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There are 52 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2E, F, R and Xanteroflexids anteroflexing autoprefixers bat-eared␣foxes coffee␣extract deferroxamine desferoxamine draft␣excluder enrofloxazine excarnificate excursion␣fare exhaustifiers expanded␣forms ex-stepfathers extrafeminist extrafoveally extraspecific falx␣cerebelli fauxgressives fenpyroximate ferrioxalates ferrioxamines flat␣rate␣taxes flexographers furanoepoxide hexafluorides hexofuranoses hyperreflexia ibrexafungerp in␣exchange␣for lateroflexion lateroflexive lateroflexors Lombard␣reflex Matrix␣defense mechanoreflex metareflexive niggerfuxated niggerfuxates overexfoliate plantarflexed plantarflexes reflex␣cameras reflex␣hammers reflexionally reflexographs Tax␣Freedom␣Day tetraflexagon transfer␣exams transfer␣taxes ultraflexible xenotransfuse
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