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There are 135 eleven-letter words containing A, M, O, R, U and Yaccustomary acromyodous ailuromancy aleuromancy Almondsbury amorphously apodyterium aptronymous army␣cutworm asymmetrous auroramycin austromancy automimicry auto-mimicry autopolymer baby␣formula caluromyids caluromyine clamorously columnarity computeracy coumurrayin country␣beam country␣hams countrymade Countrymans countrymate country␣team customarily demagoguery deuterogamy documentary dummy␣boards duocarmycin equimolarly eurycomanol fairy␣possum family␣court flavourzyme fulminatory glamorously grey␣tinamou gymnatorium gypsum␣board humiliatory hyalurosome hydrogamous hydromedusa hypergamous hypocarpium hypomutator immunoarray importunacy Lamar␣County lamb␣succory macrophylum macropygous Major␣County malonylurea manducatory manufactory Marin␣County marry␣come␣up marrying␣out marvelously Maryborough Maury␣County mocumentary molecularly molly-guards money-guards monoaurally monocularly monumentary moral␣injury mosqueyards mosque␣yards Mourning␣Day mucociliary mucronately multibaryon museography myocardiums myocellular myovascular myricaceous myxomavirus neurocytoma nonmaturity nonmortuary numerolatry numeromancy ombudsmanry on␣your␣marks outmarrying oxymuriatic paramountcy paramountly paronychium perfumatory permutatory polyamorous polyandrium polyandrums polymavirus polytraumas polyzoarium propylaeums pulmonarily pyromucates pyromusical quadrectomy Rayo's␣number runway␣model smoky␣quartz stimulatory sublimatory submajority subnormally supermayors tremulatory true␣anomaly unamorously uncomradely uncustomary uniformally unmemorably unmomentary unremovably untemporary unworkmanly urodynamics yogurt␣maker Youngermans Your␣Majesty
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 35 words
- French Wiktionary: 84 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 54 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 13 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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