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There are 99 twelve-letter words containing A, C, E, P, R and Wactive␣powers bow␣and␣scrape brown␣pelican callawapores camp␣follower camphorweeds candlepowers candle␣powers Cape␣Farewell capperclawed capstan␣screw carpet␣washer central␣pawns chapelwarden clapperclaws clown␣therapy coal-whippers computerware Cooper's␣hawks Cowper's␣gland cowtastrophe cow-tastrophe crack-the-whip crack␣the␣whip crawling␣pegs crawthumpers credits␣warps creepy-crawly crowdpleaser crowd-pleaser crowd␣pleaser crownophanes crow␣pheasant cryptowallet crypto␣wallet cupboardwise cyberweapons garlic␣powder impact␣winter leopard␣crawl microweapons mort␣wap-apace narrow␣escape Newport␣Beach nonworkplace Norway␣spruce nuclear␣power optical␣power paddywackery Pascal's␣wager Patrickswell peacock␣worms pelagic␣trawl pitcher-bawds Planck␣powers plasticwares postcardware postcode␣wars power␣balance power␣factors power␣vacuums practicewear prawn␣cracker princess␣wand puncturewala scrape␣and␣bow sea␣whip␣coral shadow␣priced shadow␣prices spacewalkers space␣weather space␣writers sparrowcides special␣wards spherical␣cow squaw␣carpets swamp␣coolers swampwatcher sweat␣scraper talcum␣powder wallcreepers wanker's␣cramp warmup␣jacket warm-up␣jacket waste␣pickers waste␣product watchkeepers watch␣parties water␣caltrop water␣pockets water␣princes waterscaping water␣spinach wave-particle whipcrackers whipped␣cream whitecappers winterscapes writer's␣cramp
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 6 words
- French Wiktionary: 8 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: 54 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 22 words
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