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There are 189 eleven-letter words containing A, H, O, 2S and Yabyssoliths acolythists aerophysics agency␣shops agrophysics alcoholyses alcoholysis anapophyses anapophysis anise␣hyssop apophysitis areophysics arthrolysis assholishly asynchronus atom␣physics attophysics Aylesworths baby␣showers band␣skyphos bawdyhouses bawdy-houses bawdy␣houses bayou␣physas beauty␣shops beauty␣shots bodyshamers cantholysis case␣history Chelsea␣boys chrysaloids chrysoprase chrysoprasi daimyoships dairyhouses dandy-horses dandy␣horses day-scholars diapophyses diapophysis dysmorphias dystrophias east␣by␣south East␣Horsley eat␣my␣shorts ethanolysis exapophyses exapophysis fancy␣houses Galsworthys gastrosophy giant␣hyssop glassychord glossohyals glyphosates granny␣shots grass␣hockey gypsophilas haemolysins haemoptyses hæmoptyses haemoptysis hæmoptysis halloysites hautboyists Haydostians hematolysis hemolysates homestayers homolysates honours␣easy hyaloplasms hydatidoses hydatidosis hydroassets hydroflasks hydrospaces hydrostasis hylaeosaurs hypnoblasts hypogeusias hypoglossal hypoplasias hyposexuals hypospadias hypostaseis hypostasise hypostasize hypostatise isopachytes keyhole␣saws Khosrovyans lays␣hands␣on lysostaphin lyssophobia matryoshkas Mothers␣Days Mother's␣Days Mothers'␣Days mysophobias mythoclasts mythoplasms nanophysics navy␣showers notaryships otophysians ovochymases pastry␣shops pathoassays pathosystem phossy␣water photoessays photo-essays photo␣essays photolyases phycoplasts phyllosomas physioballs physiocrats physogastry physogrades phytoclasts playschools polyphasers prochymases psychograms psychonauts psychopaths psychoplasm psychostasy Pythonistas rosary␣shell rosh␣yeshiva royal␣fishes safety␣hoist safety␣shoes saphenously saprophytes schoolyards schoolyears school␣years scyphistoma scyphozoans shabbes␣goys shabbos␣goys shadowishly shadowplays shadow␣plays shantytowns shanty␣towns shower␣trays sinusopathy sissyphobia smithy␣coals soda␣syphons soothfastly soothsayers soothsaying Sothic␣years south␣by␣east southsayers southsaying spasmophily sphaerocyst staphylomas stasimorphy stay␣at␣homes stays␣at␣home stay-stomach stylographs sulphamoyls Sunday␣house symposiarch synaloephas synalœphas synanthrose syncophants syngnathous synthasomes tachyscopes that␣is␣to␣say thyreostats thyroblasts thysanurous transyouths trophy␣cases water␣hyssop yah␣boo␣sucks zymohexases
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 55 words
- French Wiktionary: 126 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 3 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 7 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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