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There are 73 seventeen-letter words containing A, E, U, X and Yacetoxycrenulatin aluminum␣hydroxide ammonium␣hydroxide antihomosexuality auxiliary␣cruisers auxiliary␣language axiom␣of␣regularity carbon␣oxysulphide carboxydismutases carboxyfullerenes carboxyglutamates contextual␣inquiry cyclodeoxyguanine cyclohexannulated deoxybarbiturates deoxyfluorination deoxygluconic␣acid deoxyhypusination deoxynucleotidase deoxyribofuranose deoxyribonuclease deoxyribonucleate deoxy␣sugar␣alcohol deoxytaurocholate deoxyuridylic␣acid dicyclohexylureas exclusionary␣rules extracurricularly extrafollicularly hydropneumothorax hydroxybutanoates hydroxyglutarates hydroxyquinolates hypertextualizing hyposexualization immunoprophylaxes Lyapunov␣exponents mixomycetophagous mutually␣exclusive neuroexcitability none␣of␣your␣beeswax none␣of␣your␣bee's␣wax none␣of␣your␣bees'␣wax numerical␣taxonomy oxyhydroxysulfate oxyphotobacterium oxytetrafluorides peroxymonosulfate peroxynitrous␣acid polyoxotungstates proof␣by␣exhaustion pseudoanaphylaxis pseudohexagonally psychosexualities see␣you␣next␣Tuesday Sexagesima␣Sundays sinthomosexuality subexponentiality sulfanyloxazoline sulfoxyreductases superexcitability taurodeoxycholate transcontextually trans-exclusionary trebouxiophyceans trifluoroacetoxys undercarboxylated underhydroxylated un-self-explanatory ursodeoxycholates X-ray␣fluorescences xylogalacturonase xylomycetophagous
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 95 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 2 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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