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The word afi is in the Wiktionary

35 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • AFI prop.n. (Film) Initialism of American Film Institute.
  • AFI n. Initialism of acquiring financial institution.
  • AFI n. Initialism of actual flip-angle imaging.
— International convention —
  • AFI sym. (International standards, obsolete) Former ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for Afars and the Issas from 1974 to 1977.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Asturian - Catalan
    • AFI prop.n. IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet).
  • Catalan
    • afí adj. Related (standing in relation or connection).
    • afí adj. Adjacent (lying next to).
  • Ewe
  • Galician
    • AFI prop.n. IPA; Acronym of Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (“International Phonetic Alphabet”).
  • Ibanag - Tokelauan
  • Icelandic - Old norse
    • afi n. Grandfather.
  • Jamaican creole
    • afi v. Alternative spelling of haffi; have to; must.
  • Kom
    • afi adv. There, (over) yonder (in a place away from yet visible to the speaker and listener(s)).
  • Romanian
    • AFI n. Initialism of Alfabetul Fonetic Internațional (“IPA; International Phonetic Alphabet”).
  • Samoan - Tongan
    • afi n. Fire (oxidation reaction).
  • Tokelauan
    • afi n. Match.
    • afi n. Lighter.
    • afi n. Engine, motor.
    • afi n. (Colloquial) eyes.
  • West makian
    • afi n. Earth.
    • afi n. Ground.
    • afi n. Dirt.
    • afi n. Cultivated field.
    • afi n. Garden.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • AFI sig. Sigla para a banda estado-unidense A Fire Inside.
  • AFI sig. Sigla para American Film Institute (Instituto de Cinema Estadunidense).
  • AFI sig. Sigla para Australian Film Institute (Instituto de Cinema Australiano).
  • AFI sig. Sigla para American Football Israel association (associação de Futebol Americano de Israel).
  • AFI sig. Sigla para Armed Forces of India (Forças Armadas da Índia).
  • AFI sig. Sigla para Air Force Instructions (Instruções da Força Aérea).
— In Spanish —
  • AFI sig. Alfabeto Fonético Internacional.
  • AFI sig. Agencia Federal de Investigación, de México.
— In Portuguese —
  • AFI sig. Sigla de Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (notação padrão…
  • AFI sig. Sigla de Associação Fonética Internacional.
— In Italian —
  • AFI acro. Sigla di Alfabeto fonetico internazionale. L’AFI è un…
74 English words from 24 English definitions

acquiring Acronym actual Adjacent Afars Alfabeto alpha Alphabet Alternative American and angle away code Colloquial connection country country␣code Cultivated Dirt Earth Engine eyes field Film financial financial␣institution Fire flip Fone for Former from Garden Grandfather Ground have have␣to imaging Initialism Institute institution International IPA ISO Issas Lighter listener lying Match motor Mouse must next next␣to obsolete over oxidation Phonetic place reaction Related relation speaker spelling standards standing standing␣in the There to␣the visible yet yonder

27 English words from 11 foreign definitions

AFI Air Air␣Force Alfabeto American Americano Armadas Armed association Australian banda Cinema estado Federal Film Fire Football Force Forces India Inside Institute Instructions Israel padrão para Sigla

3 foreign words from 24 English definitions

Internacional Internat tico

19 foreign words from 11 foreign definitions

Aérea Agencia American␣Football associação Australiano estado-unidense Estadunidense Fonética fonetico Força Forças Futebol Índia Instituto Internacional internazionale Investigación México notação

35 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Afia afib a-fib A-fib -afil AFIs AFIS afibs a-fibs A-fibs afire afield A␣final afitin A␣finals afikoman afikomen afikomans afikomens afimbrial afibrillar aficionada aficionadi aficionado afimbriate aficionadas aficionados afimoxifene aficionadoes afibrinogenemia afibrinogenemic afibrinogenaemia afibrinogenaemic afibrinogenemias afibrinogenaemias

611 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Aafia cafiz fafia FAFIA gafia GAFIA hafis hafiz Hafiz kafir Kafir kafis kafiz Lafia mafia Mafia mafic qafiz rafie Rafiq Rafis Safis tafia Tafia cafila cafiso Chafin deafie elafin ghafir gräfin hafidh Hafidh Hafisi in␣a␣fix kaafir kafila kafirs Lafite loafin' MAFIAA mafias mafics mafiya NAAFIs oafish Ohafia qafila rafida rafidi Rafidi +560 words

47 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

kafi Rafi Safi Tafi Anafi NAAFI Shafi Gadafi Hanafi Kadafi Kazafi Najafi Qadafi Salafi ych␣a␣fi ashrafi Ashrafi Gadaafi Gaddafi Gadhafi Ghadafi Kaddafi Kadhafi Kazzafi Khadafi Qaddafi Qadhafi Qathafi Qazzafi Qhadafi Quadafi Wakwafi Gaddhafi Ghaddafi Gheddafi Kaddhafi Khaddafi Khadhafi matalafi Qaddhafi Qhaddafi Quaddafi Quadhafi Quathafi tuo␣zaafi Qadhdhafi Quaddhafi

One word-in-word RTL (Word found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


5 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


74 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

AEFI AFCI Afia afib a-fib A-fib -afil AFIs AFIS Aífe AIFF AIFV alif an␣if Asif as␣if AUFI AUIF AVIF CFAI CFIA diaf DIAF FaiF FAIF fail Fail fain Fain fair fait Fait faix fiar fiat Fiat FIAT FICA Fifa FIFA fi␣fa fi.␣fa. fika fila fina Fina FIOA Fipa FISA fita +24 words

20 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

af AF ai Ai AI A-I a.i. A.I. fa FA f@ F/A fi Fi FI IA -ia i.a. if IF

74 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AAI Abi ABI ACI Adi AFA AFB AFC AfD AFE aff AFF aff. Afg. AFJ afk AFK AFL AFM AFN AFP AFR Afr. AFr. AFs AFS aft AFT aft- AFU AFV AGI A.G.I. A.␣G.␣I. ahi AII A-II aji AKI Ali ali- AMI ani Ani ANI Aoi AOI Api API AQI Ari ARI Asi ASI a-Si A.S.I. A.␣S.␣I. AUI avi Avi AVI avi- axi- BFI CFI DFI EFI FFI GFI IFI MFI NFI PFI RFI

11 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

af AF ai Ai AI A-I a.i. A.I. fi Fi FI

3 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)


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