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There are 113 twelve-letter words containing 3A, B, O and Tabacinations abalienation abathochroal abbacination abdicational aberrational abevacuation ablactations ablaqueation ablationally ablutomanias Abrasax␣stone acanthamoeba affabulation affabulatory agateophobia agrobacteria agrohabitats Alaotra␣grebe Albanisation allobarbital amathophobia ambulatorial amobarbitals anabantiform anterolabial antiabrasion antianabolic antisabotage anuptaphobia aprobarbital aquablations arabinonates Arabisations Arabizations aromatizable ascalabotans astrolabical autoabstract autocallable autoclavable aviatophobia back-annotate back␣catalogs balanoplasty ballast␣wagon balletomania banalisation banalization Baraga␣County Barbary␣Coast basal␣tomenta bat␣a␣thousand bolmantalate bona␣vacantia Brahmapootra branchiomata Broadway␣flat buccopalatal cap␣carbonate carbamoylate carbazotates carbolactams cataloguable Daytona␣Beach geodatabases habitational haematoblast halobacteria intraamoebal isocatabases isokatabases Kota␣Kinabalu labanotation labiolateral labiopalatal labio-palatal laboratorial laboratorian Labrador␣teas mackinaw␣boat macrohabitat make␣a␣habit␣of makurakotoba Malabar␣Coast Mala␣Subotica masoola␣boats Massoola␣boat nanobacteria nonadaptable nonadiabatic nonpalatable not␣have␣a␣bean oxocarbazate palaeobotany palæobotany paleohabitat panabinostat para-biathlon para␣biathlon parabotanist propagatable sabotageable Satanophobia sebastomania South␣Arabian steamboatman Tabata␣method Tantarabobus tough␣bananas tromba␣marina waterboatman water␣boatman
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