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There are 142 twelve-letter words containing A, D, H, K and LAkimel␣O'odham alkyl␣halides ankaraholide apple-cheeked backhandedly back-handedly backsplashed back␣the␣field Baghelkhandi bank␣holidays Bank␣Holidays beaked␣whales black␣dolphin black␣draught blackhanders Blackhanders Black␣Handers blackhearted black-hearted black-mouthed black␣mudfish blockheadess blockheading blockheadish blockheadism break␣the␣mold buckshot␣land bulkhead␣line cackhandedly cack-handedly catch␣and␣kill chalk␣and␣talk chalkboarded chicken␣salad chokeslammed chuckleheads click␣of␣death dark-lanthorn dark␣lanthorn daughterlike deathstalker dickheadedly dick-headedly dicksplashes dihaloalkane dihaloketone dithioketals dolphinspeak drunk␣as␣Chloe Elder␣Futhark frilled␣shark fuckheadedly hack-and-slash halloweekend Halloweekend handie␣talkie handy␣talkies Hans␣in␣kelder hard␣milkwood hard␣skilling Hellanodikai Hellanodikas Highland␣Park holding␣tanks holidaymaker holiday-maker holiday␣parks Homeland␣Park hoodwinkable hurdlemakers hydraulicked hydroxyalkyl kalanchoside Kalandariyah kaleidograph kaleidophone kaleidophons Kamtschadale ketoaldehyde Khalifatabad Killeshandra Kill␣Haole␣Day Kingdom␣Halls Kjeldahlized Kjeldahlizes Klamath-Modoc klydonograph knawvshawled knuckleheads Kreimendahls Lake␣Chudskoe Lake␣Sherwood Landsknechte landsknechts Landsknechts last␣I␣checked latchkey␣kids leatherdykes lehendakaris leopard␣shark letterhacked like␣hey-go-mad looking␣ahead looks␣ahead␣to neck␣and␣heels nonlookahead ploughed␣back puckhandlers puckhandling puck-handling puck␣handling sandwichlike Schmalkaldic shackdweller Shackelfords Shacklefords shielddrakes shieldmakers shock␣paddles shock-stalled shock␣stalled shopska␣salad shoulder␣mark smooth-talked smooth␣talked stakeholders stakeholding stickhandled stickhandler stickhandles swashbuckled take␣the␣field talking␣heads thiazidelike thioalkaloid threadlocker trochal␣disks unshellacked vahlkampfiid whackadoodle worldshaking world-shaking
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 15 words
- French Wiktionary: 14 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 222 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 92 words
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