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The word abc is in the Wiktionary

115 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • ABC n. (Uncountable, countable, usually plural in North America) The English alphabet.
  • ABC n. (Obsolete, poetry) A type of poem in which the lines start with the letters of the alphabet in order.
  • ABC n. (Obsolete) A primer for teaching the Latin alphabet and first elements of reading.
  • ABC n. The fundamentals of any subject.
  • ABC n. (Poker) A straightforward, uniform playing style, often focusing on betting for value, folding weak…
  • ABC n. (UK, rail transport) A British alphabetized guidebook listing trains and their stations.
  • ABC n. (Mnemonic, emergency medicine) Initialism of airway, breathing and circulation: the essential steps…
  • ABC n. (US) Initialism of alcoholic beverage control.
  • ABC n. Initialism of American-born Chinese.
  • ABC n. Initialism of Australian-born Chinese.
  • ABC n. (Business management) Initialism of activity-based costing.
  • ABC n. (Climbing) Initialism of advance base camp.
  • ABC n. (Biochemistry) Initialism of ATP-binding cassette.
  • ABC n. (Computing) Initialism of Atanasoff-Berry computer.
  • ABC n. (Immunology, medicine) Initialism of antigen-binding capacity.
  • ABC n. (Pathology) Initialism of aneurysmal bone cyst.
  • ABC n. (Pathology) Initialism of adenoid basal cell carcinoma.
  • ABC n. (Pharmacology) Abbreviation of abacavir.
  • ABC n. (Law, finance) Initialism of assignment for the benefit of creditors.
  • ABC n. (Electrical engineering) Initialism of absorbing boundary condition.
  • ABC n. (Object-oriented programming) Initialism of abstract base class.
  • ABC n. (Psychology) Initialism of adventure-based counseling.
  • ABC n. (Psychology) Initialism of Affect, Behavior, and Cognition.
  • ABC n. (Cryptozoology) Initialism of alien big cat.
  • ABC n. (Automotive) Initialism of active body control.
  • ABC n. (Christianity, informal) Initialism of Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • ABC prop.n. (Television) Initialism of American Broadcasting Company: an American commercial broadcast television…
  • ABC prop.n. (Radio, television) Initialism of Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
  • ABC prop.n. (Historical, radio) Initialism of Australian Broadcasting Company.
  • ABC prop.n. (Historical, radio, television) Initialism of Australian Broadcasting Commission.
  • ABC prop.n. (Radio, television) Initialism of Asahi Broadcasting Corporation.
  • ABC prop.n. (Finance) Initialism of Agricultural Bank of China.
  • ABC prop.n. (Publishing) Initialism of Audit Bureau of Circulations.
  • ABC prop.n. (UK, historical) Initialism of Aerated Bread Company; also A.B.C.
  • ABC prop.n. (Aviation) Initialism of Advance Booking Charter.
  • ABC prop.n. (Historical, basketball) Initialism of Asian Basketball Confederation.
  • ABC prop.n. (Historical, bowling) Initialism of American Bowling Congress.
  • ABC prop.n. Initialism of Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo and São Caetano do Sul: satellite cities around…
  • ABC prop.n. (US, rail transport) Initialism of Atlanta, Birmingham and Coast Railroad.
  • ABC prop.n. Initialism of American Book Center: an English-language bookstore in Amsterdam founded in 1972.
  • ABC prop.n. (Computer languages) An imperative general-purpose programming language, intended for teaching or prototyping.
  • ABC prop.n. (Christianity) Initialism of Anglican Book Centre: the publishing house and bookshop of the Anglican…
  • ABC adj. (Weaponry) Initialism of atomic, biological and chemical: the three main categories of weapon of mass destruction.
  • ABC adj. (Slang, of a piece of chewing gum) Initialism of already been chewed.
  • ABC adj. (Medicine, of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) Initialism of activated B-cell-like.
  • ABC phr. (Wine) Initialism of anything but Chardonnay: a backlash against Chardonnay wine, seen as ubiquitous.
  • ABC phr. (Medicine) Initialism of abstinence, be faithful, use a condom: a sex education policy developed in…
  • ABC phr. (Electronics, electric vehicles, automotive) Initialism of always be charging; a recommendation to remember…
  • ABC phr. (Canadian politics) Initialism of anything but Conservative.
  • A.B.C. prop.n. Alternative form of ABC.
  • A.B.C. n. Alternative form of ABC.
  • A.B.C. adj. Alternative form of ABC.
  • A.␣B.␣C. prop.n. Alternative form of ABC.
  • A.␣B.␣C. n. Alternative form of ABC.
  • A.␣B.␣C. adj. Alternative form of ABC.
— International convention —
  • abc sym. (International standards) ISO 639-3 language code for Ambala.
  • ABC sym. (International standards, aviation) IATA airport code for Albacete Airport, which serves Albacete, Castilla–La…
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Catalan
    • ABC prop.n. Associació Bíblica de Catalunya, a Catalonian bible club.
  • Danish
    • abc n. ABC (a primer for teaching the Latin alphabet and first elements of reading; the rudiments of any subject).
    • ABC n. ABC (a primer for teaching the Latin alphabet and first elements of reading; the rudiments of any subject).
  • Japanese
    • ABC n. ABC(s) (alphabet).
    • ABC n. The ABCs (rudiments).
  • Luxembourgish
    • ABC n. ABC, alphabet.
  • Middle english
    • abc n. Alternative form of abece.
    • ABC n. Alternative form of abece.
    • a.b.c. n. Alternative form of abece.
    • A.␣B.␣C. n. Alternative form of abece.
  • Mongolian
    • авс n. Coffin, casket.
    • авс n. Alternative form of өвс (“grass, hay”).
  • Norwegian bokmål
    • abc n. An ABC (a primer for teaching the Latin alphabet and first elements of reading and spelling).
    • abc n. (Figuratively) basic knowledge of a subject.
    • abc n. A textbook that contains elementary knowledge within a topic or subject.
    • abc n. (Rare) alphabet (the set of letters used when writing in a language).
    • abc adj. (Weaponry) Initialism of atom-, biologisk and kjemisk: ("atomic, biological and chemical") the three…
    • ABC n. An ABC (a primer for teaching the Latin alphabet and first elements of reading and spelling).
    • ABC n. (Figuratively) basic knowledge of a subject.
    • ABC n. A textbook that contains elementary knowledge within a topic or subject.
    • ABC n. (Rare) alphabet (the set of letters used when writing in a language).
    • ABC adj. (Weaponry) Initialism of atom-, biologisk and kjemisk: ("atomic, biological and chemical") the three…
    • ABC adj. (Geography) Initialism of Argentina, Brasil and Chile: ("Argentina, Brazil and Chile") the three richest…
  • Norwegian nynorsk
    • abc n. ABC (often in book form).
    • abc n. Alphabet.
    • ABC n. ABC (often in book form), alphabet.
  • Old spanish
  • Polish
    • abc n. 101 (basic knowledge).
  • Scots
    • ABC n. Alternative form of aw-bay-say.
— English words, defined in German —
  • ABC S. ABC.
  • ABC Abk. American Broadcasting Companies.
  • ABC Abk. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • ABC n. Abc.
  • ABC eig. Nationale omroep van Australië.
— English words, defined in French —
  • ABC n. Alphabet latin.
  • ABC n. Ensemble de rudiments, b.a.-ba, abc.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • ABC s. Abc, abecê.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • ABC s. Alfabeto.
  • ABC acro. Activity Based Costing : tecnica di analisi economica, Approfondimento.
  • ABC acro. American Broadcasting Company : network radiotelevisivo statunitense, Approfondimento.
  • ABC acro. Australian Broadcasting Company : network radiotelevisivo australiano, Approfondimento.
  • ABC acro. Associated British Corporation : network televisivo inglese.
  • ABC acro. America’s Best Comics - linea editoriale di fumetti statunitense, Approfondimento.
  • A&BC acro. (Otorinolaringoiatria) Air and Bone Conduction.
— In German —
  • Abc S. Abece, ABC.
  • Abc S. Alphabetische Ordnung der Buchstaben, das aus lateinischen…
  • Abc S. Die Grundlagen, das Grundwissen.
  • ABC S. Abc, Abece.
  • ABC S. Reihenfolge der Buchstaben von A-Z; Alphabet.
  • ABC Abk. Abkürzung für Atomare, Biologische und Chemische Kampf-…
— In Dutch —
  • abc n. Het alfabet.
  • ABC (Militair) betrekking hebbend op wapens waarmee in een keer…
  • ABC n. (Afkorting), (initiaalwoord) de afkorting voor de Antiliaanse…
  • ABC n. (Afkorting), (initiaalwoord) de afkorting voor Admiralty-eiland…
  • ABC n. (Afkorting), (initiaalwoord) de afkorting voor de Spaanse…
— In French —
  • abc n.m. Petit livret contenant l’alphabet et la combinaison des…
  • abc n.m. (Sens figuré) (Familier) Principes élémentaires, commencement…
— In Italian —
  • A&BC acro. (Otorinolaringoiatria) Conduzione Aerea e Ossea.
304 English words from 86 English definitions

abacavir Abbreviation ABC ABCs absorbing abstinence abstract activated active activity adenoid advance adventure Aerated Affect against Agricultural airport airway Albacete alcoholic alien alphabet alphabetized already also Alternative always Ambala America American Amsterdam and Andre aneurysmal Anglican antigen any anything anything␣but Archbishop Argentina around Asian assignment Atlanta atom atomic ATP Audit Australian automotive aviation backlash Bank basal basal␣cell basal␣cell␣carcinoma base base␣camp base␣class based basic basketball bay B␣cell been Behavior benefit Berry betting beverage bible big big␣cat binding Biochemistry biological Birmingham body bone book Booking bookshop bookstore born boundary boundary␣condition bowling Brasil Brazil Bread breathing British broadcast Broadcasting Bureau Business but camp Campo Canadian Canterbury capacity carcinoma casket cassette cat Catalonian Catalunya categories cell Center Centre Chardonnay charging Charter chemical chewed chewing chewing␣gum Chile China Chinese Christianity circulation Circulations cities class Climbing club Coast code Coffin Cognition commercial Commission Company computer Computer␣languages Computing condition condom Confederation Congress Conservative contains control Corporation costing counseling countable creditors Cryptozoology cyst destruction developed diffuse education electric Electrical Electrical␣engineering electric␣vehicles Electronics elementary elements emergency emergency␣medicine engineering English essential faithful Figuratively finance first focusing folding for form founded fundamentals general general-purpose Geography grass guidebook gum hay historical house IATA Immunology imperative in␣book informal Initialism in␣order intended International ISO knowledge language language␣code languages large Latin Latin␣alphabet Law letters like lines listing lymphoma main management mass mass␣destruction medicine Mnemonic North North␣America Object Object-oriented Obsolete of␣a of␣a␣piece often order oriented Pathology Pharmacology piece playing plural poem poetry Poker policy politics primer programming programming␣language prototyping Psychology publishing publishing␣house purpose radio rail Railroad rail␣transport Rare reading recommendation remember richest rudiments Santo satellite satellite␣cities say seen serves set sex sex␣education Slang spelling standards start stations steps straightforward style subject Sul teaching television textbook that the their three topic trains transport type ubiquitous Uncountable uniform use used usually value vehicles weak weapon Weaponry when which wine with within writing

40 English words from 29 foreign definitions

ABC Activity Admiralty Air Alfabeto alphabet America American and Associated Australian Based Best Bone British Broadcasting Comics commencement Companies Company Conduction Corporation Costing das der des Die een Ensemble fumetti Het linea network Ordnung Petit Principes rudiments Sens und van

5 foreign words from 86 English definitions

Bernardo Bíblica Caetano Castilla general␣purpose

53 foreign words from 29 foreign definitions

abc abecê Abkürzung Aerea afkorting alfabet Alphabetische Alphabet␣latin analisi Approfondimento Atomare aus australiano Australië betrekking Biologische Buchstaben Chemische combinaison Conduzione contenant economica editoriale eiland élémentaires Familier figuré für Grundlagen hebbend inglese initiaalwoord Kampf keer lateinischen latin livret Militair Nationale omroep Ossea Otorinolaringoiatria radiotelevisivo Reihenfolge Sens␣figuré Spaanse statunitense tecnica televisivo von voor waarmee wapens

27 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

ABCA ABCD ABCP ABCs ABCS ABC's ABCCC Abcde ABCDs abcee ABCPs ABC␣art abcees abcaree ABC␣book ab␣crack ABC␣soil ABC␣books ab␣cracks ABC␣soils abcauline abciximab abcoulomb abchalazal ABC␣Islands abcoulombs abc␣conjecture

35 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

DABCO babcia babcias Babcock labcoat lab␣coat Babcocks crabcake crab␣cake crab␣claw crabcore dabchick labcoats lab␣coats slabcake slab␣cake stab␣cell crabcakes crab␣cakes crab␣canon crab␣claws dabchicks drabcloth kebab-case kebab␣case stab␣cells crab␣canons Juab␣County squab␣chick tab␣control sabcomeline squab␣chicks tab␣controls MacNab␣cypress Macnab␣cypresses

3 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)


2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

cba CBA

11 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

bac BAC -bac- BCA B.C.A. B.␣C.␣A. cab Cab CAB cba CBA

81 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

AABC AACB abac ABAC ABCA ABCD ABCP ABCs ABCS ABC's ABEC ABPC ACAB A.C.A.B. ACBL Baca bacc B.Acc. bace bach Bach BACH B-A-C-H Baci back Back back- bacn bacs BACs BACS bact. B.Acy. BAFC banc BASc B.A.Sc. B.␣A.␣Sc. BCAA BCAR BCCA BCVA BDAC BHCA BMAC BOAC Boca BRAC caba Caba +31 words

46 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ab Ab AB A♭ -ab ab- ab. A&B A/B a.b. A.B. ac Ac AC ℀ -ac a-c a/c ac- ac. A/C a.c. A.C. ba Ba BA b@ ba' -ba- B.A. B.␣A. bc BC b/c B.C. ca CA c@ &ca ca. &ca. C.A. CB C♭ c&b C.B.

101 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AAC AA-C aba Aba ABA A.B.A. abb abb. ABD abd. Abd. abe Abe ABE Abé ABG ABH Abi ABI abl. ABM ABN abo Abo ABO Åbo A/B/O Abp ABP abp. Abp. Abq ABQ Abq. ABR abr. abs Abs ABs ABS A♭s abs- abs. A.B.s abt ABT abt. Abu ABU abv ABV abv. ABW Abx aby Aby acc ACC acc. ADC AEC AFC AGC AKC alc ALC AMC ANC AOC APC arc Arc ARC arc- asc ASC ATC AUC AVC BBC CBC DbC DBC FBC GBC HBC IBC JBC KBC LBC MBC NBC N.B.C. N.␣B.␣C. OBC PBC RBC SBC TBC UBC WBC

27 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ab Ab AB A♭ -ab ab- ab. A&B A/B a.b. A.B. ac Ac AC ℀ -ac a-c a/c ac- ac. A/C a.c. A.C. bc BC b/c B.C.

5 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)


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