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The word bait is in the Wiktionary

67 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • bait n. Any substance, especially food, used in catching fish, or other animals, by alluring them to a hook…
  • bait n. Food containing poison or a harmful additive to kill animals that are pests.
  • bait n. Anything which allures; something used to lure or entice someone or something into doing something.
  • bait n. A portion of food or drink, as a refreshment taken on a journey; also, a stop for rest and refreshment.
  • bait n. (Internet slang) A post intended to get a rise out of others.
  • bait v. (Transitive) To attract with bait; to entice.
  • bait v. (Transitive) To affix bait to a trap or a fishing hook or fishing line.
  • bait v. (Transitive) To set dogs on (An animal etc.) to bite or worry; to attack with dogs, especially for sport.
  • bait v. (Transitive) To intentionally annoy, torment, or threaten by constant rebukes or threats; to harass.
  • bait v. (Transitive, now rare) To feed and water (a horse or other animal), especially during a journey.
  • bait v. (Intransitive) (of a horse or other animal) To take food, especially during a journey.
  • bait v. (Intransitive) (of a person) To stop to take a portion of food and drink for refreshment during a journey.
  • bait v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To flap the wings; to flutter as if to fly; or to hover, as a hawk when she…
  • bait adj. (MLE) Obvious; blatant.
  • bait adj. (MLE) Well-known; famous; renowned.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Basque
    • bait- conj. Because, since.
    • bait- conj. Who, which.
  • Cimbrian
    • bait adj. Wide, broad.
    • bait adj. Distant, far.
  • Indonesian - Malay
    • bait n. House (abode).
    • bait n. Home (house or structure in which someone lives).
    • bait n. (Literature) couplet (a pair of lines in poetry).
  • Malay
  • Marshallese
  • Middle english
    • bait n. Alternative form of bayte.
  • Polabian
    • bai̯t v. (Transitive) to beat.
    • bai̯t v. (Transitive, agriculture) to thresh.
  • Romanian
    • bait n. Alternative form of byte.
    • baiț n. Stain, coloring.
  • Tagalog
    • bait n. Kindness.
    • bait n. Senses; clear state of mind.
    • bait n. Prudence; cautiousness.
    • bait n. Docility; domesticity.
  • Welsh
    • bait v. (Literary) second-person singular imperfect subjunctive of bod.
— English words, defined in German —
  • bait S. Der Köder, das Lockmittel.
  • bait V. Anlocken, ködern.
  • bait V. Hetzen, quälen, peinigen.
  • bait V. Beizen.
  • bait V. Anfallen.
  • bait V. Mit den Flügeln schlagen, flattern.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • bait n. Lokaas.
— English words, defined in French —
  • bait n. Appât.
  • bait n. (Geordie) Repas emmené au travail.
  • bait v. Appâter.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • bait s. Anzuelo, cebo, carnada.
  • bait v. Cebar.
  • bait v. Hacer picar.
  • bait v. Hacer morder el anzuelo.
  • bait v. Atormentar.
  • bait v. Pescar, atrapar.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • bait s. Isca.
  • bait s. Engodo.
  • bait s. Descanso para lanche.
  • bait v. Cevar.
  • bait v. Iscar.
  • bait v. Atrair, seduzir.
  • bait v. Dar ração a animais.
  • bait v. Atormentar.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • bait s. (Pesca), (caccia) esca.
  • bait s. (Senso figurato) esca, lusinga, allettamento, adescamento.
  • bait s. (Raro) cibo, ristoro.
  • bait s. (Pesca), (caccia) munire di esca.
  • bait s. (Senso figurato) adescare, lusingare.
  • bait s. Perseguitare, tormentare.
— In German —
  • Bait S. Literatur, speziell Lyrik: metrische Einheit des Ghasels.
155 English words from 36 English definitions

abode additive affix agriculture allures alluring also Alternative and animal animals annoy Any Anything are as␣if attack attract bait beat Because bite blatant bod Boxing broad byte catching cautiousness clear coloring constant containing couplet Distant Docility dogs doing domesticity drink during entice especially etc famous far feed fish fishing fishing␣hook fishing␣line flap flutter fly food for form get get␣a␣rise get␣a␣rise␣out␣of harass harmful hawk Hit Home hook horse house hover imperfect imperfect␣subjunctive intended intentionally Internet into intransitive journey kill Kindness known line lines Literary Literature lives lure mind MLE now Obsolete Obvious of␣a or␣something other others out out␣of pair person pests poetry poison portion post Prudence Punch rare rebukes refreshment renowned rest rise second second␣person second-person␣singular Senses set she since singular slang someone something sport Stain state state␣of␣mind stop structure subjunctive substance take taken taken␣on that the them threaten threats thresh torment Transitive trap used used␣to water Well Well␣known when which Who Wide wings with worry

11 English words from 31 foreign definitions

Dar das den Der des Descanso esca Geordie para Raro travail

53 foreign words from 31 foreign definitions

adescamento allettamento Anfallen animais Anlocken anzuelo Appât Appâter Atormentar Atrair atrapar Beizen caccia carnada Cebar cebo Cevar cibo Einheit emmené Engodo figurato flattern Flügeln Ghasels Hacer Hetzen Isca Iscar Köder ködern lanche Literatur Lockmittel Lokaas lusinga Lyrik metrische Mit morder peinigen Pesca Pescar picar quälen ração Repas ristoro schlagen seduzir Senso Senso␣figurato speziell

58 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

baits Baity baited baiter bait␣up Baitys bait␣box bait␣bug bait␣car bait␣dog baiters baitest baiteth baithak baiting baits␣up baitable bait␣ball baitboat bait␣boat bait␣bugs bait␣cars bait-cord bait␣dogs baited␣up baitfish baithaks baithook baitings baitless baitshop baitware baitwell baitworm baityloi baitylos bait␣balls baitboats bait␣boxes baithooks baiting␣up baitshops baitwells baitworms baitcaster baitfishes baitholder baitcasters baitcasting baitfishery +8 words

108 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Dubaite elbaite jebaits rebaits unbaits vrbaite cadbaits codbaits danbaite Dubaites elbaites gaybaits jebaited poubaite prebaits rebaited redbaits red-baits unbaited bearbaits bear-baits bear␣baits buzzbaits crowbaits fishbaits gaybaited jailbaits jebaiting nonbaited prebaited race-baits rebaiting redbaited red-baited redbaiter red-baiter Sarabaite scambaits swimbaits tongbaite unbaiting bearbaited bear-baited bearbaiter burn-baited chudobaite clickbaits clickbaity clickbait-y crankbaits +58 words

65 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

abait jebait rebait unbait cadbait codbait cut␣bait gaybait prebait redbait red-bait bearbait bear-bait bear␣bait buzzbait craybait crowbait cuts␣bait dickbait fishbait fuckbait fujobait gaolbait jailbait jail-bait jail␣bait linkbait link-bait link␣bait race-bait ragebait scambait swimbait clickbait click-bait click␣bait crankbait flamebait flame␣bait Oscar␣bait pogey␣bait queerbait sharebait shark-bait shark␣bait spoonbait stinkbait whitebait groundbait ledger␣bait +15 words

4 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ait AIT bai Bai

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

IAB tia Tia TIA

5 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

abit a␣bit bati IBAT tabi

53 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

abait abite absit ambit arbit bain't baits Baity balti Balti Bălți basti Ba'thi Baʻthi Batie batik batil batin bat␣in batis beati biast bifta Bihta bilat biota Bista -bital Bitar bitca brait BTAIM EBITA fitba habit IBATs ibota imbat it␣bag Ixtab ribat Sabit Staib tabia tabic tabid tabis Taibi Talib Tibat tibia timba zabti

42 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Abi ABI abt ABT abt. AIB ait AIT ATB bai Bai bat BAT bat- Bat- Bia BIA B.I.A. bit B.I.T. BTA B.T.A. Bti IAB IAT Iba IBA ita ITA ITB tab Tab tai Tai TAI TBA TBI tia Tia TIA tib TiB

44 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

BABT bact. baft baht Baig Baik bail Bail bain Bain Bair bais Baiz Balt Balt. bant Bart BART bast Bast batt Batt bayt Beit blit B.␣Lit. brit Brit Brit- Brit. Cait fait Fait gait Kait lait Lait nait NAIT Pait tait Tait wait Wait

10 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ait AIT bai Bai bat BAT bat- Bat- bit B.I.T.

2 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

bain't brait

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