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There are 155 eleven-letter words containing A, P, X and Yabomasopexy adoxography anaphylaxes anaphylaxic anaphylaxis antipyrexic apex␣fallacy apoxyomenoi apoxyomenos asphyxiants asphyxiated asphyxiates asphyxiator axonography axonotrophy Brexit␣Party choux␣pastry cryptofaxes cytopharynx epitaxially epoxyethane epoxygenase epoxygenate epoxylignan epoxysilane eupraxsophy exapophyses exapophysis exculpatory exemplarary exemplarily exemplarity exencephaly exophthalmy expandatory expandingly expansively expansivity expatiatory expectantly expiry␣dates expiscatory explain␣away explanatory explicatory exploitably exploratory expressways expulsatory expurgatory extemporary extirpatory flexography galaxy␣group granulopexy hexacyprone hexapolymer hexapyridyl homoepitaxy hypergalaxy hyperlaxity hypermatrix hyperoxemia hypersexual hypoanxious hypopharynx hypopyrexia hyposexuals hypoxaemias hypoxanthin hypoxically lap␣of␣luxury laxaphycins litholapaxy litholopaxy lymphotaxis maximaphily mesopharynx myeloplaxes myxosporean nasopharynx nontaxpayer oxalotrophy oxycephalic oxysulphate pachymeninx palynotaxon panaxytriol pansexually paradoxally paraoxysmal paraxiality paroxytoned paroxytones paroxytonic patholaxity periaxially peroxyacids peroxysomal phagomyxean phagomyxids phenoxyacid photosyntax phyllotaxes phyllotaxis phylloxerae phylloxeran phylloxeras phytoalexin phytomyxean plectrotaxy podocalyxin polyaxially polyaxoneme polydioxane polytextual postaxially postaxotomy property␣tax prophylaxed prophylaxes prophylaxis protogalaxy protosyntax proximality proximately ptaeroxylin pyoxanthose pyrazoxyfen pyroxanthin pyrrhuloxia saproxylics sceuophylax supergalaxy taxiphyllin texaphyrins unexemplary velopharynx wars␣by␣proxy xanthopathy xanthophyll xanthophyls xanthophyte X-ray␣therapy xylocarpous xylographed xylographer xylographic xylophagaid xylophagans xylophagids xylophagous xylophilans xyloplastic xylotherapy
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 52 words
- French Wiktionary: 97 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 20 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 7 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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