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The word bemitleidenswertestes is a foreign word

4 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— In German —
  • bemitleidenswertestes V. Nominativ Singular Neutrum der starken Deklination des Superlativs…
  • bemitleidenswertestes V. Akkusativ Singular Neutrum der starken Deklination des Superlativs…
  • bemitleidenswertestes V. Nominativ Singular Neutrum der gemischten Deklination des…
  • bemitleidenswertestes V. Akkusativ Singular Neutrum der gemischten Deklination des…
4 English words from 4 foreign definitions

der des Singular starken

8 foreign words from 4 foreign definitions

Akkusativ Deklination gemischten gemischten␣Deklination Neutrum Nominativ starken␣Deklination Superlativs

62 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Bem BEM den Den DEN Den. dens eid Eid EID 'eid 'Eid EIDE EMI emit ens ENS Ens. ert ERT est Est EST -est est. Est. este Este Estes ide Ide IDE -ide Iden iDEN lei Lei Lei. Leiden MIT mit- NSW N.S.W. N.␣S.␣W. RTÉ Rte. Ste StE STE Ste. SWE tes TEs test Test TEST teste testes TLE wer WER wert

40 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

die diel Diel EDI Edie elt ELT ETR ETs ETS EWS IELT IME MEB ned Ned NED rew Rew rews Rews set Set SET seṭ sets SNe sned Tim TIM Tim. time -time trew Trew trews Trews tse Tse TSE

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