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There are 80 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, M, S, T and Watomic␣weapons awesometastic bantamweights blow␣tomahawks caraway␣thymes catawampously catawamptious crawl-a-bottoms Dawley␣Hamlets drain␣the␣swamp draughtswoman dwarf␣tinamous it's␣a␣man's␣world law␣of␣majestas low-water␣marks mackinaw␣boats mackinaw␣coats Maeotian␣Swamp majority␣draws Martha␣Stewart masterweavers megawatt-hours Menzerath's␣law mineral␣waters mountainwards musical␣sawist permanent␣ways pipe␣tomahawks railway␣stamps reawakenments sampling␣straw scarlet␣macaws see␣the␣same␣way shawl␣material smart␣motorway sumptuary␣laws swamp␣oak␣trees swampwatchers swamp␣white␣oak sweatermakers sweet␣marjoram takes␣away␣from Tasmanian␣wolf temporalwards time's␣a-wasting tomahawk␣chops tomahawk␣marks tomahawk␣steak Two␣Ladies␣name upstreamwards Waltham␣Forest warm␣transfers warmup␣jackets warm-up␣jackets waterchambers waterman's␣knot water␣measurer water␣moccasin weather-gleams weathermakers Weimarisation West␣Glamorgan West␣Hampstead West␣Macedonia West␣Palm␣Beach whataboutisms what␣is␣her␣name what␣is␣his␣name Whatman␣papers whatshisnames whatsitsnames what's␣your␣name white␣admirals Widmanstädter winter␣salamis withdrawalism within␣ames␣ace womanizations womanservants woodcraftsman
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 9 words
- French Wiktionary: 27 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 101 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 29 words
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