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The word bau is in the Wiktionary

70 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • bau n. Alternative form of bao: Any of various types of steamed bread used in Chinese cuisine.
  • Bau prop.n. A surname.
  • BAU adj. Abbreviation of business as usual.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Biritai - Burmeso
  • Brunei malay - Indonesian - Malay
    • bau n. Smell (sensation).
  • Catalan
    • bau n. (Nautical) crossbeam.
  • Dibabawon manobo
    • bau n. Widow; widower.
  • Iban
    • bau n. (Anatomy) shoulder.
  • Indonesian
    • bau n. (Historical) a unit of measure for area on Java, equivalent to about 0.7 hectare; a portion of agricultural…
  • Lashi
    • bau n. Hill.
    • bau v. (Transitive) to carry on one’s back.
  • Luxembourgish
    • Bau n. Building.
    • Bau n. Building site.
  • Makasar
  • Palauan
    • bau n. Smell, odor, scent.
    • bau v. (Stative) sore, irritated.
  • Romanian
    • bau interj. The cry of a wolf.
    • bau interj. Boo, a loud exclamation intended to scare someone.
  • Southwestern dinka
    • bau n. Aluminium.
  • Ternate
    • bau v. (Transitive) to borrow.
    • bau n. A step-relative.
  • Tày
  • Vietnamese
    • báu adj. (Only in compounds) precious.
    • bàu n. (Central Vietnam, southern Vietnam) pond, pool.
    • bâu v. (Northern Vietnam) to assemble, to gather into one place.
    • bấu v. To grip; to grab.
    • bấu v. To pinch.
    • bầu n. Lagenaria siceraria (calabash vine, bottle gourd).
    • bầu n. (By extension) Any plant of genus Lagenaria.
    • bầu n. Various varieties of Oryza sativa rice that are usually planted as lúa Chiêm in deep paddies, and are…
    • bầu n. Gourd (hard-shelled fruit from a plant in Lagenaria).
    • bầu n. Gourd (dried and hardened shell of a gourd fruit).
    • bầu n. (Botany) ovary (lower part of a pistil or carpel that bears ovules).
    • bầu n. (Horticulture) rootball.
    • bầu n. (Nautical) bulbous bow; bulbous stern.
    • bầu n. Bosom (Seat of one’s inner thoughts, feelings, etc.).
    • bầu n. (Dialectal) womb; baby bump.
    • bầu n. A space of something.
    • bầu n. Pregnancy.
    • bầu adj. Pregnant.
    • bầu adj. (Used in compounds) bulging, plump.
    • bầu v. To be pregnant.
    • bầu v. To vote.
    • bầu v. To elect.
    • bậu pron. (Archaic, literary) you.
  • Welsh
    • bau n. Soft mutation of pau.
  • West coast bajau
— English word, defined in French —
  • BAU n. Business as usual.
— In German —
  • bau V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs bauen.
  • Bau S. Bauwesen, Architektur: Errichtung eines Hauses oder Bauwerkes.
  • Bau S. Allgemein: Tätigkeit des Bauens, Errichtung; Herstellung.
  • Bau S. Bauwesen, kein Plural: Ort, an dem gerade ein Bauwerk errichtet…
  • Bau S. Architektur, mit Plural 1, Ergebnis des Bauens: Haus; Gebäude; Bauwerk.
  • Bau S. Tierwelt, mit Plural 2, Ergebnis des Bauens: in den Boden…
  • Bau S. Kunst, Handwerk, Industrie: Art und Weise der Konstruktion…
  • Bau S. Biologie: Art und Weise der Formung durch die Natur; Aufbau.
  • Bau S. Umgangssprachlich: Gebäude, in dem Verbrecher eingesperrt…
  • Bau S. Deutscher Name der dänischen Gemeinde Bov in Nordschleswig…
— In French —
  • bau n.m. (Marine) Traverse de bois et généralement de fer qui est…
  • bau n.m. Traverse qui, dans les bateaux non pontés, soutient le grand mât.
  • Bau n.fam. Nom de famille.
  • BAU n.f. Bande d’arrêt d’urgence.
— In Portuguese —
  • baú s. Caixa retangular com tampa convexa e geralmente revestida de couro cru.
  • baú s. Mala.
  • baú s. (Brasil e informal) indivíduo endinheirado.
  • baú s. (Zoologia) crustáceo decápode (Hepatus princeps) da família…
  • baú s. (Distrito Federal e informal) ônibus (veículo automotor de…
— In Italian —
  • bau int. Termine onomatopeico per indicare il caratteristico verso…
155 English words from 49 English definitions

Abbreviation about agricultural Alternative Aluminium Anatomy and Any Archaic are area assemble as␣usual baby baby␣bump back bao bears Boo borrow Bosom Botany bottle bottle␣gourd bow bread Building Building␣site bulbous bulging bump business business␣as␣usual By␣extension calabash calabash␣vine carpel carry carry␣on Central Chinese Classifier compounds crossbeam cry cuisine deep Dialectal dried elect equivalent etc exclamation extension feelings flat for form Fragrant from fruit gather genus gourd grab grip hard hardened hectare Hill Historical Horticulture inner intended into irritated Java Leaf literary loud lower measure mutation Nautical New Northern objects odor of␣a one Only ovary ovules paddies part pau pinch pistil place plant planted plump pond pool portion precious Pregnancy pregnant Recent relative rice rootball sativa scare scent Seat sensation shell shelled shoulder site Smell Soft Soft␣mutation someone something sore southern space Stative steamed step stern surname that The thoughts Transitive types unit unit␣of␣measure used usual usually varieties various Vietnam vine vote Water Widow widower wolf womb you

47 English words from 21 foreign definitions

arrêt Art as␣usual automotor bateaux Boden bois Brasil Business Business␣as␣usual com cru dans dem den der des Deutscher die Distrito␣Federal est Federal fer grand Handwerk Haus Hauses informal les Mala Marine Name Nom non Ort per Person Plural princeps Singular Termine Traverse und urgence usual Verbs verso

2 foreign words from 49 English definitions

lúa plant␣in

68 foreign words from 21 foreign definitions

Aktiv Allgemein Architektur Art␣und␣Weise Aufbau Bande bauen Bauens Bauwerk Bauwerkes Bauwesen Biologie Caixa caratteristico convexa couro crustáceo dänischen dans␣les decápode de␣fer Distrito durch ein eines eingesperrt endinheirado Ergebnis errichtet Errichtung família famille Formung Gebäude Gemeinde généralement gerade geralmente grand␣mât Herstellung Imperativ indicare indivíduo Industrie kein Konstruktion Kunst mât mit Natur Nom␣de␣famille oder ônibus onomatopeico pontés Präsens qui retangular revestida soutient tampa Tätigkeit Tierwelt Umgangssprachlich veículo Verbrecher Weise Zoologia

171 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

baud bauf Baul Baum Baun Baup Baur Baus bauds Bauer baugh Baugh Baule baulk Bau Baums bauno Baure Baurs Bauza baubee bauble baubon baucan Bauchi Baucke Baucom Baucum Bauder Baughn Baughs baulks baulky Bauman Baumer Baumés baunos bauson Bauzas baubees baubles baubons baucans bauchle Bauckes Baucoms Baucums Bauders Baudoin baudric +121 words

317 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Debaun Ebaugh Elbaum Rabaul ribaud Wibaux Albaugh Arbaugh Buxbaum debauch Debauns ebauche ébauche Ebaughs Elbaums Erlbaum Gebauer Grabaus Hobaugh imbauba in␣baulk Labauve Lobaugh Nusbaum Orbaugh Ribaudo ribauds ribauld Rimbaud rybauld subaudi Umbaugh Albaughs Arbaughs Ashbaugh autobaud Bierbaum Birnbaum Blubaugh bobaunce Buxbaums Carbaugh Clabaugh ebauches ébauches Farbauti Gebauers gigabaud Grubaugh Grynbaum +267 words

10 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Abau Labau Lobau ausbau dan␣bau Grabau berimbau birimbau Menangkabau Minangkabau

4 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


84 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Abau abiu Abua abud Abui abun Abun ABUs abut abuy Abzu AIBU Albu aube Aube Ayub babu Babu bahu baju Baku Banu bapu Basu batu Batu baud bauf Baul Baum Baun Baup Baur Baus beau Beau Brau BUAF BUAG bual Buas buat BUAV buba Buda Buga Buha buka Bula Buna +34 words

33 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ab Ab AB A♭ -ab ab- ab. A&B A/B a.b. A.B. au Au AU a.u. A.U. A.␣U. ba Ba BA b@ ba' -ba- B.A. B.␣A. bu Bu BU B/U uA UA U/A UB

94 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AAU A.A.U. baa BAA bab bac BAC -bac- bad bae Bae BAe BAE BAF bag bah Bah BAH Bah. bai Bai bak Bak BAK BAL Baʻl bam Bam BAM ban Ban BAN bao Bao BAO bap BAP bar Bar BAR bar- Bar. bas Bas BAs BAS B.A.s B.A.'s B.A.S. B.␣A.␣S. bat BAT bat- Bat- Bax bay Bay baz Baz BDU blu bru Bru BTU BYU Cau dau DAU eau Eau EAU gau Gau Hau IAU Kau lau Lau Mau MAU nau Nau pau Pau QAU SAU tau Tau TAU vau wau Wau WAU Yau

18 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

au Au AU a.u. A.U. A.␣U. ba Ba BA b@ ba' -ba- B.A. B.␣A. bu Bu BU B/U

13 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

babu Babu bahu baju Baku Banu bapu Basu batu Batu beau Beau Brau

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