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There are 110 twelve-letter words containing A, K, 2L, O and Raeolsklavier alkaliferous alkylboranes alkylboronic allokotosaur alpha-blocker alpha␣blocker archimollusk arkeological bachelorlike backtrollers backtrolling baulk␣colours black␣howlers black␣poplars broken␣plural bullock␣carts carboxyalkyl cauldronlike chloralkalis chloroalkane chloroalkene chloroalkyls choke␣collars clasp␣lockers collarmakers collarmaking Colorado-like crack␣willows doubletalker double-talker double␣talker drop␣a␣bollock earshell␣work elevatorlike elevator␣talk ergoalkaloid Farallon␣Rock Farewell␣Rock floorwalkers floor-walkers floorwalking fluoroalkane fluoroalkene fluoroalkyls fly␣like␣a␣rock forkliftable gallowsmaker gargoylelike halywercfolk hologramlike holy␣mackerel hydroxyalkyl kallstroemin Kartvelology karyological keratolimbal killographic kilocalories kilorayleigh knollenorgan Knollenorgan knopper␣galls know-it-allery Kodori␣Valley kyriological lacklustrous lacrosselike Lake␣Elsinore leavelookers leukorrhoeal lokiarchaeal Maryknollers Oldfield␣Park overlookable Parks␣College Pembroke␣Hall pillar␣blocks platformlike Plimsoll␣mark pollakiurias pulsar␣clocks realpolitiks regular␣folks relationlike roach␣killers rockabillies rock␣and␣rolls rollbackable rollerskated rollerskater rollerskates roller-skates roller␣skates salmon␣killer shock␣collars silk␣elevator ski␣patroller sockdollager tailor's␣chalk tallowmakers teleworkable tracking␣poll trolley␣jacks trolley␣parks Turkological unsailorlike untailorlike walk␣the␣floor yellow␣streak
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 9 words
- French Wiktionary: 57 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 155 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 55 words
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