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There are 45 seventeen-letter words containing A, K, R, U and WAlaskan␣tundra␣wolf backward␣induction breaking␣new␣ground break␣upon␣the␣wheel bugger␣me␣backwards drunk␣as␣a␣boiled␣owl Eurasian␣woodcocks flavours␣of␣the␣week goes␣out␣with␣the␣ark gone␣out␣with␣the␣ark Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Khyber␣Pakhtunkhwa knew␣one's␣way␣around know␣one's␣way␣around like␣death␣warmed␣up low-background␣lead Markownikoff's␣rule Milwaukee␣protocol nervous␣breakdowns network␣neutrality Norwegian␣Elkhound Puritan␣work␣ethics quickest␣on␣the␣draw red-shouldered␣hawk rufous-tailed␣hawks run␣into␣a␣brick␣wall speak␣truth␣to␣power swears␣like␣a␣cutter Tewkesbury␣mustard Throwback␣Thursday turtleneck␣sweater turtle-neck␣sweater two␣tears␣in␣a␣bucket underacknowledged unsportswomanlike value-added␣network Völkerwanderungen wake␣up␣and␣die␣right walking␣simulators weak␣nuclear␣forces went␣out␣with␣the␣ark Westinghouse␣brake what␣are␣you␣smoking working␣vocabulary Yukawa␣interaction
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 9 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 175 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 83 words
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