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The word amp is in the Wiktionary

45 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • amp n. (Colloquial, countable) Short for ampere.
  • amp n. (Colloquial, countable) Short for amplifier.
  • amp n. (Colloquial, countable) Short for ampoule.
  • amp n. (Colloquial, countable) Short for amputee.
  • amp n. (Colloquial, uncountable) Short for ampicillin.
  • amp v. (Colloquial, usually with up) To amplify.
  • amp v. (Colloquial, usually with up) To excite.
  • amp v. (Colloquial, usually with up) To intensify or increase.
  • amp v. (Colloquial, usually with up) To connect to amplifiers.
  • AMP n. (Biochemistry) Initialism of adenosine monophosphate.
  • AMP n. (Biochemistry) Initialism of antimicrobial peptide.
  • AMP n. (Internet) Initialism of accelerated mobile page.
  • AMP prop.n. (Biblical) Abbreviation of w:Amplified Bible.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Afrikaans
    • amp n. An official position, a function, an office, a post.
  • Tagalog
    • amp interj. (Chiefly Internet slang, usually derogatory, vulgar, offensive) (either of a situation or a person) piece of shit.
    • amp interj. (Chiefly Internet slang, usually derogatory, vulgar, offensive) (of a person) motherfucker, asshole.
  • Tocharian b
— English words, defined in French —
  • amp n. (Métrologie) (Électricité) (Populaire) Ampère (A).
  • amp n. (Électrotechnique, Musique) (Populaire) Ampli, amplificateur.
  • A.M.P. n. (Informatique) Asymmetric Multi Processing : architecture multiprocesseur où le système d’exploitation…
  • A.M.P. n. (Informatique) Apache MySQL PHP : ensemble de logiciels libres servant à construire une architecture…
  • A.M.P. n. (Informatique) Accelerated Mobile Page : Technologie et méthode open source, développée par Google…
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • amp s. Contracción de ampere.
  • amp s. Contracción de amplifier.
  • amp s. Contracción de ampoule.
  • amp s. Contracción de amputee.
  • amp s. Contracción de ampicillin.
  • amp v. Amplificar.
  • amp v. Excitar.
  • amp v. Intensificar.
— In German —
  • Amp S. Umgangssprachlich: (Gitarren-)Verstärker.
  • AMP Abk. Abkürzung für Adenosinmonophosphat.
— In French —
  • AMP n.f. (Médecine, Sociologie) Assistance médicalisée à la procréation.
  • AMP n.m. (Biochimie) Acide adénosine-monophosphorique.
  • AMP n.f. (Médecine) Aide médicopsychologique.
  • A.M.P. n.m. (Aviation) Aéroport Marseille Provence.
  • A.M.P. n.m. (Climatologie) Anticyclone mobile polaire.
  • A.M.P. n.f. (Médecine) Aide médico-psychologique.
  • A.M.P. n.f. (Médecine) Assistance médicale à la procréation.
  • A.M.P. n.f. (Politique) (Congo-Kinshasa) Alliance pour la Majorité Présidentielle.
  • A.M.P. n.f. (Biologie) Aire marine protégée.
  • A.M.P. n.f. (Biochimie) Adénosine monophosphate.
  • A.M.P. n.f. (Politique) (Québec) Autorité des marchés publics.
  • A.M.P. n. (Éducation) Arts et Métiers ParisTech.
  • A.M.P. n.m. (Économie) Actifs moyens pondérés.
54 English words from 17 English definitions

Abbreviation accelerated adenosine ampere ampicillin Amplified amplifier amplifiers amplify ampoule amputee antimicrobial asshole Bible Biblical Biochemistry Chiefly Colloquial connect countable derogatory either excite fester for function increase Initialism intensify Internet mobile monophosphate motherfucker of␣a offensive office official page peptide person piece piece␣of␣shit position post rot shit Short Short␣for situation slang uncountable usually vulgar with

46 English words from 28 foreign definitions

Accelerated Aide Aire à␣la Alliance ampere ampicillin amplifier ampoule amputee Anticyclone Apache architecture Arts Assistance Asymmetric Aviation Congo Congo-Kinshasa des ensemble exploitation Google Kinshasa libres marine Marseille Métiers mobile monophosphate Multi Musique open open␣source Page par PHP Politique pour Processing protégée Provence publics Québec servant source

53 foreign words from 28 foreign definitions

Abkürzung Acide Actifs adénosine Aéroport Ampli Amplificar amplificateur Arts␣et␣Métiers Autorité Biochimie Biologie Climatologie Congo␣Kinshasa construire Contracción développée Économie Éducation Électricité Électrotechnique Excitar für Gitarren Informatique Intensificar logiciels logiciels␣libres Majorité marchés marchés␣publics Médecine médicale médicalisée médico médicopsychologique méthode Métrologie moyens multiprocesseur MySQL polaire pondérés Populaire Présidentielle procréation psychologique Sociologie système Technologie Umgangssprachlich une Verstärker

668 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

AMPA AMPK amps AMPS AMPAS amped amper amphi- ampho- amp-hr amp.␣hr. ample amply AM␣pop ampul amp␣up ampyx amparo ampelo- ampere ampère ampers ampery amphid ampho␣B amphoe amp-hrs amping ampler amplex amps␣up ampule ampuls Amparan amparos ampassy amped␣up amperes ampères amphids amphoes amphora amplect ampless amplest amplify ampotis ampoule ampules ampulla +618 words

3478 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

bamps Campa Campe campi campo Campo camps campy Campy damps Damps dampy gampi gamps Hampe Hamps Kampa Kampe LAMPP lamps Lamps mampy Nampo pampa Pampa PAMPs ramps Ramps Rampy Sampa SAMPA sampi samps Samps Tampa tampo tamps vamps vampy wamps yampa yampe yampi yampy abamps Acampo alampy bampot Campas Campau +3428 words

419 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

bamp camp Camp cAMP CAMP damp Damp DAMP gamp GAMP Hamp jamp kamp lamp Lamp LAMP pamp PAMP ramp Ramp samp Samp sAMP tamp vamp wamp WAMP yamp abamp champ Champ clamp Clamp cramp Cramp glamp gramp Kramp opamp op-amp scamp Shamp stamp Stamp swamp tramp wramp bedamp C-clamp decamp +369 words

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

pma PMA p.m.a.

10 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

APM map MAP MPA pam Pam PAM pma PMA p.m.a.

77 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

ABPM AGMP AMPA AMPK amps AMPS Apma Ap␣Ma APML APMs bamp camp Camp cAMP CAMP CAPM CPAM damp Damp DAMP EPMA gamp GAMP Hamp HMPA HPMA IMAP IPAM IPMA jamp JMAP kamp lamp Lamp LAMP MAFP MAPP maps MAPs M.D.␣Pa. MPAA MPAs MPDA MPLA MRAP palm Palm pamp PAMP pams PAMs +26 words

38 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

am Am AM 'am Am. A&M a.m. A.M. a.␣m. A.␣M. A.␣&␣M. ap Ap AP ap. A&P ma Ma MA M&A M+A -ma- M.A. mp Mp MP M.P. pa Pa PA Pa. p.a. pm PM p.m. P.M. p.␣m. P.␣M.

84 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AAP A.A.P. Abp ABP abp. Abp. ACP ADP AFP AGP AHP AIP AJP alp ALP ama Ama AMA amb amb. AMC AMD AmE AME AMF AMG AMI AMK AML AMN Amo AMO Amo. AMR AMS 'ams A.M.s amt AMT amt. amu AMU AMV Amy ANP AOP app App APP app. arp Arp ARP asp ASP atp ATP AUP AVP AWP AXP AYP BMP CMP emp EMP Emp. GMP HMP imp IMP imp. Imp. LMP MMP PMP RMP SMP TMP ump UMP Vmp WMP XMP

20 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

am Am AM 'am Am. A&M a.m. A.M. a.␣m. A.␣M. A.␣&␣M. ap Ap AP ap. A&P mp Mp MP M.P.

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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