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There are 54 fifteen-letter words containing A, F, M, R and WAfrican␣wormwood animal␣welfarist axiom␣of␣power␣set blowing␣from␣a␣gun chemical␣warfare Christmas␣flower communion␣wafers craftswomanship data␣flow␣diagram draftswomanship dwarf␣chimpanzee dwarf␣mistletoes dwarf␣sperm␣whale famous␣last␣words Fisherman's␣Wharf flamingo␣flowers formation␣waters fuck␣me␣backwards give␣away␣the␣farm government␣wharf Gulf␣War␣syndrome handcraftswoman handcraftswomen Kingdom␣of␣Norway laminar␣flow␣hood long␣arm␣of␣the␣law made␣short␣work␣of make␣fair␣weather make␣light␣work␣of make␣quick␣work␣of make␣short␣work␣of meadow␣saxifrage microframeworks performancewear rainbow␣families snowflake␣morays summer-fallowing summer␣snowflake sword␣of␣Damocles systems␣software tawny␣frogmouths Walsh␣transforms waterfall␣models where␣are␣you␣from Wilsford␣cum␣Lake wolf␣eliminators woman␣of␣few␣words woman␣of␣the␣world word-formational working␣families World␣Freedom␣Day wouldn't␣harm␣a␣fly writs␣of␣mandamus Wyke␣Champflower
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 9 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 143 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 11 words
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