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There are 44 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, C, J and Nabc␣conjecture abjudications Afro-Cuban␣jazz anti-object␣art banjo␣dulcimer biadjunctions biking␣jackets bioconjugated bioconjugates black␣jaundice bothrojaracin break␣junction cable␣jointing cognate␣object conjecturable conjecturably conjugability conjugate␣base cyberjournals Gornja␣Stubica initial␣object injectability Jabberwockian jack-in-the-bush jackrabbiting jacks-in-the-box Jacobin␣cuckoo Jacobinically Jacobson␣nerve Japanese␣Black Juliet␣balcony Jungle␣Carbine lumberjacking noninjectable objectionable objectionably objectivating objectivation objectization patience␣of␣Job unjusticiable unobjectional unprojectable unsubjectable
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