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The word bundas is in the Wiktionary

14 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English word —
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Hungarian
    • bundás adj. (Of animal) furry, long-haired (covered with fur).
    • bundás adj. (Of clothing, usually of a winter coat) furry (lined with fur).
    • bundás adj. (Of person) furry, fur-coated (wearing fur).
    • bundás adj. (Cooking, of food) battered (made by deep-frying coated in batter).
    • bundás n. (Folksy, colloquial) a long-haired sheepdog, Komondor.
    • bundás n. (Folksy) a person wearing a fur coat.
    • bundás n. (Military, archaic, humorous) rookie.
— In German —
  • Bundas V. Nominativ Plural des Substantivs Bunda.
  • Bundas V. Genitiv Plural des Substantivs Bunda.
  • Bundas V. Dativ Plural des Substantivs Bunda.
  • Bundas V. Akkusativ Plural des Substantivs Bunda.
— In Portuguese —
  • bundas s. Plural de bunda.
  • bundás s. Plural de bundá.
37 English words from 8 English definitions

animal archaic batter battered bunda clothing coat coated colloquial Cooking covered deep deep␣frying Folksy food frying fur fur␣coat furry haired humorous Komondor lined long long-haired made Military of␣a person Plural rookie sheepdog usually wearing winter winter␣coat with

3 English words from 6 foreign definitions

bunda des Plural

6 foreign words from 6 foreign definitions

Akkusativ bundá Dativ Genitiv Nominativ Substantivs

One time in the middle (New word found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)


One prefix (New word found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)


14 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

bun Bun BUN bund Bund bunda Bunda das DAs DAS DA's NDA NDAs und

5 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ADN DNU nub sad SAD

One anagram (New word found by changing the order of the letters.)


18 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

abounds bausond Braunds bundars Debauns dubsman Dunbars dun-bars fandubs gusband husband Husband sandbur Saundby subband sub-band subdean unbased

24 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

abuns abus'd badun bands *bands Banus bauds bdnas bDNAs bunda Bunda bunds Busan daubs Daubs duans Duans Dubas Dubna s-band snuba Sudan Sunda unsad

18 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bandas Bandas Bendas buddas bundar Bundes bundhs bundts bundus bunias bunyas Burdas Dundas fundas gundas Kundas Mundas Sundas

3 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

bunda Bunda bunds

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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