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There are 94 ten-letter words containing 2A, H, 2P and Ralpha␣pairs alpha␣paper alpha␣wraps amphicarpy apanthropy apitherapy apocryphal Apocryphal apographal apographic apomorphia apophysary apparachik appeachers Applegarth appraiseth approached approachen approacher approaches capnograph carpophagy chapparals chapparels Chappelear earthapple earth-apple epanaphora flash␣paper graph␣paper haplograph happy␣trail harp-player naprapathy paleograph pallograph pampathere panatrophy pantagraph panther␣cap pantograph paparchies paperchain paper␣chain paperchase paper␣hands paper␣mache paragraphs paralophid paramorphs paranymphs paraphasia paraphasic parapherna paraphiles paraphilia paraphilic paraphobia paraphones paraphonia paraphonic paraphragm paraphrase paraphrast paraphylla paraphylum paraphyses paraphysis parhypates pariahship partograph pasigraphy passphrase pearshaped pear-shaped pentagraph phalaropes pillar␣harp plane␣graph planigraph planograph prophragma raphigraph reapproach saprophage saprophagy scrapheaps scrap-heaps scrap␣heaps splash␣park trapper␣hat trashpaper watch␣paper WhatsApper
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