List of 15-letter words containing •••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a sixth letter
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There are 51 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, 2P and Valpha␣privatives alpha␣privativum antisuppurative apoflavoprotein appellativeness approbativeness appropriatively approximatively evapotranspired evapotranspires happy␣ever␣afters mangrove␣snapper misappreciative moving␣wallpaper nonappreciative overapplication overappreciated overapproximate over-approximate overhandicapped overpreparation panvasculopathy papulovesicular Papworth␣Everard participatively pathoadaptative pavement␣special pelvic␣diaphragm phosphoablative phosphoactivate photoevaporated piezocapacitive pineapple␣guavas placenta␣praevia placenta␣previas postpreparative pre-alpha␣version prevailing␣party sales␣on␣approval save␣appearances seals␣of␣approval semipreparative seven-year␣apples sevum␣preparatum sodium␣vapor␣lamp supercapacitive unappropriative unparticipative vaccine␣passport vesiculopapular vitreopapillary
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