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There are 86 eleven-letter words containing A, I, T and 2Vactive␣voice advectively adverbative adversative aggravative alleviative aortic␣valve bons-vivants bons␣vivants captivative chvilevaite deprivative derivatives devaluative devastative devastavits deverbative diversative evaporative evocatively gravitative gravity␣wave HIV-negative HIV␣negative Ivanovitchs mitral␣valve multivalvar multivalved multivalves native␣devil novemvirate observative obviatively obviativity pilot␣valves piston␣valve postrevival privative␣as privatively provocative reservative reversative revivalists revivicated revivicates Srivastavas stative␣verb survivalist survival␣kit Tel␣Aviv-Yafo tent␣revival thiazovivin triple␣valve trivalvular unevocative vacillative Vaishnavist vallevarite valuatively valvatidans valvetrains valve␣trains valvometric valvotomies valvulation variatively Vartivarian vasifactive vasilyevite vasofactive vellicative velpatasvir ventilative vesuvianite vesuviating via␣negativa vindicative violatively virgin␣vault vivificated vivificates Vladivostok volgivagant voluntative volvatellid volvulating
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