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The word tis is in the Wiktionary

19 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • tis cont. Alternative form of ’tis.
  • tis n. Plural of ti.
  • TIs n. Plural of TI.
  • TIS n. Initialism of truth in sentencing.
  • 'tis cont. (Literary or archaic, also occasionally colloquial) Contraction of it is.
  • t'is cont. Misspelling of ’tis.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Crimean tatar
  • Czech
    • tis n. Yew (tree or wood).
    • tiš v. Second-person singular imperative of tišit.
  • Northern kurdish
    • tîş n. Crack, split, fissure.
  • Romanian
    • tis n. Alternative form of tisă.
  • Salar
  • Tatar
  • Tok pisin
    • tis n. (Anatomy) tooth.
  • Yola
    • tis cont. It is.
— English word, defined in French —
  • ’tis v. (Archaïsme) Contraction de it is. C’est, il est. Note : La contraction moderne est it’s.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • 'tis contr. Contracción de pronombre it y verbo is.
— In Dutch —
  • tis n. (Verouderd) ineengevlochten of verwarde vezels.
— In French —
  • ’tis adj. Masculin pluriel de ’ti.
31 English words from 15 English definitions

also Alternative Anatomy archaic colloquial Contraction Crack Dream fissure form imperative Initialism Literary Misspelling occasionally Outer person Plural Second Second␣person Second-person␣singular sentencing side singular split tis tooth tree truth wood Yew

4 English words from 4 foreign definitions

contraction est Masculin Note

1 foreign word from 15 English definitions


10 foreign words from 4 foreign definitions

Archaïsme Contracción il␣est moderne pluriel pronombre verbo Verouderd verwarde vezels

90 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Tisa TISE tish Tish tisk tism tisan tisar Tisch Tisha tisic 'tisn't Tison Tisri Tissa tissy Tisza tisane tisans tisars Tisdel tisese Tishri tisics Tisons Tissot tissue tiswas tisanes Tisbury Tischer Tisdale Tisdell Tisdels Tishrei tisicky tissick tissies Tissots tissual tissued tissues tissuey Tischers Tisdales Tisdells Tishbite tissicks tissuing tissular +40 words

5843 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

antish artist Artist autism autist Batish tise cotise dotish entise fatism fetish itises jotisi Jutish kitish latish lutist mutism mutist notist ptisan Votish votist Yatish acetise acutish airtist anetiso anitism antisag antiset antisex anti-SJW antispy antisub antisun artisan artiste artists Artists atisane atishoo atisine Atislav at␣issue Attisha auntish autisms autists +5793 words

1280 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

CTIS GTis itis -itis NTIS Otis PTIs RTIs STIs S.T.I.s utis UTIs antis Attis batis cutis dotis Estis fetis Fotis intis jatis katis kotis lotis metis Metis METIs tis tis mitis mutis NRTIs Oatis Ottis patis pitis ratis RCTIs rotis satis Satis titis URTIs VLTIs yatis yetis zatis zitis aartis +1230 words

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

sit Sit SIT

16 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

ist Ist IST -ist is't its ITS 'its it's its' sit Sit SIT STI S.T.I. TSI

145 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

aits Asti bist bits cist cits cits. CTIS dist dist. Dist. dits DITs EITs Esti ETSI fist FIST fits FiTs FITs gist GIST gits GTis hist Hist hist- hist. hits HITs IAST IATs ICTs IDST IDTs IDTS -iest IIST IITs inst inst. Inst. ints is␣it isnt isn't -ista istg ISTG +95 words

41 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

is Is IS I$ 'is i's is- is. I's it It IT 'it It. It⁺⁶ si Si SI Si. S.I. S.␣I. st St ST -st st. St. S&T s**t s.t. S.T. ti TI Ti. T&I ts Ts TS t's t.s T's

158 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ais Ais AIs AIS A.I.s bis bis- cis CIs CIS cis- dis dIs Dis DIs DIS 'dis dis- Eis EIs EIS FIS gis GIs GIS gi's his His HIS Iis IIs IIS JIS kis lis LIS Mis MIs MIS mis- nis NIS N OIs OIS pis PIs qis RIs RIS R.I.S. R.␣I.␣S. sis SIs SIS -sis tas Tas TAs TAS Tas. TA's T.A.s tbs TBs TBS TCs TCS T&Cs TDs TDS tes TEs TFS TGs TGS T&Gs TH's tia Tia TIA tib TiB tic TIC -tic tid TID tie tif TIF tig TIG TIJ tik til TIL 'til Tim TIM Tim. (+57 words)

19 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

is Is IS I$ 'is i's is- is. I's ti TI Ti. T&I ts Ts TS t's t.s T's

42 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

tais Tais TBIs TCIs TEIs this This TIAs TIAS tibs tics TICs TIDs TIDS ties tifs TIFs tigs tils Tims TIMs TIMS Tim's tins TINs Tios tips TIPs TIPS TIRs tits tits. TMIs Tois tris Tris TRIs TRIS tris- TSIs tuis TUIs

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