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There are 60 twelve-letter words containing A, 2F, N, R and Uaffine␣groups antidandruff antisuffrage Barnum␣effect buffalo␣thorn chauffeuring creamy␣snuffs cuff␣on␣the␣ear dandruffless dandrufflike effleuraging farther-flung farther␣flung faultfinders fenfluramine firefountain fire␣fountain frame-fucking frame␣fucking frankenfruit frankfurters Frankfurters Frankfurtian fraudfulness full-frontals furfurations Gurdjieffian insufferable insufferably insufflators off␣one's␣guard on␣sufferance overfanciful Pufendorfian ragamuffinly raggamuffins ratline␣stuff ruffianizing shaft␣furnace staff␣surgeon sufferations sufferaunces suffragating suffraginous train-of-fours unaffirmable unaffordable unaffordably unafforested unaffrighted unbufferable underbailiff understaffed undiffracted ungraffitied unrebuffable unrebuffably unsufferable unsufferably untrafficked
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