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The word bond is in the Wiktionary

86 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • bond n. (Law) Evidence of a long-term debt, by which the bond issuer (the borrower) is obliged to pay interest…
  • bond n. (Finance) A documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract; a debenture.
  • bond n. A partial payment made to show a provider that the customer is sincere about buying a product or a service…
  • bond n. (Often in the plural) A physical connection which binds, a band.
  • bond n. An emotional link, connection or union; that which holds two or more people together, as in a friendship; a tie.
  • bond n. Moral or political duty or obligation.
  • bond n. (Chemistry) A link or force between neighbouring atoms in a molecule.
  • bond n. A binding agreement, a covenant.
  • bond n. A bail bond.
  • bond n. Any constraining or cementing force or material.
  • bond n. (Construction) In building, a specific pattern of bricklaying, based on overlapping rows or layers to give strength.
  • bond n. (Scotland) A mortgage.
  • bond n. (Railways) A heavy copper wire or rod connecting adjacent rails of an electric railway track when used…
  • bond v. (Transitive) To connect, secure or tie with a bond; to bind.
  • bond v. (Transitive) To cause to adhere (one material with another).
  • bond v. (Transitive, chemistry) To form a chemical compound with.
  • bond v. (Transitive) To guarantee or secure a financial risk.
  • bond v. To form a friendship or emotional connection.
  • bond v. (Transitive) To put in a bonded warehouse; to secure (goods) until the associated duties are paid.
  • bond v. (Transitive, construction) To lay bricks in a specific pattern.
  • bond v. (Transitive, electricity) To make a reliable electrical connection between two conductors (or any pieces…
  • bond v. To bail out by means of a bail bond.
  • bond n. A peasant; churl.
  • bond n. A vassal; serf; one held in bondage to a superior.
  • bond adj. Subject to the tenure called bondage.
  • bond adj. In a state of servitude or slavedom; not free.
  • bond adj. Servile; slavish; pertaining to or befitting a slave.
  • Bond prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
  • Bond prop.n. An unincorporated community in Eagle County, Colorado, United States.
  • Bond prop.n. A census-designated place and unincorporated community in Stone County, Mississippi, United States.
  • Bond prop.n. An unincorporated community in Hickman County, Tennessee, United States.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Icelandic
    • bönd n. Indefinite nominative plural of band.
    • bönd n. Indefinite accusative plural of band.
  • Luxembourgish
  • Middle english
    • bond n. Alternative form of band.
  • Old norse
    • bǫnd n. Nominative/accusative plural of band.
— English words, defined in German —
  • bond S. Im Rechtswesen ein Beweis in Form einer Urkunde mit Vereinbarungen für eine langfristige Schuld, durch…
  • bond S. Eine Urkunde, die zur Zahlung eines bestimmten Geldbetrages oder Erfüllung eines Vertrages verpflichtet.
  • bond S. Eine physikalische Verbindung zur Fesselung.
  • bond S. Eine emotionale Verbindung.
  • bond S. In der Chemie eine Verbindung oder Kraft zwischen benachbarten Atomen in einem Molekül.
  • bond S. Eine verbindliche Vereinbarung.
  • bond S. Ein als Kaution oder Bürgschaft gezahlter Geldbetrag.
  • bond S. Jede verbindende oder verklebende Kraft oder Material.
  • bond S. Im Bauwesen eine spezielle Form des Mauerns.
  • bond S. In Schottland eine Hypothek.
— English words, defined in French —
  • bond adj. En état de servitude, non libre.
  • bond adj. Servile ; digne d’un esclave.
  • bond n. (Droit, Finance) Bon du trésor, obligation.
  • bond n. Lien physique, entrave.
  • bond n. Liaison, lien émotionnel, chaîne (Vieilli).
  • bond n. (Chimie) Liaison entre deux atomes d’une même molécule.
  • bond n. Alliance, accord contraignant.
  • bond n. Caution ; somme d’argent versée en caution ou cautionnement.
  • bond n. (Maçonnerie) Appareil ; arrangement des éléments d’un mur, etc.
  • bond n. (Écosse) (Droit) Hypothèque.
  • bond n. Paysan, manant.
  • bond n. Vassal, serf.
  • bond v. Connecter, lier.
  • bond v. Faire adhérer, coller.
  • bond v. (Chimie) Former une liaison chimique.
  • bond v. (Finance) Garantir un risque financier.
  • bond v. Lier une amitié ; s’attacher émotionnellement.
  • bond v. (Architecture, Maçonnerie) Appareiller.
  • bond v. (Électricité) Connecter.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • bond s. Lazo, vínculo.
  • bond s. En finanzas Bono, obligación.
  • bond v. Pegar, adherir.
  • bond v. Afianzar.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • bond s. Certificado de dívida de longo prazo.
  • bond s. Ligação, laço.
  • bond v. Ligar, prender, conectar.
  • bond v. Colar, pregar.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • bond s. Legame.
  • bond s. (Economia) (commercio) (finanza) obbligazione.
  • bond s. Vincolo.
  • bond s. (Fisica) (chimica) legame chimico.
— In Dutch —
  • bond n. Samenwerkingsverband van mensen of landen.
  • bond n. Vereniging.
  • bond n. (Financieel) (economie) obligatie.
  • bond w. Enkelvoud verleden tijd van binden.
— In French —
  • bond n.m. Action de bondir, de s’élever brusquement dans les airs, saut.
  • bond n.m. (Économie) Progrès.
  • bond n.m. (Réseaux informatiques) Passage du flux d’un routeur à l’autre.
  • Bond n.prop.m. (Par ellipse) James Bond.
— In Italian —
  • bond s. (Forestierismo) (economia) (commercio) (finanza) obbligazione…
188 English words from 36 English definitions

about accusative adhere adjacent agreement Alliance Alternative and another any are as␣in associated atoms bail bail␣bond bail␣out band based based␣on befitting between bind binding binds bond bondage bonded bonded␣warehouse borrower bricklaying bricks bricks␣in building buying by␣means␣of called cause cementing census census-designated␣place chemical chemical␣compound chemistry churl Colorado community compound conductors connect connecting connection constraining construction contract copper County covenant customer debenture debt designated documentary duties duty Eagle Eagle␣County electric electrical electricity emotional Evidence Finance financial force form free friendship give goods guarantee heavy held Hickman Hickman␣County holds In␣a␣state Indefinite interest issuer Law lay layers link long long␣term made make material means Mississippi molecule Moral more mortgage neighbouring nominative not obligation obliged occupation of␣a of␣an Often one originating out overlapping paid partial pattern pay payment peasant people perform pertaining physical pieces place plural political product provider put put␣in rails railway Railways railway␣track reliable risk rod rows Scotland secure serf service Servile servitude show sincere slave slavedom slavish specific state States Stone Stone␣County strength Subject sum superior surname Tennessee tenure term that the tie together to␣the track Transitive two unincorporated union United United␣States until used vassal warehouse when which wire with

54 English words from 50 foreign definitions

accord Action airs Alliance als Architecture argent arrangement attacher Bon Bond Bono caution Connecter dans der des die digne Droit Eine ellipse entre etc Faire Finance financier flux Form Former James James␣Bond Kraft Lazo les liaison libre lien lier Material non obligation Par Passage physique prender Réseaux risque Schuld serf Servile servitude van Vassal

133 foreign words from 50 foreign definitions

adhérer adherir Afianzar amitié Appareil Appareiller Atomen atomes autre Bauwesen benachbarten bestimmten Beweis binden bondir brusquement Bürgschaft cautionnement Certificado chaîne Chemie chimica chimico Chimie chimique Colar coller commercio conectar contraignant dans␣les d’argent deux dívida durch economia Économie Écosse ein eine einem einer eines Électricité éléments élever emotionale émotionnel émotionnellement Enkelvoud entrave entre␣deux Erfüllung esclave état Fesselung Financieel finanza finanzas Fisica Forestierismo für Garantir Geldbetrag Geldbetrages gezahlter Hypothek Hypothèque informatiques Jede Kaution laço landen langfristige legame legame␣chimico liaison␣chimique Lien␣physique Ligação Ligar longo Maçonnerie manant Mauerns même mensen mit molécule Molekül mur obbligazione obligación obligatie oder Paysan Pegar physikalische prazo pregar Progrès Rechtswesen Réseaux␣informatiques routeur Samenwerkingsverband s’attacher saut Schottland s’élever somme somme␣d’argent spezielle tijd trésor une Urkunde verbindende verbindliche Verbindung Vereinbarung Vereinbarungen Vereniging verklebende verleden verleden␣tijd verpflichtet versée Vertrages Vieilli Vincolo vínculo Zahlung zur zwischen

155 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Bonde Bondi Bondo bonds Bonds Bondy Bondar bonded Bondei bonder Bondes Bondoc bonduc Bondye Bondys bondage Bondars bonders Bondian bonding bondman bondmen Bondocs bonducs bondable bondager bondages bondedly Bond␣girl Bondiana bondings bondless bondlike Bondlike Bond-like bondmaid bondmate bondomer bondsman bondsmen bondwire bondwork bondagers bond␣angle bonderize Bondesque Bond␣event Bond␣girls bond␣issue bondmaids +105 words

173 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

debonds pi␣bonds rebonds albondin debonded disbonds nonbonds rebonded unbonded war␣bonds abondance albondiga albondins baby␣bonds backbonds bailbonds bail␣bonds debonding die␣bonder disbonded embondage eurobonds Eurobonds junk␣bonds minibonds nonbonded pair␣bonds rebonding ringbonds soulbonds spunbonds vacabonds vagabonds abondances albondigas Carbondale carbon-date carbon␣debt cockabondy die␣bonders disbonding embondaged embondages green␣bonds heartbonds heart␣bonds ionic␣bonds James␣Bonds nonbonding pairbonded +123 words

80 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

debond inbond pi␣bond rebond disbond nonbond outbond ragbond war␣bond baby␣bond backbond bailbond bail␣bond eurobond Eurobond junk␣bond minibond pairbond pair␣bond ringbond soulbond spunbond vacabond vagabond green␣bond heartbond heart␣bond interbond ionic␣bond James␣Bond peace␣bond sigma␣bond superbond banana␣bond bearer␣bond corona␣bond coupon␣bond dative␣bond dim␣sum␣bond double␣bond flower␣bond pseudobond serial␣bond single␣bond stereobond surety␣bond triple␣bond word␣is␣bond accrual␣bond climate␣bond +30 words

3 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Bon BON Bön

2 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

nob Nob

26 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Abdon Badon bando bidon Binod blond Blond Boden Bodin Bonde Bondi Bondo bonds Bonds Bondy boned bound Bound -bound bownd brond Bundo Danbo dob␣in Dubno Dubon

33 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

BDN BDO BND BNO BN(O) bod Bod BOD Bon BON Bön DBN DNB Dnb. dob DoB DOB d.o.b. D.O.B. don Don DON don' Don. NBD NDB nob Nob nod NOD OBD ODB ODN

45 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

band Band *band bend Bend bind boad boa'd BOFD boid bold Bold bona Bona bone Bone Bône bong Bong boni bonk Bonk Bonn Bono BoNT bony BONY bord BOTD boud bow'd Boyd bund Bund cond cond. fond Gond Hond. MOND pond Pond rond sond yond

7 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

BND bod Bod BOD Bon BON Bön

8 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

blond Blond boned bound Bound -bound bownd brond

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