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There are 159 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, O, 2T and Yabsorptometry acetobutyrate actionability activity␣books ambystomatids ambystomatoid aminobutyrate antibiotyping antiobscenity antisymbolist antivibratory atomic␣battery atomizability auditory␣tubes autobarotropy autophobicity autostability baby-cut␣carrot bacteriocytes bacteriolytic bactotryptone ballistometry barotropicity barytocalcite Bastrop␣County bathyplankton bathyteuthoid battle␣royales battles␣royale beauty␣contest beauty␣factory beauty␣product binormativity biomethylated biomethylates bioreactivity biostatically biostratinomy biosystematic biotinylating biotinylation bipotentially birationality blastomycetic blastomycotic Brandt's␣myotis brandy␣bottles Braxton␣County break␣the␣story butanoylation butoxyethanol butylcatechol butyrolactone butyrylations Catawba␣County cobalt␣therapy cogitabundity combatability commutability compatability compatibility computability confutability contact␣binary coyote␣tobacco Crosby␣Garrett cryostability cryoturbation crystobalites cytoblastemas erythroblasts exportability factorability fathomability grylloblattid Hackney␣Bottom had␣it␣both␣ways halostability has␣it␣both␣ways hemocytoblast hospitability hot␣laboratory hydrotubation hypostability importability incontestably isobathytherm ketobutyrates know␣any␣better Labette␣County laboratory␣rat Lambton␣County mesostability metabolopathy metabolotypes metamolybdate methoxybutane molestability monostability myoblastocyte myoblastomata negotiability nonratability nontaxability noticeability notifiability obstetrically obtainability orbital␣cavity orientability out-Byzantined out-Byzantines overstability pathobiotypes pathosymbiont pathosymbiote photolability phytobacteria pituitary␣body pocketability pointy␣bracket polystability postorbitally profitability promotability protuberantly ratoonability ready␣to␣be␣tied reportability restorability retroorbitary rotary␣beaters smoothability South␣Yuba␣City Stanton␣by␣Dale status␣symbols stereotypable stream␣the␣buoy sublittorally suboptimality sub-optimality subpathotypes subtrajectory symbiotic␣star sympathoblast tailorability Talybont-on-Usk tautosyllabic teddy␣bear␣coat tetracarbonyl thermobattery thiomolybdate trabeculotomy tributary␣load tubomanometry tubulinopathy turbinoplasty uncontestably unforgettably
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 23 words
- French Wiktionary: 78 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 11 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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