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The word box is in the Wiktionary

121 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • box n. Senses relating to a three-dimensional object or space.
  • box n. Senses relating to a two-dimensional object or space.
  • box v. (Transitive) To place inside a box; to pack in one or more boxes.
  • box v. (Transitive) Usually followed by in: to surround and enclose in a way that restricts movement; to corner, to hem in.
  • box v. (Transitive) To mix two containers of paint of similar colour to ensure that the color is identical.
  • box v. (Transitive, agriculture) To make an incision or hole in (a tree) for the purpose of procuring the sap.
  • box v. (Transitive, architecture) To enclose with boarding, lathing, etc., so as to conceal (for example, pipes)…
  • box v. (Transitive, engineering) To furnish (for example, the axle of a wheel) with a box.
  • box v. (Transitive, graphic design, printing) To enclose (Images, text, etc.) in a box.
  • box v. (Transitive, object-oriented programming) To place a value of a primitive type into a corresponding object.
  • box n. Any of various evergreen shrubs or trees of genus Buxus, especiallycommon box, European box, or boxwood…
  • box n. The wood from a box tree: boxwood.
  • box n. (Music, slang) A musical instrument, especially one made from boxwood.
  • box n. (Australia) An evergreen tree of the genus Lophostemon (for example, box scrub, Brisbane box, brush…
  • box n. (Australia) Various species of Eucalyptus trees are popularly called various kinds of boxes, on the…
  • box n. A blow with the fist.
  • box v. (Transitive) To strike with the fists; to punch.
  • box v. (Transitive, boxing) To fight against (a person) in a boxing match.
  • box v. (Intransitive, stative, boxing) To participate in boxing; to be a boxer.
  • box n. (Dated) A Mediterranean food fish of the genus Boops, which is a variety of sea bream; a bogue or oxeye.
  • Box prop.n. A surname.
  • Box prop.n. A village in Minchinhampton parish, south of Stroud, Gloucestershire, England (OS grid ref SO8600).
  • Box prop.n. A village near Corsham, Wiltshire, England (OS grid ref ST8268).
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Czech
    • box n. Boxing (the sport of boxing).
  • Hungarian
    • box n. Misspelling of boksz.
  • Icelandic
    • box n. Box (container).
    • box n. (Sports) boxing.
  • Luxembourgish
    • Box n. Trousers.
  • Middle english
    • box n. A box tree (the tree Buxus sempervirens).
    • box n. The wood of this tree; boxwood.
    • box n. A cylindrical jar.
    • box n. A case, container or strongbox.
    • box n. A bloodletting cup.
    • box n. (Anatomy) The socket of a joint.
    • box n. A blow with the fist.
  • Mopan maya
  • Old english
  • Romanian
    • box n. (Sports) boxing (the sport of).
    • box n. A kind of sword.
    • box n. Bovine leather.
    • box n. A breed of bulldog.
  • Swedish
    • box n. Box, crate; a cuboid container.
— English words, defined in German —
  • box S. Eckiger Behälter mit oder ohne Deckel.
  • box S. Von geraden Linien umgrenzte Fläche auf einem Formular oder Ähnlichem.
  • box S. Abgegrenzter Raum für bestimmte Zuschauer im Gericht oder Theater.
  • box S. Britisch, umgangssprachlich: Fernseher.
  • box S. Buchsbaum.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • box n. Doos.
  • box n. (Plantkunde) buxus, buksboom, buks.
— English words, defined in French —
  • box n. Boîte, caisse.
  • box n. Loge (de théâtre).
  • box n. Cabane.
  • box n. Case (d’un formulaire).
  • box v. Emboiter, emballer.
  • box v. (Programmation orientée objet) Convertir un type primitif en un objet.
  • box n. (Botanique) Buis, bois du buis.
  • box n. Coup de poing.
  • box n. (Sport) Boxe.
  • box v. Boxer, frapper.
  • Box n.prop. (Géographie) Paroisse civile d’Angleterre située dans le district de Wiltshire.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • box s. Caja.
  • box s. Por extensión, computadora, ordenador, computador.
  • box s. Botánica. Boj.
  • box s. Vagina.
  • box s. Boxeo.
  • box s. Puñetazo.
  • box v. Boxear.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • box s. Caixa.
  • box s. Camarote (em teatro).
  • box s. Guarita.
  • box s. Buxo (o arbusto).
  • box v. Encaixotar.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • box s. Scatola.
  • box s. Cassetta; cassa , cassone.
  • box s. Quadretto, riquadro, casella.
  • box s. Banco della giuria; banco dei testimoni.
  • box s. Garitta.
  • box s. Séparé.
  • box s. Cabina telefonica.
  • box s. Casella postale.
  • box s. (Per cavalli) box, posta.
  • box s. (Nel baseball) box, pedana.
  • box s. (Nel calcio) area di rigore.
  • box s. (Sport) (protezione per genitali) conchiglia.
  • box s. (Area di gioco) rettangolo, quadrato.
  • box s. (Di una cartuccia) bossolo.
  • box s. Regalo, strenna.
  • box s. Mancia.
  • box s. Televisione, tivù.
  • box s. (Familiare) cassa da morto.
  • box s. Capanno, casetta.
  • box s. (Teatro) palco, palchetto.
  • box s. (Tipografia) riquadro.
  • box s. Alloggiamento, scatola, sede.
  • box s. (Di una batteria) vaso.
  • box s. (Volgare) fica.
  • box s. Mescolare, mischiare.
  • box s. (Botanica) bosso, legno di bosso.
  • box s. (Araldica) bosso.
— In German —
  • box V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs boxen.
  • Box S. Großes Behältnis, Verpackung, meistens in der Form eines Quaders.
  • Box S. Abgeteilter, kleiner Raum.
  • Box S. Kurzform: eingeschlossener Raum, Kasten zur Unterbringung…
  • Box S. Rennsport: Platz zum Einstellen, Unterstellen; Garage, in…
  • Box S. Umgangssprachlich, Jargon, Musik: Vorrichtung zum Umwandeln…
— In Dutch —
  • box n. Een doos.
  • box n. Met name een kast met een of meer luidsprekers, een geluidsbox…
  • box n. Een, vaak van hout gemaakt, min of meer vierkant meubelstuk…
  • box n. Deel van een grotere stal waarin één paard kan staan.
  • box n. Een berging horend bij één appartement van een appartementencomplex.
  • box n. Een van de drie categorieën van de inkomstenbelasting.
— In French —
  • box n.m. (Élevage) Compartiment disposé dans les écuries ou les…
  • box n.m. (Justice) Compartiment pour détenir les prévenus dans une…
  • box n.m. (Transport) (France) Compartiment pour garer une voiture…
  • box n.m. (Industrie) (France) Grande caisse en métal, en plastique…
  • box n.f. (Anglicisme) (France) (Architecture des ordinateurs) Boîtier…
  • Box n.prop. (Géographie) Paroisse civile d’Angleterre située dans…
— In Portuguese —
  • box s. Cada espaço subdividido por parede ou extrutura similar e…
  • box s. (Corrida de automóvel) cada espaço subdividido que fica destinado…
— In Italian —
  • box s. (Forestierismo) autorimessa, posto auto coperto spesso sotterraneo.
179 English words from 43 English definitions

against agriculture Anatomy and Any architecture are as␣to Australia axle Black bloodletting blow boarding bogue Boops Bovine box boxer boxes boxing box␣tree boxwood bream breed Brisbane brush bulldog called case color colour conceal container containers corner corresponding Corsham crate cuboid cup cylindrical Dated design dimensional enclose engineering England ensure especially etc Eucalyptus European evergreen example fight fish fist fists followed followed␣by food food␣fish for for␣example from furnish genus Gloucestershire graphic graphic␣design grid hem hem␣in hole identical Images in␣a␣box in␣a␣way incision in␣one inside instrument into Intransitive jar joint kind kind␣of kinds kinds␣of lathing leather made make match Mediterranean Minchinhampton Misspelling mix more movement Music musical musical␣instrument near object object-oriented of␣a one on␣the oriented oxeye pack pack␣in paint parish participate person pipes place popularly primitive primitive␣type printing procuring programming punch purpose ref relating restricts sap scrub sea sea␣bream Senses shrubs similar slang so␣as so␣as␣to socket south space species sport Sports stative strike strongbox Stroud surname surround sword text that the this three three-dimensional Transitive tree trees Trousers two two-dimensional type Usually value variety various village way wheel which Wiltshire with wood

69 English words from 78 foreign definitions

appartement Architecture area auf auto banco baseball bois Botanica box boxen Boxer Buis Cabane Cada Case Casella Cassetta cassone Corrida Coup dans Deckel Deel der des district doos drie een Form Formular France Garage Grande hout Jargon Justice kan kast Kasten les Loge Mancia meer met min morto name objet per Person plastique Platz pour que Raum sede similar Singular Sport Theater Transport type Vagina van Verbs voiture Wiltshire

1 foreign word from 43 English definitions


178 foreign words from 78 foreign definitions

Abgegrenzter Abgeteilter Ähnlichem Aktiv Alloggiamento Angleterre Anglicisme appartementencomplex Araldica arbusto automóvel autorimessa batteria Behälter Behältnis berging bestimmte bij Boîte Boîtier Boj bosso bossolo Botánica Botanique Boxe Boxear Boxeo Britisch Buchsbaum buis buks buksboom Buxo buxus Cabina Cabina␣telefonica cada caisse Caixa Caja calcio Camarote Capanno cartuccia casella casetta cassa categorieën cavalli civile Compartiment computador computadora conchiglia Convertir coperto Coup␣de␣poing dans␣les dei della destinado détenir disposé Eckiger écuries één einem eines eingeschlossener Einstellen Élevage emballer Emboiter Encaixotar espaço extensión Familiare Fernseher fica Fläche Forestierismo formulaire frapper für garer Garitta gemaakt genitali Géographie geraden Gericht gioco giuria Großes Guarita horend Imperativ Industrie inkomstenbelasting kleiner Kurzform legno Linien luidsprekers meistens métal Met␣name meubelstuk mit Musik Nel oder ohne ordenador ordinateurs orientée paard palchetto palco parede Paroisse Paroisse␣civile pedana Plantkunde poing por posta postale posto Präsens prévenus primitif Programmation protezione Puñetazo Quaders quadrato Quadretto Regalo Rennsport rettangolo rigore riquadro scatola Séparé située sotterraneo spesso staan stal strenna subdividido teatro telefonica Televisione testimoni théâtre Tipografia type␣primitif umgangssprachlich umgrenzte Umwandeln una une Unterbringung Unterstellen vaak vaso Verpackung vierkant Volgare Von Vorrichtung waarin zum zur Zuschauer

326 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Boxx boxy boxed boxel boxen boxer Boxer boxes box␣in boxla box␣no. boxty box␣up Boxall boxart box␣art boxbed box-bed box␣bed box␣boy boxcab boxcar box-car box␣car boxels boxers Boxers boxful boxier boxily boxing Boxley boxman box␣man boxmen box␣men box␣off boxout box␣out boxset box␣set boxtop box␣van Boxxes boxable Boxador boxball boxbeds box-beds box␣beds +276 words

956 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

mboxes P-boxes S-boxes unboxy Xboxed Xboxer Xboxes carboxy emboxed emboxes euboxic GC␣boxes imboxed imboxes inboxed in-boxed inboxes in-boxes PO␣boxes reboxed reboxes suboxic unboxed unboxer unboxes Xboxers Xboxing airboxes air-boxes bandboxy bat␣boxes bedboxes big␣boxes bio␣boxes camboxes carboxin carboxyl catboxes cat␣boxes cox␣boxes dig␣boxes eggboxes emboxing endboxes fly-boxes fly␣boxes funboxes hatboxes hayboxes hitboxes hit-boxes +905 words

562 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

abox F-box mbox P-box S-box Xbox XBox X-box embox GC␣box imbox inbox in-box PO␣box rebox unbox airbox air-box ask␣box bat␣box bedbox big-box big␣box bio␣box cambox catbox cat␣box cox␣box dig␣box eggbox endbox fly-box fly␣box funbox hatbox haybox hitbox hit-box hotbox hot␣box hugbox hug-box hug␣box hum-box icebox ice␣box ICE␣box in-a-box in␣a␣box jambox +512 words

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


13 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

abox Boxx boxy F-box mbox obex P-box S-box Xbot xbow Xbox XBox X-box

18 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

bo Bo BO B.O. Bx BX ob Ob OB ob- ob. Ob. ox Ox ox- XB xo XO

93 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AOX Bax bex Bex bix BMX boa Boa bob Bob BOB BoC BOCC bod Bod BOD Boe BoE BOE BOF bog BOG boh BOH boi Boi BOI BOJ bok Bok bol Bol. BoM BOM Bon BONn boo Boo bop Bop BOP BOQ bor Bor BOR Bor. bos BOS Bos. bot BOT 'bot -bot bo't bow Bow boy BOY Boz BRX BTX cox Cox COX dox fox Fox GOx GOX hox HOX lox LOx LOX MOX nox Nox NOx pox rox sox Sox SOX Soʻx tox tox- -tox- vox VOx VOX wox

9 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

bo Bo BO B.O. Bx BX ox Ox ox-

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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