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There are 104 twelve-letter words containing A, M, 2T and Xactive␣matrix antiextremes antimyotoxic ataxiameters autotoxaemia auto-toxaemia autotoxemias auxetometers axiomaticity commentatrix cytotaxonomy data␣matrixes dermatotoxic dermatotoxin exanthematic exertainment exhaustments existimation expatriatism exsheathment exterminated exterminates exterminator ex␣testamento extimulating extimulation extractiform extractivism extralimital extra-limital extramarital extra-marital extramustine extramyocyte extrasomatic extra-somatic extrastimuli extratumoral extreme␣metal fauxtomation haematotoxic haematotoxin hematothorax hematotoxins hematoxicity hexametrists hexatitanium ioxitalamate juxtamastoid juxtatumoral macrocontext macrotexture magnetotaxis maltodextran maltodextrin Mantoux␣tests man␣with␣the␣ax masturbatrix maternotoxic matrixectomy metacontexts metasyntaxes metataxonomy metathoraxes methohexital methotrexate methoximated methoxylated methoxylates metothrexate Microsoft␣tax mitoxantrone Mixtecanists monotextural mototaxistas multiexhaust oxometalates oxometallate phytotoxemia portmanteaux post-Marxists Pyramid␣Texts sextumvirate status␣mixtus sumptuary␣tax tax␣abatement taxidermists taxing␣master taxonometric testamentrix tetracomplex text␣messaged text␣messages thiamethoxam thiomethoxam toxoplasmata trimetrexate unit␣matrixes water␣toxemia xanthomatous xanthometers xanthommatin xenotransmit xylostromata
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