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The word vac is in the Wiktionary

21 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • vac n. (Informal) Clipping of vacation.
  • vac n. (Informal) Clipping of vacuum cleaner.
  • vac n. (Informal) Clipping of vaccine.
  • vac v. To vacuum; to clean with a vacuum cleaner.
  • VAC n. (Electrical) Initialism of volt of alternating current.
  • VAC prop.n. Initialism of Velvet Acid Christ.
  • Vác prop.n. A town in Hungary.
  • Vāc prop.n. (Hindu mythology) The goddess of speech, the written word, and language.
  • -vac suff. (Obsolete, marketing, science fiction, computing, mid-20th century) Used in the naming of computer systems…
  • -vac suff. (Marketing) Used in the naming of vacuum cleaner models.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Huave
  • Hungarian
    • Vác prop.n. A town in Pest County, Hungary.
  • Irish
  • Romanian
    • vac n. Obsolete form of veac.
  • Veps
  • Vietnamese
    • vác v. To carry (on shoulder).
    • vạc n. Cauldron.
    • vạc n. Black-crowned night heron.
    • vặc v. (Colloquial) to quarrel; to pick a quarrel.
— English words, defined in French —
  • vac n. (Familier) Aspi (aspirateur).
  • vac v. (Familier) Aspirer (nettoyer avec un aspirateur).
61 English words from 19 English definitions

Acid alternating alternating␣current and Belly Black carry Cauldron century Christ clean cleaner Clipping Colloquial computer computer␣systems computing County Cow crowned current Electrical fiction form goddess heron Hindu Hungary Informal Initialism language marketing mid- models mythology naming night night␣heron Obsolete Pest pick pick␣a␣quarrel Quack quarrel science science␣fiction shoulder speech systems the town Used vacation vaccine vacuum vacuum␣cleaner Velvet volt with word written

1 English word from 2 foreign definitions


5 foreign words from 2 foreign definitions

Aspi aspirateur avec Familier nettoyer

348 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

vaca Vaca vacc vacs vacas Vacas vacay Vacca vacci- vaccs Vacek Vacha vacky vacua vac vacant vacate vacays vac␣bed Vaccas Vaceks Vachas vacher Vachon vacked vacouf vacual vacume vacuum vacuüm vacance vacancy Vacanti vacated vacates vacatur vacayed vac␣beds Vaccaro vaccary vaccina vaccine vachana Vachell vachers vachery vacinee vacking vacoufs VACTERL +298 words

476 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

evacs HVACs davach Kovach Kovacs Lavaca Novack vivace avacado davachs evacate evacuee Hlavach Hlavacs in␣vacuo Java␣cat Kovacic Kovacik Novacek Novacks pavache privacy Slovack Spivack vivaces aerovacs autovacs avacopan Bevacqua casevacs CASEVACs Cavachon chevache chivache clavacin devachan e-privacy evacated evacates evacuant evacuate evacuees evacuole Gervacio guvacine Hlavacek Java␣cats Kovaches Kovacics Kovaciks +426 words

53 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

evac HVAC PVAc Kovac Hlavac UNIVAC adtevac aerovac autovac Bizovac casevac CASEVAC Đulovac long␣vac Long␣Vac medevac MEDEVAC med-evac medivac minivac Obrovac Oriovac Popovac robovac shopvac sits␣vac swotvac swot-vac swot␣vac Benkovac Đurđevac Karlovac Petlovac Antunovac Brestovac Dežanovac Jasenovac Kalinovac Šandrovac scalarvac Simolivac Sokolovac Đurđenovac Farkaševac Hercegovac Kragujevac Kraguyevac pelinkovac Magadenovac Slovak␣Cuvac Ferdinandovac Veliki␣Grđevac Zrinski␣Topolovac

One word-in-word RTL (Word found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


34 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

AACV ACVs ACWV APVC AVCs BCVA CATV cava Cava cave Cave cavi cavs CAVU cavy CCAV CFAV chav CVAD CVAs evac HVAC PVAc RACV UCAV vaca Vaca vacc vacs vanc VBAC VCAT VUCA VyAc

35 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ac Ac AC ℀ -ac a-c a/c ac- ac. A/C a.c. A.C. av Av AV av. Av. A-V A/V ca CA c@ &ca ca. &ca. C.A. CV cv. Va VA Va. V/A v.␣a. VC V.C.

101 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AAC AA-C bac BAC -bac- CAC DAc DAC DAc. D.Ac. EAC fac FAC gac HAC IaC IAC JAC lac Lac LAc LAC mac Mac MAC Mac- Mac. NAC OAC Pac PAc PAC Pac. qac QAC Q.A.C. RAC rac- sac Sac SAC tac TAC UAC vab VAB VAD vae VAE vag vahh vai Vai vaj val Val van Van VAN Van. vap VAP var Var VaR VAR var. vas VAs vas- vat VAT vau vav vaw VAW vax Vaz VCC VDC VEC VGC vic Vic VIC vic. Vic. VMC VNC Voc VoC VOC voc. V.O.C. VSC Wac WAC YAC zac Zac

19 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ac Ac AC ℀ -ac a-c a/c ac- ac. A/C a.c. A.C. Va VA Va. V/A v.␣a. VC V.C.

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

vacc vanc VBAC VyAc

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