tighten hug-me-tights overtighten overtightly retightened sticktights stick-tights untightened untightness uptightness airtightness gastightness highty-tighty oiltightness overtightens retightening untightening on␣a␣tight␣leash overtightened overtightness retightenings uptightnesses belt-tightening belt␣tightening chest␣tightness overtightening walk␣a␣tightrope watertightness whitey␣tighties belt-tightenings keep␣a␣tight␣rein␣on keeps␣a␣tight␣rein␣on

50 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

stight untight uptight up-tight airtight air-tight air␣tight gastight hogtight hog-tight hog␣tight oiltight sat␣tight sit␣tight hand-tight hang␣tight held␣tight hold␣tight overtight raintight sits␣tight skintight skin-tight windtight holds␣tight hug-me-tight lighttight light-tight sleep␣tight smoketight steamtight sticktight stick-tight supertight ultratight vaportight watertight blow␣me␣tight bottle-tight fingertight finger-tight finger␣tight nonairtight high␣and␣tight holding␣tight sitting␣tight weapons␣tight weathertight nonwatertight not␣wrapped␣too␣tight

5 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

IGH 'igh ight tig TIG

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

git THG

5 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ghetti stight tights t'night twight

7 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ghit gith Hitt Hitt. ight thig tith

22 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aight a'ight bight dight eight fight hight Hight iight kight Kight light Light might night Night pight right sight Tighe wight Wight

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


2 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

t'night twight

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