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There are 169 ten-letter words containing A, B, E and 3Lalarm-bells alarm␣bells albarellos allegeable Allen␣bolts alleviable alley␣balls allottable allowables altar␣bells Altobellis annullable appellable balancelle ballabiles balladlike ball␣alleys ballet␣flat balletlike ballfields ballflower ball-flower ball␣flower Ballinalee Balliolite ballotable ballotless ballplayer ball␣player ball␣valves Ballyclare barrel␣roll basal␣cells battleball Bellacoola Bella␣Coola bell-collar belle␣laide bell-gables bell␣gables bell␣metals Bell's␣palsy bellycrawl bellylaugh belly␣laugh bellyloads Berlin␣Wall Bernalillo biallelism bicellular bilamellar billennial billetable bill␣of␣sale biparallel blackfella Blackwells Blaisdells blamefully Blankville blast␣cells blattellid blind␣alley blue-balled blue-baller blue␣baller blue-collar bolleyball bullen-nail bullet␣loan bullvalene bullvalone calculable cellarable clarabella Clarabelle claribella closed␣ball colabelled collatable collembola colligable collocable coralbells coral␣bells disyllable enrollable expellable falls␣below filletable flabellate flabellids flabellums followable gill␣bailer goalballer illapsable illaudable illeviable illiberals infallible kegel␣balls klebsiella label␣cloud labellable labellings larum-bells lawyerball levellable libellants lowballers Marble␣Hill metalbilly milliberal modellable multilabel paddleball pelletable pickleball pickle-ball pickle␣ball played␣ball pollutable preallable preallably puddle␣ball rebillable recallable refillable relabelled relabeller repellable rerollable resellable rollerball saddlebill scrollable silver␣ball sleazeball slimeballs slime-balls slime␣balls slowballed small␣blues small␣bowel strollable suballeles thrillable tunnelball unalliable unbillable uncallable unfallible unfellable unfillable unkillable unlabelled unmillable unrollable unsellable untellable untellably untillable unwillable valbellite volleyball volley-ball wall␣barley wiffleball
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