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There are 266 ten-letter words containing A, G, H, P, R and Sactigraphs actographs aerographs agriglyphs agrophages agrophytes allographs alphagrams altigraphs angle␣harps angophoras antigraphs apehangers ape␣hangers aphorising arcographs astrograph augurships autographs barographs birth␣pangs caligraphs callgraphs call␣graphs cargoships cargo␣ships catagraphs cerographs chair␣plugs chargeship chatgroups chat␣groups copygraphs cymagraphs cymographs cytographs deathgrips death␣grips demographs diaphragms digraphons durophages dysgraphia dysgraphic echographs eidographs endographs epiphragms ergographs euryphages flowgraphs galumphers gaolership gastrosoph gaugership gephyreans ghost␣ramps girth␣strap glaphyrids glass␣harps gomphrenas grain␣physa grand␣chops grapeshots graphemics graphetics graphettes graph␣holes graphitise graph␣state groupchats group␣chats gryphaeids guardships guard␣ships gyrographs gyrophases hairspring hamperings handgrasps handspring hand-spring haplargids harpagones harpstring hate␣groups headgroups head␣groups headspring heptagrams heptagrids hexagraphs hippograss hippo␣grass histograph hodographs holographs homographs hop␣gardens hygroplasm hypergames hypnograms hypographs hypsograph ideographs idiographs integraphs isographic kamagraphs kymographs lagomorphs Laphroaigs Levi␣graphs lexigraphs line␣graphs logographs lucigraphs manographs marigraphs marographs melographs metagraphs mixographs monographs motographs nephograms niphargids nomographs nosography oleographs omnigraphs oncographs ondographs optigraphs orphanages osmographs paragnaths paragraphs pariah␣dogs parishings parish␣prig park␣lights pasigraphy pedographs pergunnahs perigraphs peshmargas peshmergas pezographs phagoscore phalangers phanseegar phansigars pharyngals phaseogram phasograms phenograms pherograms phonograms photograms phragmites phragmosis phylograms physograde playrights polygraphs post␣hanger pothangers preachings precharges pre-charges preshaping prewashing psychogram purchasing purgannahs push␣dagger pyrographs Pythagoras rachipagus rangership rayographs renographs repechages repêchages rephasings rephrasing reshapings ring-shaped risographs roseophage rotographs saprophage saprophagy sarcophagi sarcophagy scenegraph scenograph sciagraphs sciagraphy sciographs sciography scotograph sedigraphy serigraphs serigraphy seriograph sharpening sharplings sheepgrass shigrampos sillograph sinographs Sinographs sinography sismograph skiagraphs skiagraphy slopegraph sociograph solargraph sonographs sonography sphenogram sphragides spirograph Spirograph sporophagy spreathing springhaas springhalt Springhams springhare springhead stategraph stenograph straight-up straight␣up straphangs stylograph subdigraph supergraph tagosphere telegraphs tephigrams termgraphs tocographs tomographs tonographs topographs tragelaphs typographs unsharping uparchings updraughts vasography viewgraphs virophages whipgrafts whip␣grafts xenographs xerographs xerophages xylographs zigamorphs Pages: 1 2
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