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There are 26 seventeen-letter words containing A, F, J and Sadjunct␣professors Baja␣California␣Sur default␣judgements ejection␣fractions final␣year␣projects first-class␣objects guest␣of␣Her␣Majesty immortal␣jellyfish jackass␣kingfisher Jahn-Teller␣effects Jeff␣Davis's␣necktie jellyfish␣galaxies Jersey␣Legal␣French Justice␣of␣the␣Peace justificationists law␣of␣Hobson-Jobson majestic␣flap␣flaps overjustification Plague␣of␣Justinian self-justification self-justificatory southern␣banjo␣frog subjectifications sulfoconjugations terrorist␣fist␣jabs unjustifiableness
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