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There are 83 fourteen-letter words containing A, H, L, P and WBishop's␣Waltham Caldwell␣Parish cardinal-nephew cardinal␣nephew Cardinal␣Nephew chemical␣weapon compass␣wallahs diaphragm␣walls elephant␣shrews English␣sparrow Galápagos␣hawks halfpennyworth half-up␣half-down happy␣Halloween hawser-laid␣rope help␣is␣on␣the␣way highway␣patrols humpback␣whales karwinaphthols knowledge␣graph landownerships lapidary's␣wheel naphthol␣yellow Orphean␣warbler paddlewheelers part-whole␣model paschal␣flowers patchwork␣quilt peanut␣whistles peoplewatching people␣watching place␣of␣worship platinum␣shower played␣with␣fire playfellowship play␣to␣the␣crowd plea␣of␣the␣crown postwithdrawal power␣in␣the␣land praiseworthily pull␣down␣a␣notch purple␣swamphen quadruple␣whole saleswomanship sandwich␣panels Sarawak␣dolphin saw␣the␣elephant shallow-copying slap␣on␣the␣wrist slaveownership snow␣pentathlon sororal␣nephews spaghetti␣bowls spherical␣wedge spirit␣of␣the␣law St.␣Paul␣sandwich teleplaywright tele-playwright thrown␣for␣a␣loop throws␣for␣a␣loop triple␣whammies twitch␣gameplay unwhisperables unworshippable up␣with␣the␣larks walk␣a␣tightrope walked␣the␣plank Walpurgisnacht Walpurgis␣night water␣elephants webliographies West␣Hartlepool wheelchair␣ramp when␣pigs␣can␣fly whiptail␣gulper white␣antelopes white␣elephants whitesplaining Whitman␣sampler Whitman␣Sampler world␣champions worm␣in␣the␣apple worshipability
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 5 words
- French Wiktionary: 14 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 72 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 18 words
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