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There are 168 twelve-letter words containing A, V and Xactive␣galaxy active␣matrix ad␣valorem␣tax anoxic␣events antipoxviral antipoxvirus asphyxiative autoxidative axillary␣vein base␣over␣apex carboxyvinyl conservatrix convexoplane cryofixative Desvarieuxes detoxicative dexverapamil double-vaxxed driving␣axles exacerbative exacervation exactiveness Exacto␣knives exaggerative exasperative excavational excavatorial excavatrices exchange␣vows excogitative execratively exessive␣case exhaustively exhaustivity exhaust␣valve exhilarative exhortatives exodeviation exolevanases exonormative exovanilloid exovesicular expectatives exploitative exprobrative ex-serviceman exsiccatives extractively extractivism extractivist extraovarial extraovarian extra␣service extratensive extravagance extravagancy extravaganza extravaganze extravagated extravagates extravagence extravaginal extravasated extravasates extravastion extravenated extravenates extraversion extraverting extravertish extravertive extravesical extravillous exudativores exulcerative exvangelical fauxgressive flavaxanthin flavooxidase flavour␣texts flavoxanthin galvanotaxis giving␣the␣axe hexasolvates hexavanadate inexhaustive intoxicative invigilatrix ivaxillarane JavaFX␣Script laxativeness levofloxacin lipoxidative lixiviations Mexican␣waves navigatrixes nonexcavated nonexpansive nonexudative nonoxidative nonvexatious ovariopexies overexamined overexpanded overexplains overfixation overrelaxing overtaxation ovotoxicants oxovanadates oxovanadiums parapoxviral parapoxvirus pene-exclaves peroxidative peroxyflavin pes␣excavatum postfixative potato␣virus␣X prefixatives preoxidative prooxidative raven␣paradox redoxidative reexcavation relaxivities severance␣tax sextumvirate sexual␣favors sexual␣favour suvratoxumab tax␣avoidance tax␣incentive terflavoxate unexhaustive vanillotoxin vasculotoxic vasorelaxant vasorelaxing vaticinatrix vaxocentrism VAXocentrism vegansexuals vegetable␣box venlafaxines vertex␣angles vexillations vexillolatry vinaxanthone Vindemiatrix violaxanthal violaxanthin virtual␣proxy visitatrixes visual␣cortex vitexicarpin voicemailbox voice␣mailbox vox␣angelicas vox␣caelestis voxelisation voxelization voxilaprevir vulgaxanthin whatever␣next xanthofulvin xenoreactive yatapoxvirus
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