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The word basta is in the Wiktionary

76 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English word —
  • basta interj. (Obsolete outside Spanish/Portuguese/Italian contexts) (that’s) enough; stop!
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Afar
  • Catalan
    • basta n. (Sewing) tack, basting stitch.
    • basta adj. Feminine singular of bast.
    • basta v. Third-person singular present indicative form of bastar.
    • basta v. Second-person singular imperative form of bastar.
    • bastà v. Third-person singular preterite indicative form of bastar.
  • Cebuano
    • basta adv. So long as.
    • basta conj. Provided that.
    • basta interj. Used in a refusal to provide a full answer to a question.
    • basta interj. Enough!, (I’m) not hearing anymore of this!, (I’m) not listening anymore!
  • Czech
    • bašta n. Hut on a pond dam.
    • bašta n. (Colloquial) enjoyable food.
  • Czech - Serbo-croatian
  • Danish
    • basta interj. My decision is final, and I will debate no further.
  • Galician
    • basta interj. Enough, stop!
  • Hiligaynon
  • Icelandic
    • basta interj. See punktur og basta.
  • Ligurian
    • bàsta interj. (That’s) enough! stop!
  • Maltese
    • basta prep. So long as, provided.
    • basta prep. In spite of.
    • basta interj. Enough, stop, shut up.
  • Polish
    • basta interj. (Literary) enough!
    • Basta prop.n. A masculine surname.
    • Basta prop.n. A feminine surname.
  • Romanian
    • basta adv. Enough.
    • Bașta prop.n. A village in Secuieni, Neamț, Romania.
    • baștă n. Alternative form of bașcă.
  • Serbo-croatian
    • bašta n. (Bosnia, regional Croatia, Serbia) garden.
  • Swedish
    • basta v. To sit in a sauna.
    • basta interj. Enough! No more discussion!
    • bästa adj. Superlative degree of bra.
  • Tagalog
    • basta interj. Used to react when one refuses to give an explanation: just because!; none of your business!; no need…
    • basta interj. Used to react to one’s sudden loss for words during an explanation.
    • basta conj. As long as; provided that; only if.
    • basta adv. Used to reduce the force of an imperative: simply; just.
    • basta adv. Used to emphasize that one’s knowledge or concern is limited: just; all I know is that; all that matters…
    • basta adv. Just; only; merely (used in the negative).
    • basta adv. Used to emphasize lack of discernment in one’s actions: just.
    • basta n. Packaging; packing; baling.
    • basta n. Bundle; bale; large bundle.
  • Turkish
    • başta n. Singular locative of baş.
  • Welsh
    • basta n. Soft mutation of pasta.
— In German —
  • basta Interj. Umgangssprachlich: es reicht; es ist genug!
— In Dutch —
  • basta tuss. Uitroep om een eind te maken aan verdere tegenspraak.
  • basta n. (Kaartspel) (omber, quadrille) klaveraas, de derde troefkaart.
— In French —
  • basta interj. Ça suffit. C’est assez.
  • basta v. Troisième personne du singulier du passé simple de baster.
  • basta n. Synonyme de canaria (race de bovins).
  • basta n.m. (Textile) Fine toile de coton fabriquée en Inde.
— In Spanish —
  • basta s. Hilván que dan en la ropa los sastres, modistas y costureras…
  • basta s. Cada una de las puntadas que se dan de trecho en trecho por…
  • basta s. Tela de algodón muy fina y estimada, procedente de las Indias orientales.
  • basta adj. Forma femenina de basto, grosero.
  • basta interj. Voz imperativa que indica "alto, detenerse, parar"…
  • basta interj. Deporte, Equitación. En equitación, voz de alto para…
  • basta v. Tercera persona del singular (ella, él, ello; usted, 2.ª…
  • basta v. Segunda persona del singular (tú) del imperativo afirmativo de bastar.
  • bastá v. Segunda persona del singular (vos) del imperativo afirmativo de bastar.
— In Portuguese —
  • basta interj. Não mais!; chega!
  • basta s. Cordel com que se atravessam os colchões ou almofadas para…
  • basta s. Pequena peça de pano ou lã que remata esses cordéis na face do colchão.
  • basta s. (Minho) prega que se faz na roupa, especialmente nas saias…
  • basta s. Ato ou efeito interveniente que faz cessar.
  • basta adj. Feminino de basto.
  • basta v. Terceira pessoa do singular do presente do indicativo do verbo bastar.
  • basta v. Segunda pessoa do singular do imperativo do verbo bastar.
  • basta v. Primeira pessoa do singular do presente do subjuntivo do verbo bastir.
  • basta v. Terceira pessoa do singular do presente do subjuntivo do verbo bastir.
  • basta v. Terceira pessoa do singular do imperativo do verbo bastir.
— In Italian —
  • basta int. Finiscila lì.
  • basta int. Quanto basta alle necessità; per non eccedere, senza esagerare.
  • basta int. Richiesta o esclamazione affinché qualcosa abbia un termine.
  • basta int. (Per estensione) lasciar correre.
  • basta s. (Abbigliamento) imbastitura utilizzata come prova.
  • basta v. Terza persona singolare dell’indicativo presente di bastare.
142 English words from 43 English definitions

actions all all␣that Alternative and answer answer␣to anymore As␣long␣as bale baling bas bast basta basting Bastion because Bosnia bra bundle business Colloquial concern contexts Croatia dam debate decision degree discernment discussion during emphasize enjoyable enough explanation feminine final food for force form full further garden give hearing Hut I␣know imperative indicative in␣one In␣spite␣of Italian just just␣because know knowledge lack large limited listening Literary locative long loss masculine matters merely more mutation need negative No␣more none not Obsolete of␣an one only only␣if outside Packaging packing pasta person pond Portuguese present present␣indicative preterite provide provided provided␣that question react reduce refusal refuses regional Romania sauna Second Second␣person Second-person␣singular See Serbia Sewing shut shut␣up simply singular sit sit␣in Soft Soft␣mutation So␣long So␣long␣as Spanish spite spite␣of stitch stop sudden Superlative Superlative␣degree surname tack that that␣one the Third Third␣person Third-person␣singular this used Used␣to village when will words your

41 English words from 33 foreign definitions

alto basta baster basto Cada com come Cordel dan del dell een ello esses est face fina Fine Indias indica ist las maken muy non omber pano para passé per persona quadrille que race simple singular Synonyme Tela termine Textile toile

1 foreign word from 43 English definitions


109 foreign words from 33 foreign definitions

aan abbia Abbigliamento affinché afirmativo algodón alle assez Ato atravessam bastar bastare bastir bovins canaria Ça␣suffit cessar C’est chega colchão coton Deporte derde detenerse du␣passé efeito eind ella equitación esclamazione especialmente estensione estimada fabriquée faz femenina Feminino Forma genug grosero imperativa imperativo Inde indicativo interveniente Kaartspel klaveraas los mais maken␣aan Minho Não nas necessità orientales parar passé␣simple peça Pequena Per␣estensione personne pessoa por prega presente presente␣do␣indicativo presente␣do␣subjuntivo Primeira Primeira␣pessoa procedente prova puntadas qualcosa Quanto reicht remata Richiesta ropa roupa saias sastres Segunda Segunda␣persona Segunda␣pessoa senza singolare singulier subjuntivo suffit tegenspraak Terceira Terceira␣pessoa Tercera Tercera␣persona Terza Terza␣persona trecho troefkaart Troisième Troisième␣personne Uitroep Umgangssprachlich una usted utilizzata verbo verdere vos voz

116 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Bastani bastard Bastard bastable bastadin Bastanis bastarda Bastardo bastards Bastards bastardy bastables bastadins bastarded bastardly Bastardos bastardry bastard␣bar bastard-dom bastard␣eel bastardess bastardies bastarding bastardise bastardish bastardism bastardize bastardous bastard␣pop bastard␣bars bastard␣dory bastard␣file bastardhood bastardised bastardiser bastardises bastarditis bastardized bastardizer bastardizes bastardless bastardlike bastardling bastardness bastardship bastard␣teak bastard␣type bastard␣wing bastable␣cake bastard␣cedar +66 words

32 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

abastard abastards abastarded rat-bastard rat␣bastard abastarding abastardise abastardize rat-bastards rat␣bastards abastardised abastardises abastardized abastardizes brown␣bastard embastardize imbastardize abastardising abastardizing brown␣bastards embastardized embastardizes imbastardized imbastardizes unbastardized viola␣bastarda embastardizing imbastardizing viola␣bastardas imbastardizings Rhineland␣bastard Rhineland␣bastards

One prefix (New word found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)


21 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ast Ast AST -ast as't Asta ASTA bas Bas BAs BAS B.A.s B.A.'s B.A.S. B.␣A.␣S. bast Bast sta Sta STA Sta.

9 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ats ATs ATS at's sab SAB Sab. TSA T(S/A)

4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Batas sabat Sabat Staab

39 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

abasht abates Abates abatis abbats ablast Albats artabs atbash at-bats at␣bats baftas BAFTAs banats Bantas Bartas basalt Basalt Bastia batabs BATNAs Batras battas Battas Kabats Labats rabats sabats Sabats sabbat Sabbat sea␣bat Tabaks Tabars tabias tablas Tablas talabs tsamba

42 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

AABs AABT abas à␣bas ABTA ABTs ASAT Asta ASTA atas ATBs ATSB baas BaaS basa Basa bast Bast bata Bata batá bàtá bats Bats BSAA BTAS Saab SAAB saba Saba SABA SATA SATB stab STAB taas TaaS TAAs tabs Tabs TBAs TBSA

32 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

BACTA bafta BAFTA Balta Banta Baota Barta Basaa basha Basha Baska Basra bassa baste basti basto Basto basts batta Batta Bista busta casta Casta hasta masta Nasta pasta rasta Rasta Vasta wasta

10 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Asta ASTA basa Basa bast Bast bata Bata batá bàtá

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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