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There are 163 eleven-letter words containing A, 2R, T, U and Yagrindustry anteriourly antisurgery argumentary army␣cutworm Arthur␣Daley articularly at␣every␣turn aurotherapy Austerberry Barry␣County beautyberry biquarterly brandy␣fruit Bures␣St␣Mary buttery␣bars canterburys carrying␣out cat␣burglary century␣year circularity circulatory clay␣courter country␣park countryward countrywear courtyarded cruroplasty cryocautery cryptoquark culinary␣art curatolatry current␣year Curry␣Mallet curry␣pastes curry␣plants cutleryware depurgatory drusy␣quartz Dry␣Tortugas early␣return eurythermal eurythermia expurgatory extraduraly fairy␣butter fruit␣brandy frustrately frustratory fucktardery furfaggotry granularity granulatory grapefruity gratulatory Hartleyburn hot␣burglary hyperauthor hypermature interjugary interlunary irrefutably January␣term labouratory Labour␣Party Leatherbury lithargyrum lubricatory lucubratory lunar␣theory marrying␣out nonmortuary nontreasury numerolatry objurgatory oracularity outcarrying outmarrying paraunitary parturiency party␣juries party␣puffer pastry␣flour perfumatory permutatory perturbancy pluriparity pourtraying preauditory prematurely prematurity procuratory purifactory pyrolatrous quark␣theory quarry␣light quarrystone quarry␣tiles quarry␣water quarterboys quarter-days quarter␣days quarternary radiopurity rapturously redargutory redcurranty regular-duty repudiatory restauranty reticularly right␣you␣are ringularity rubythroats rudimentary runaway␣star Runyakitara Starr␣County staurolatry straw␣buyers strike␣a␣jury subcontrary subliterary suborbitary subtreasury superhearty superstarry Surrey␣Heath surrogately Tatarbunary tetrauranyl there␣you␣are Tiraturyans trabeculary translunary treasury␣tag tremulatory trial␣by␣jury tributarily tributyrate tundra␣tyres type␣erasure typogravure tyrannosaur ulnar␣artery ultracrispy ultradryest ultraluxury unairworthy unarbitrary undertyrant uniliterary unportrayed unpredatory untemporary untributary urinary␣cast urogenitary uterography water␣turkey yogurt␣maker your␣servant Ystrad␣Fflur
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 30 words
- French Wiktionary: 90 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 28 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 6 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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