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There are 100 eleven-letter words containing 2A, D, 2E and Face␣of␣spades adafenoxate aforestated after-reward ahead␣of␣time alafenamide animal␣feeds antifederal anti-federal antifeedant barefacedly bat-eared␣fox brazenfaced brazen-faced breakfasted caffeinated candleflame cefamandole ceftazadime dangle␣after Dano-Faroese deaffricate deaf␣waddler defaecating defæcating defaecation defæcation defaecators defailances defatigable defatigated defatigates defaultable defeasanced defeasances defeasaunce defeaticans defeatocrat deflagrable deflagrated deflagrates Deflategate delta␣female desulfatase dexefaroxan doxefazepam face␣diapers faceplanted face-planted Fahr␣disease failed␣state fairleaders fakeclaimed falsecarded fare␣evaders fare␣ladders fatheadedly fatshederas featherhead federal␣case fenadiazole fergawdsake feudataries flagellated flame␣spread flea-brained forged␣ahead forges␣ahead frag␣grenade freaky-deaky Fred␣Astaire free-and-easy free␣and␣easy free␣as␣a␣bird free␣radical freeze-ahead gets␣ahead␣of half␣cadence halfhearted half-hearted head␣of␣state head␣of␣steam headscarfed lead␣sulfate make␣default overhead␣fan pedestal␣fan pulled␣a␣face safeguarded safe-guarded safeguarder steadfaster stem-and-leaf stem␣and␣leaf terfanadine tradefallen wand␣of␣peace waterfalled weasel-faced Years␣of␣Lead
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