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There are 178 seventeen-letter words containing A, F, P and 2T(page 2) quantum␣unit␣of␣spin race␣out␣of␣the␣traps rat␣printing␣office redemption␣fatigue right␣of␣repentance Seal␣of␣the␣Prophets self-perpetuations self-presentations spaghettification spat␣straight␣facts specific␣contracts specific␣rotations specter␣at␣the␣feast spectre␣at␣the␣feast spit␣straight␣facts split␣an␣infinitive spotted␣flycatcher spotted␣lanternfly states␣of␣exception stool␣of␣repentance strategyproofness Stratford-upon-Avon street␣performance striped␣threadfins sulfate␣turpentine Sylvia␣Plath␣effect take␣it␣upon␣oneself tetrafluorophenol tetrafluorophenyl thalamoperforator top-heavy␣fractions trapdoor␣functions ultrafine␣particle ultrapurification unfair␣competition unprofitabilities want␣one's␣bumps␣felt whitetip␣reef␣shark Pages: 1 2
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