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The word blind is in the Wiktionary

87 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • blind adj. (Not comparable) Unable to see, due to physiological or neurological factors.
  • blind adj. (Comparable) Failing to see, acknowledge, perceive.
  • blind adj. (Not comparable) Of a place, having little or no visibility.
  • blind adj. (Not comparable) Closed at one end; having a dead end; exitless.
  • blind adj. (Not comparable) Having no openings for light or passage; both dark and exitless.
  • blind adj. (In certain phrases, chiefly in the negative) Smallest or slightest.
  • blind adj. (Not comparable) Without any prior knowledge.
  • blind adj. (Not comparable) Unconditional; without regard to evidence, logic, reality, accidental mistakes, extenuating…
  • blind adj. (Sciences) Using blinded study design, wherein information is purposely limited to prevent bias.
  • blind adj. Unintelligible or illegible.
  • blind adj. (Horticulture) Abortive; failing to produce flowers or fruit.
  • blind adj. (LGBT, slang) Uncircumcised.
  • blind n. A movable covering for a window to keep out light, made of cloth or of narrow slats that can block light…
  • blind n. A destination sign mounted on a public transport vehicle displaying the route destination, number, name…
  • blind n. Any device intended to conceal or hide.
  • blind n. Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design; a subterfuge.
  • blind n. (Military) A blindage.
  • blind n. A hiding place.
  • blind n. (Rugby, colloquial) The blindside.
  • blind n. (Baseball, slang, 1800s) No score.
  • blind n. (Poker) A forced bet: the small blind or the big blind.
  • blind n. (Poker) A player who is forced to pay such a bet.
  • blind v. (Transitive) To make temporarily or permanently blind.
  • blind v. (Slang, obsolete) To curse.
  • blind v. To darken; to obscure to the eye or understanding; to conceal.
  • blind v. To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel, for example a road newly paved, in order that…
  • blind adv. Without seeing; unseeingly.
  • blind adv. (Colloquial) Absolutely, totally.
  • blind adv. (Poker, three card brag) Without looking at the cards dealt.
  • blind adv. (Cooking, especially in combination with ’bake’) As a pastry case only, without any filling.
  • Blind prop.n. A surname.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Afrikaans
    • blind adj. Blind (unable to see).
  • Danish - German low german - Norwegian bokmål - Norwegian nynorsk - Old english - Old saxon
  • Icelandic
    • blind adj. Feminine singular nominative strong positive degree of blindur, neuter plural nominative strong positive…
  • Norwegian nynorsk
    • blind v. Imperative of blinda.
  • Old english
    • blind adj. (Substantive) a blind person.
  • Swedish
    • blind adj. Blind; unable or failing to see.
— English words, defined in German —
  • blind Adj. Blind (auch übertragen).
  • blind Adj. Ohne Sicht oder Kenntnis der Fakten ausgewählt.
  • blind Adj. Nicht sichtbar, vor den Augen verborgen.
  • blind S. Sichtschutz, Verdunkelung (z. B. Jalousie).
  • blind V. Blenden.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • blind n. Blind, jaloezie [2], scherm [1], zonneblind, zonnescherm.
  • blind n. Voorwendsel.
  • blind n. Blinddoek.
  • blind n. (AE) schuilhut.
  • blind n. (Vooral meerv.) oogklep.
  • blind n. (Informeel), (BE) braspartij, zuippartij.
  • blind n. (Militair) blindering.
  • blind n. (Kaartspel) blind bod (bij poker).
  • blind bijv. Blind.
— English words, defined in French —
  • blind adj. Aveugle, mal-voyant.
  • blind n. (Collectif) Les aveugles. Note : Un aveugle est a blind person.
  • blind n. Store.
  • blind n. (Poker) Mise obligatoire par les deux premiers joueurs.
  • blind v. Aveugler, éblouir.
  • blind adv. À l’aveuglette.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • blind adj. Ciego.
  • blind v. Cegar.
  • blind adv. A ciegas.
  • blind s. Pantalla.
  • blind s. Persiana.
  • blind s. Anteojera.
  • blind s. Figuradamente, pretexto, excusa.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • blind adj. Cego.
  • blind s. Os cegos, visto como um grupo (Nota: o verbo vai no plural).
  • blind s. Uma cortina veneziana.
  • blind v. Cegar.
  • blind adv. Cegamente.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • blind agg. (Medicina) cieco.
  • blind agg. (Araldica) attributo che si applica sia a figure umane prive di un occhio, sia a quattrofoglie o cinquefoglie…
  • blind s. Tenda.
— In German —
  • blind Adj. Des Sehens nicht fähig.
  • blind Adj. Übertragen: besinnungslos; außer sich seiend.
  • blind Adj. Übertragen: nicht Sehen wollend; unkritisch, ignorant.
  • blind Adj. Matt, nicht durchsichtig und klar (Fenster).
  • blind Adj. Übertragen: zu seiner zugedachten Funktion nicht fähig;…
  • blind Adj. Ohne Öffnung; ohne Fortsetzung.
  • blind Adj. Ungesehen.
— In Dutch —
  • blind bijv. Niet in staat te zien.
  • blind bijv. (Figuurlijk) niet bereid of in staat met bepaalde informatie…
  • blind bijv. Blind (vertrouwen/haat/angst etc): een heel groot (vertrouwen/haat/angst)…
  • blind bijv. (Figuurlijk) zonder openingen een blinde muur: een muur zonder ramen.
  • blind n. Vensterluik.
— In French —
  • blind n.f. (Anglicisme) (Poker) Mise obligatoire par les deux premiers…
  • blind n.f. (Suisse) (Cartes à jouer) Au jeu de yass, ensemble de cartes…
  • Blind n.fam. Nom de famille.
190 English words from 37 English definitions

Abortive Absolutely accidental acknowledge and any at␣one bake Baseball bet bias big big␣blind blind blindage blinded blindside block both brag can card cards case certain chiefly Closed cloth coating colloquial combination comparable conceal Cooking cover covering covert curse dark darken dead dead␣end dealt deed degree design destination device displaying due due␣to end especially evidence example exitless extenuating eye factors failing Feminine filling fine flowers for forced forced␣bet for␣example fruit gravel having hide hiding hiding␣place Horticulture illegible Imperative information in␣order in␣order␣that intended keep keep␣out knowledge LGBT light limited little logic looking looking␣at made made␣of make Military mislead mistakes mounted movable name narrow negative neurological neuter newly nominative No␣score Not number obscure obsolete Of␣a one only openings order out passage pastry paved pay perceive permanently person phrases physiological place player plural Poker positive positive␣degree prevent prior prior␣knowledge produce public public␣transport purposely reality regard road route Rugby sand Sciences score see seeing sign singular slang slats slightest small small␣blind Smallest some Something Something␣to strong study Substantive subterfuge such surname temporarily that the thin three three␣card␣brag totally to␣the Transitive transport unable Uncircumcised Unconditional understanding Unintelligible unseeingly Using vehicle visibility wherein who window with without

49 English words from 50 foreign definitions

angst blind blinde blindering bod cartes che cortina den der Des een ensemble est etc Fenster figure haat heel ignorant Jalousie klar les mal Matt met Mise Nom Nota Note occhio par person plural poker premiers ramen scherm seiner sich Sicht Store Tenda Uma und vai visto vor yass

1 foreign word from 37 English definitions


95 foreign words from 50 foreign definitions

Anglicisme Anteojera applica Araldica attributo außer auch Augen ausgewählt aveugle Aveugler aveugles aveuglette bepaalde bereid besinnungslos bij Blenden Blinddoek braspartij Cartes␣à␣jouer Cegar Cego cieco ciegas Ciego cinquefoglie Collectif como deux durchsichtig éblouir excusa fähig Fakten famille Figuradamente Figuurlijk Fortsetzung Funktion groot grupo informatie Informeel jaloezie jeu jouer joueurs Kaartspel Kenntnis les␣deux mal-voyant Medicina Militair muur nicht niet Nom␣de␣famille obligatoire oder Öffnung ohne oogklep openingen Pantalla Persiana pretexto prive quattrofoglie schuilhut Sehen Sehens seiend sia sichtbar staat Suisse übertragen umane unkritisch veneziana Vensterluik verbo verborgen vertrouwen Vooral Voorwendsel voyant wollend zien zonder zonneblind zonnescherm zugedachten zuippartij

179 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

blinde blinds Blinds blinded blinden blinder blindie blindly blindage blind␣bit blind␣box blindens blinders blindest blindeth blind-fly blind␣gut blindies blinding blindish blindism blindman blind␣map blindmen blind␣pig blind␣rat blindable blindages blind␣axle blind␣boil blind␣coal blind-copy blind␣date blindedly blindened blindered blindfish blindfold blind␣guts blind␣hole blindhood blindings blindisms blind␣item blindless blind␣maps blindness blind␣pigs blind␣pool blind␣rage +129 words

87 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

emblinds inblinds unblinds big␣blinds goblindom inblinded sunblinds sun␣blinds unblinded beblinding miniblinds nonblinded purblindly unblinding ad␣blindness chick-blinds nonblinding small␣blinds unblindered unblindfold color-blindly dayblindness day-blindness day␣blindness peaky␣blinder purblindness roller␣blinds unblindfolds deafblindness deaf-blindness effs␣and␣blinds face␣blindness mindblindness moon␣blindness nose␣blindness peaky␣blinders Peaky␣Blinders race-blindness snowblindness snow-blindness snow␣blindness time-blindness turn␣a␣blind␣eye unblindfolded word-blindness word␣blindness colorblindness color-blindness color␣blindness legal␣blindness +37 words

70 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

beblind emblind I'm␣blind inblind unblind big␣blind day-blind day␣blind fly␣blind I␣am␣blind nonblind purblind rob␣blind sunblind sun␣blind deafblind deaf-blind face-blind go␣it␣blind mindblind miniblind moonblind moon-blind need-blind noseblind nose-blind nose␣blind overblind poreblind race-blind sandblind sand-blind snowblind snow-blind star-blind time-blind word-blind colorblind color-blind color␣blind green-blind needs-blind nightblind night-blind night␣blind small␣blind stone-blind swear␣blind are␣you␣blind colourblind colour-blind colour␣blind +18 words

15 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

BLI blin Blin Ind IND ind. Ind. in␣d. lin Lin -lin lin. Lin. lind Lind

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

DNI nil NIL nil-

9 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

biland bindle blanid blinde blinds Blinds Boldin Dęblin Dublin

9 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

bind blin Blin DINB INBD lind Lind LNIB NBDL

13 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bland Bland blend bling blini blink Blink BLINK Blinn blins bliny blond Blond

5 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

bind blin Blin lind Lind

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